英语人>词典>汉英 : 有本事的 的英文翻译,例句
有本事的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有本事的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Caroline : They're not that good, but I'm glad you like them.


Even the most ill-natured horses can be ridden by the right kind of rider.


You see, anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can conquer a piddling little disease, can't they?


Footballer David Beckham's ability to polarize opinion has seen him included in both lists.


You're the one with the right stuff.


The poor way "the star tyrant" hears the frontline propaganda, is unable to restrain to laugh, smiles, then uses the gloomy machine sound to return to the covered passageway unguardedly:"Ha ha, has the original story to graze a horse, disputes one, the surrender, the surrender has any meaning, we may all be the robot warrior, we exist one day to have to fight one day, because we are unable to look like you to enjoy the life equally!"


The best way to protect yourself against any disaster in life is to become the most skilled person you can be.


The best way to protect yourself against any disaster in lifeis to become the most skilled person you can be.


There are huge pools of capital sloshing through the financial system, looking for competent money managers.


Don't be too many, is a chat room management, you shall not die, two?? Should step down, which have complained that the step down, just talk, just inside the regulations for the administration of the drill chat room, in this loophole screamed out that down.?


更多网络解释与有本事的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


事实上,我当时根本就不知道"民族"(ethnic)一词的含意. 我到那时还没学过人类学,但已听一位同班同学讲到过施坚雅(G.WilliamSkinner)教授. 那个同学听过施教授一门课,说他"挺有本事,但有点乏味". 1967年冬季那个学期,

Come and get it, four-eyes:有本事过来抢!四眼田鸡

Excuse me, sir. I think you're sitting in my favorite seat.|对不起,先生 你坐了我最爱的位子 | Come and get it, four-eyes.|有本事过来抢!四眼田鸡 | Now cool it, Rocky.|冷静点!


阿喀琉斯说过这话就坐下了. 人堆里卡尔卡斯(Calchas)站了起来,他是最有本事的通神者,知道过去,晓得未来. 正是他凭着福玻斯阿波罗赋予他的神术,将亚该亚人的战船引到了伊利昂(Ilion). 怀着对众人的善意,这时他说道:

injury time:伤停补时

原来1911 TEKTON的机芯上链摆陀透过雕刻的工艺,变成一个足球,再加上专为足球赛而设的四十五分钟计时与伤停补时(Injury time)功能. Ebel就是有这个本事,不理大表潮流,专心开发有趣独特的表款.


对自己拉皮条(pimp)的本事还是很有信心的,也许我还能给loli白和她迷恋的肖水带来同样的惊喜. 在白豹豹消失的日子里,我可以自恋了. 那是力比多(libido)投射的另一个方向,也是我能够孤独终老的理由. 我翻出了几年前写的诗歌:

If you have what it takes,you can work up to the presidency of the company:如果你有本事,你可以升到公司总裁的地位

2.rise to a higher position;advance 晋级;步... | If you have what it takes,you can work up to the presidency of the company.如果你有本事,你可以升到公司总裁的地位. | 3.stir up;rouse;excite 鼓动起来,激起...


高中四年学业成绩均名列前茅,今秋将进入宾州大学主修商业及工程的高龙翔,与其他五名同是学校长跑校队(Cross Country Team) 队员,共同出资在毕业纪念册(yearbook)上的"长跑校队"广告中,以"长跑得有本事"(Cross Country Takes Balls,


"企图,说老实话本姑娘还真的不想当什么神使,有本事你把我放了,我立马走人,在你的眼前消失的干干净净. "知道这个祭司不会也不敢那么做,伊莲过着口.瘾(yin)故意挑.衅着.

i expect more from a representative of a college:我以为校代表会更有本事一点

check.|完成 | i expect more from a representative of a college!|我以为校代表会更有本事一点! | and the toast?|那祝酒的事怎么算


(五)南传<<小部>>(Khuddakanika-ya),大小十五经,其中主要的有六种:1.法句(Dhammapada),相当汉译的<<法句经>>及<<法句譬喻经>>. 2.自说经(Uda-na),此即优陀那,汉译中没有. 3.本事(Itivuttaka)相当汉译的<<本事经>>. 4.经集(Suttanipata),