英语人>词典>汉英 : 有原则的 的英文翻译,例句
有原则的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有原则的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm a person of principle.


I'm a person of principle. I do NOT compromise.


What do you want to be when you grow up?


In life, a man of principle prefers to die with dignity instead of living in disgrace.


JE'OI02、I'm a person of principle. I do NOT compromise.


"Josiah Henson was a man of principle," she said firmly.


Zha is a landlady of principle, and that may be the reason for her reputation.


There's a certain logic to that.


The only case in which the higher ground has been taken on principle and maintained with consistency, by any but an individual here and there, is that of religious belief: a case instructive in many ways, and not least so as forming a most striking instance of the fallibility of what is called the moral sense: for the odium theologicum, in a sincere bigot, is one of the most unequivocal cases of moral feeling.


When I took office, I was determined to set our relationship on a sturdy, principled footing.


更多网络解释与有原则的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

black-letter law:(普通接受之基本原则的)黑体字法

binding interpretation 有约束力的解释 | black-letter law (普通接受之基本原则的)黑体字法 | black nation bar association 全美黑人律师协会


交流者 Communicators | 有原则的人 Principled | 胸襟开阔的人 Open-minded


principate 元首统治 | principle 原则 | principled 有原则的

for principled unity:主张有原则的团结

off shore 离岸 | for principled unity 主张有原则的团结 | in the rain 淋着雨

remunerative:有报酬的, 有利的

Benevolent adj.慈善的,亲切的, 和蔼可亲的 | Remunerative有报酬的, 有利的 | Liberal principle自由原则

scrupulous: a.1:有顾忌的,有道德原则的 2.细致认真的,一丝不苟的

scruple: v.(由于道德原因而感到)迟疑不安,踌躇,顾忌 | scrupulous: a.1.有顾忌的,有道德原则的 2.细致认真的,一丝不苟的. | scrutinize: v.详细检查(观察),细看

T Tenet:原则 有原则就会少很多麻烦

S:STUDY学习 学习才会跟上身边优秀的男人 | T:TENET原则 有原则就会少很多麻烦 | U:UNDERSTAND理解 宽容的女人更容易被理解

T Tenet:对事业,对感情,对他人,对自己.有原则是成功的保证

S---Sagittarius,他的星座,还有他西语名字的首字母. | T---Tenet,对事业,对感情,对他人,对自己.有原则是成功的保证. | U---Unsure,我要随性生活.未来太遥远,我只想过好现在的每一天.

uti possidetis:占领地保有原则

未确定时日的 sine die: without a date | 占领地保有原则 uti possidetis | 民事责任 civil liability

X xyst:最喜欢走这些有树荫的小路~多少还算浪漫

W wish 希望!只有希望才有梦想!一个人无论何时也不能没有希望! | X xyst 最喜欢走这些有树荫的小路~多少还算浪漫~ | Y yesterday 今天的我永远强过昨天的我!这样才有资格面对明天的我!活着的原则!