英语人>词典>汉英 : 有总苞的 的英文翻译,例句
有总苞的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Single leaf alternate, oval to lanceolate , there is a clear and thick jagged edges or deep cleft, base wedge-shaped, with petiole, the first capitulum solitary or a few stems and branches set born in the top of the outer phyllaries green multi-layer, strip, edge membranaceous; tongue Flower-shaped yellow, red, purple or white or light green.


Inflorescence terminal, an umbellate or corymbose cyme, few flowered; involucres and bracts deciduous or occasionally persistent.


Flowers epigynous, small, bisexual or staminate, regular, in simple or compound umbels; umbellules few to many-flowered; rays often subtended by bracts forming a involucre; umbellules usually subtended by bracteoles forming an involucel.


Pistil ca. 1.5-2 cm; corolla white with purple spots, tube 3-3.8 cm, abaxial lip ca. 7 mm; petiole 2-6 cm; leaf blade margin weakly serrate to nearly entire, with vermiform sclereids surrounding vascular bundles; involucre 2-2.5 cm in diam.

约的雌蕊1.5-2厘米;花冠白色具紫色斑点,筒部厘米,背面唇约7毫米;叶柄2-6厘米;叶片边缘身体虚弱的有锯齿到近全缘,具蠕虫状的sclereids 围绕维管束;总苞2-2.5厘米直径 3 Hemiboea bicornuta 台湾半蒴苣苔

Inflorescences axillary, cymes of unisexual flowers; male ones usually pedunculate; female ones pedunculate or sessile, bracteose, rarely with discoid receptacle and involucre.


Spathelike involucral bracts ca. 2 cm or more; plants hairy, less often glabrous; leaves more than 6 cm.

Spathelike的总苞片约2厘米或更多;植株有毛,小的通常无毛;叶超过6 厘米 6

Inflorescence a terminal or leaf-opposed spike, with 4, rarely 6 or 8, white, petal-like involucral bracts at base.


The highest total flavonoid rate was 1.127%. An all-round evaluation for the antioxidant activity of the flavonoids extract from zizania-bract was carried out with that of ascorbic acid as the control. The evaluation indexes included the cleanup rate of the polyphenolic extract towards superoxidized anionic radicals, hydroxyl radicals, DPPH free radicals, the deoxidizing ability, and the antioxidant activity towards the peroxidize of lipids and edible oils.


Inflorescences solitary, axillary, often pedunculate, seated on a receptacle; receptacles at first broadly subcampanulate, soon expanded, of unisexual flowers; male and female inflorescences often separate or sometimes mixed in same receptacle, rarely male ones capitate or cymose without receptacle; involucral bracts in 1 or 2 whorled rows along margin of receptacle.


Seed cones terminal, 1-4 together, at pollination shortly cylindric-ovoid, ca. 12 × 8 mm, later becoming ovoid or subglobose, 1.8-4.5 × 1.2-4 cm; bracts glaucous or rather glossy, broadly ovate or triangular-ovate, base with short claw 1/5-1/2 × total length of bract, distal part gradually narrowed toward pointed apex, 1/14-1/5 × total length of bract.

短在传粉,顶生的球果,1-4 一同卵球形,约×毫米,过后变得卵球形或近球形, 1.8-4.5 * 1.2-4 厘米;苞片有白霜的或相当有光泽,宽卵形的或三角状卵形,基部具短瓣爪 1/5-1/2 *苞片的总长度,对于尖的先端的上部逐渐狭窄, 1/14-1/5 *苞片的总长度。

更多网络解释与有总苞的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(一)苞片(bract)和总苞(involucre)有些植物具有能捕食小虫的变态叶,称为捕虫叶(图3-124). 具捕虫叶的植物,称为食虫植物(insectivorous plant)或肉食植物(carnivorous plant). 捕虫叶有囊状(如狸藻)、盘状(如茅膏菜)、瓶状(如猪笼草).


总苞有刺,管状花花冠极深裂--菊科菜蓟族. 具体形态--矢车菊属(Centaurea)的外来花卉. 原产欧洲.

Colchicum autumnale:秋水仙

包括6族,比较著名的有秋水仙(Colchicum autumnale);中国产2族,只有2种,即山慈姑(Iphigenia indica)与嘉兰(Gloriosa superba). 百合亚科(Lilioideae)鳞茎. 茎直立,具1枚至多枚叶;花排成顶生的总状花序或近伞形花序,或单朵顶生,不具总苞;


2、无花果属(榕属)(Ficus) 木本,有乳汁. 托叶大而抱茎,脱落后在节上留有环痕. 花单性,生于中空的肉质总(花)托(称隐头花序或称隐花果)的内壁上,总(花)托口部为覆瓦状排列的总苞片所封闭;雄花被2-6片,雄蕊1-2,




③翅果(samara)翅果的果实本身属瘦果性质,但果皮延展成翅状,有利于随风飘飞,. ④坚果(nut)坚果是外果皮坚硬木质,含一粒种子的果实. 成熟果实多附有原花序的总苞,称为壳斗. 通常一个花序中仅有一个果实成熟,也有同时有二三个果实成熟的,


总(花)托口部为覆瓦状排列的总苞片所封闭;雄花被2-6片,雄蕊1-2,雌花分结实花(长花柱花)与瘿花(短花柱花)两种,后者不能结实;花柱侧生,子房1室,1胚珠.瘦果小.3,构属(Broussonetia) 落叶木本,有乳汁.雌雄同株或异株;


外萼的;有外萼的 calyculate | 外萼 calycule | 萼状总苞;副萼 calyculus


involucel 小总苞 | involucrate 有总苞的 | involucre 总苞


Asteraceae)苍耳属(Xanthium)植物,为一年生杂草,广布欧洲大部和北美部分地区. 有些权威认为该属有15种,有的认为仅24种. 苍耳雄花花序圆而短,在雌花花序之上,雌花包在一绿、黄或褐色卵圆形的总苞内,总苞外有许多钩状刺和两个大的角状刺.