英语人>词典>汉英 : 最高分 的英文翻译,例句
最高分 的英文翻译、例句


high run · highest mark · highest score
更多网络例句与最高分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How can you get top marks and stay up late at night working at restaurants or retail jobs?


Five tasks are assigned to perform, the scores are calculated after finishing all the tasks (note: my blue team wins the champion).


In our study the average of closure ratio was 0.85, Bowen ratiowas used to evaluated the change of energy component on the soil condition of paddy field, the results showed this ratio will be changed when soil tension was 40 centibar during the maximum tillage stage of rice.


That equals 27.1. Divide that by three and it's 9.0333, the threes going out forever. Thus she was second. Which, all the same, didn't make it any easier. Because even if the math is right, it's logically still just naturally tough to get.


Please rate the preferance on ESPRIT by using the following factors, 1-5, 5 is the highest.

请依 ESPRIT 在各个因素的表现给予评分, 1-5, 5为最高分

The highest speed between hurdles of Liu Xiang surpass the average speed of the other 8 top 110m hurdlers' technique in world track and field championship in Paris France 2003 . The number of the clearance of hurdles in a high speed is as many as others.


When the loaddecreases, blocks will be freed until the high-water mark is


The Lakers were impressed when Odom successfully fought through a torn labrum in his left shoulder toward the end of last season, finishing with a career playoff-high 33 points in Game 5 against Phoenix.


The lues must win five of their last nine games to retain their Premiership crown but they can also create a new points record and can finish with 102 points if they win all their remaining games .


Interestingly, it was the first time this year that the Grizzlies won with Mayo as the high scorer.


更多网络解释与最高分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brunel University:布鲁内尔大学

布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University)是一所优秀的英国公立大学, 一直以其优质的研究,教学品质和与工商企业界良好的关系闻名于全世界. 该校的工程、法律及财经学科等是其强项学科 ,一直位于英国大学专业排名的前十名,在官方的研究质量评估中获得5分的最高分.


厨师(Cook)只背责筹备,腌造和烹调食品. 纲后有四万多家西餐馆遍及澳洲大大大大的乡村,固然每年都有大量的大厨师涌进澳洲,但仍旧知足不了其需要质,其中里正点师不只可以获得职业评价最高分60分,因为在紧缺专业中,


最高分速)- 外孙女尼娜(Nina)贝罗尼18365羽冠军- 外孙女佩姬小姐(Miss Piggy)贝罗尼18365羽冠军-阿碧斯20261羽4位- 曾孙女莱拉(Lara)贝罗尼38955羽冠军-翔特利22571羽5位*飞戈(Figo)本身家族:母: B01-3076093 吉娜(Gina)

grand average:总平均分

最高分(一次击球) high run | 总平均分 grand average | 击球犯规 foul stroke

Becky Hammon:贝姬-哈蒙

印第安纳狂热后卫KT-道格拉斯(Katie Douglas),圣安东尼奥银星后卫贝姬-哈蒙(Becky Hammon)分别当选本周东西部最佳球员(POW). KT本周连续两场打出30+,7月28日创下了个人生涯最高的34分记录,当时也是2009年WNBA赛季最高分,


所以那次考试我就选择了同性恋(homoerotism)的话题和他讲. 这下他可来劲了. 最后他给了我全班最高分. 由此可见,媚俗是相当重要的,不管是媚中国人的俗还是媚外国人的俗. 我怀疑他是被委派来对我们进行和平演变的.

Allen Iverson:阿伦.艾弗森

阿伦 - 艾弗森 (Allen Iverson) 效力球队: 活塞队 位置:后卫 球衣号码: 1 号 生日: 1975-6-7 年龄: 35 岁 身高: 1.83 米 (6 英尺 0 英寸 ) 体重: 75 公斤 (165 磅 ) 出生地:维吉尼亚州汉普顿 进入 NBA 时间: 1996 年 NBA 球龄: 13 年 生涯最高分: 60 分 尺寸推荐: M:170-180左右,

Judd Trump:特鲁姆普

丁俊晖9-2横扫"英国神童"贾德-特鲁姆普(Judd Trump),并且在比赛中打出百分杆,凸显出中国公开赛冠军的本色. 盖瑞-威尔金森(Gary Wilkinson)在第九局中打出单杆117分,这是今天的单杆最高分. 大卫-吉尔伯特(David Gilbert)在第二局打出108分,


草地早熟禾各品种草坪耐寒指数评分为7.2~8.6差异为1.4分;最高分是康尼(Conni)、优异(Merit)为8.6分,最低分是巴林(Balin)为7.2分. 高羊茅各品种草坪耐寒指数评分为6.6~7.8差异为1.2分;最高分是猎狗(Houndog)、凌志(Barlexxus)为7.8分,

high score:最高分

hard,困难; | high score,最高分; | hint,提示;