英语人>词典>汉英 : 最方便地 的英文翻译,例句
最方便地 的英文翻译、例句


at one's convenience
更多网络例句与最方便地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Want to be completed in addition to its general editor of the commonly used features, mainly because we wanted to achieve a convenient, flexible framework, developers can easily develop new functionality.


Most conveniently, all sizes and offsets can be specified using simple infix expressions.


On tne basis of reviewing the metnod of calculating firm energy of draw-down period and considering the conflicts between the hydropower and irrigation water requirement, this paper proposes a modificative method, applying multipurpose decision of system engineering combined with incremental dynamic programing with analysis to obtain an optimum program which would yield the maximum economic benefit.


First the new total losses calculation method is implemented by means of the classification of variable loss and invariable loss. Hereby, the optimal voltage curve corresponding to the minimum total losses could be conveniently obtained according to the given torque curve. Then the calculation and implementing method for optimal voltage under every running condition are put forward by use of on-line measured field input quantities.


That was the representative and pure democracy that prevailed in our homeland, except that the Yankees whimsically imposed ruthless and heartless petty tyrants when it was most convenient to their interests for better defending their properties from landless farmers and employed or unemployed workers.


In this experimental system, the main feature is that user can do some basal operation expediently using graphical interfaces, namely loading the existent data sets or creating new data sets, and choosing different kernel function to train the SVM classification, which can classify the given data correctly, it shows the result of classification and comparison of performance intuitionally.


For each of the KP-ONE provides the most convenient, in the best and most tempting is the flag of goods King's mission, which is also our brand concept, and consistently put into practice.


Its purpose is to provide quick and easy access to Notaries, and allow you to find the most convenient Notary in whichever part of the country you require.


China was carried out in October 2005 western the mark sex project that develops the strategy greatly, world Shanghai unplugs the downy railroad with highest, the longest line -- be well versed in of safety of green the whole line Tibetan a line, knot card Tibet is illogical from of old the history of railroad.


What approach can be most effective, most convenient way to make this expansion of breeding sheep?


更多网络解释与最方便地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


彩妆是 香皂保鲜盒(Crisper)主要用于食品保鲜. 保鲜盒采用树脂材料制成,一般耐温范围:最高温120℃,最低温-20℃. 保鲜盒不仅方便实用,而且可以将食物分门别类地存放. 保鲜指南针(Compass)是用以判别方位的一种简单仪器.

dump truck:自动倾卸卡车

他的特长是两臂可以作为打桩机,方便地穿过防御系统他的口头禅是:"我不会破坏规则,但我会最大程度的改变规则"右腿-(绿色):卡特圣诞节英文祝福语彼勒(Caterpillar)773B型号自动倾卸卡车(Dump Truck)左臂-(XX):神


最方便的比较物体--虽则仅仅勉强地可以应用--即我们总是在我们眼前具有移动时不变的物体,是我们的手和足(feet)、我们的臂和腿. 最古老的度量名称清楚地表明,我们最初用一手之宽(handbreadth)、前臂长(forearmsells)、脚长(英尺)(feet)、步度(Paces)等进行我们的测量.

file transfer:文件传输

Internet向用户提供的各种功能称为"Internet的信息服务",其最基本的服务方式是电子邮件(E-mail)、文件传输(File Transfer)和远程登录(Remote Login). 为了帮助用户从浩瀚的信息海洋中方便地获取信息,人们又开发了一系列信息检索服务,


改不会是这群兽人造房子的时候把人家的宝箱一起搬来了吧?......我汗!靠......看了看自己的技能,虽然没有迷雾形态(Mist Form)这个最重要的利器,但是暂时能在外面混了!有了漂浮(Levitate)和诱惑(Charm)的帮助,我能够很方便地和一群敌人周旋




8位数字-模拟转换器(DAC),它们能方便地与大多数通用微处理器接口.这些器件是8位,乘法(multiplying)DAC,具有输入锁存以及与随机存取存储器写周期相类似的装载周期(load cycles).分段(segmenting)高阶位可使最高有效位变化期间内的闪变为最小,


网络管理者可以通过INMS的图形用户接口(GUI)建立跨域连接,并进行多域网络的协调管理. (4)服务管理系统(SMS)是ASON网络管理系统的最高层,它可方便地实现对各种新兴网络服务的管理,例如光虚拟专用网(OVPN)和按需带宽分配(BOD)业务.

Moral suasion:道德勸說

第一,亚洲一些国家的管理当局有能力通过行政控制和道德劝说(moral suasion)来限制离岸银行从在岸银行借得国内贷币和证券的能力,所以那些能够最方便地出入国内经纪人市场,例如投资银行、国内银行和公司的投资者最有可能成为市场的领导者.


展出的Cindy创作的最近期"小丑"(Clowns) 系列里,她又开始参与角色扮演,并使用数码技术,在画面上更为方便方便地运用蒙太奇,并让背景充满更为绚丽的欢乐色彩,以此来对比西方文化中丑角自古以来所代表的矛盾意象与社会隐喻,