英语人>词典>汉英 : 最后分析 的英文翻译,例句
最后分析 的英文翻译、例句


ultimate analysis
更多网络例句与最后分析相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For each layer-divide symbol appeares regularly in weave diagram, the layer-divide symbol is affirmed first,then the attribute of each yarn and weft is fixed,the weave of each layer is analyzed at last. As to leno fabric, the reverse side of the fabric should be analyzed, tell the crossing warp from normal warp before drafting the looming draft.This paper introduces the method to analyze this kind of complex fabric through above two examples.


The article discussed intangible assets to analyse the purpose of the evaluation and characteristic, analyse the content frame of the evaluation and index to intangible assets, from investment, yielded to put forward conception with the respect such as value, analysed the problem that the attention wants in analysing an opinion finally.


The mechanism of the impact of satellite-city on urbanization is industrialization and the third industry development and so on. Finally, with careful analysis on the problem in the development of satellite-cities, The article expound the question existing of satellite city : the disparity in urban and rural areas is great, the great difference between satellite-city and central district, the problem of the peasantry who lost glebe and so on. The article defined the function of each satellite-city and put forward policy advice.


This paper applies a software ANSYS to calculate the bridge of Kazi gulf in three-dimensional entity model, compute the left bridge under the initial and the gravity before gather together, carry on left bridge and the whole bridge'mode analyses, finally analyze the left bridge under artificial seismic waves.

本文应用大型有限元软件ANSYS 对卡子湾大桥三维实体模型进行分析,计算左桥合拢前在预应力和重力组合作用下的应力状况,进行左桥和整桥的模态分析,最后分析左桥在人工地震波作用下的动力时程反应。

This thesis introduce the concept, character, and domestic and foreign circumstance of modern distance learning, analyze the possibility of developping distance learning, clarify the character and requirement of modern distance learning, after that using stream media technology to analyze the theory of technology, research the realization of stream media and the synchronization video courseware with teach planning and the encryptting method of stream file. At the end of this thesis, it research software and hardware system of distance learning, choose the phototype of the system, research system structure, flow and character.


The sixth part: Studies on the dynamic changes of soil retention function value of ecosystem in YUYANG District. Utilized ERDAS8. 5 to interpret the remote sensing image and get LUCC data and vegetation information of YUYANG District. Utilized R2V5. 5 to digitize administrative map, topographic map, vegetation picture, soil distribution map and meteorological website map. Utilized ARCINFOR8. 3 to change every digitization layer to the same projection, to generate Tyson polygon, to structure DEM and do vector polygon overlay. Utilized ARC VIE W3. 3 to obtain the grid data topographic slope and slope length from DEM data of YUYANG District, and then, turned every coverage layer into grid layer and do grid polygon overlay to gain data about dynamic changes of value of soil retention of ecosystem in YUYANG District, at last, the author analyzed the features of the spatial-temporal changes and its reason.The seventh part: Studies on the dynamic changes of fixing drifting sand against wind function value of ecosystem in YUYANG District.


This thesis dedicated to research the investment control of BT project, researched the risk in the program construction, the compose portion and the factors effecting the investment. The research includes the conception and the character of the BT project; the actualize process and the questions should be pay attention to; the conditions of BT contract and the sector of the compose poison of the contract price. In this part researched the conception of the BT purchase price and concluded that the relation between the purchase price and the investment. Then studied the risk factors that effect the investment according to the character of the project and then brought forward several advices of the contract item about how to share the risk. Studied compose sector and it's calculatingly methods of the construction cost which is the main part of the investment, then studied how to control the cost during the construct process and analyzed project variations as well as how control that. In the end, researched the capital cost of BT program, the main content include the concept of the capital cost, the calculatingly methods using the engineering economic method, the method writer suggest in the thesis according to the project practice, how to control the capital cost, mainly through setting up an account and inspecting it, and regulating the program financing rate in reason.


The structure of this article is as follows: Firstly, the background of this article is stated in exordia and the question was raised; chapter one stated cash flow management theory and transnational corporations' cash flow management characters; chapter two introduced general cash flow management technical and method; chapter three analysis cash flow management situation of Chinese transnational corporations; chapter four take VW as an example to expatiate company situation and the impact to cash flow management by the organization of the company, the goal of cash flow management and financing strategy, then introduce the cash flow forecast module, at last analysis the experience and disadvantage of VW's cash flow management; Chapter five give some suggestions to Chinese local transnational corporations for cash flow management including: using proper cash flow management technical and establish scientific process, ect.; the last part is the conclusion This article took VW's cash flow management as an example to descried transnational corporation cash flow management theory and practical issues, but some techniques can only be used in some country where can exchange currency freely; it can not be practical in some foreign exchange administration countries including China, such kind of cash flow module still under discussion based on theory.


In the third chapter, Structural analysis, the author starts with " the ternary quality " and "the non-ternary quality", and specifically analyzes the form of the four scherzos, and then analyzes the function of each paragraph from the main theme section to the coda of the four scherzos. Finally the author analyzes the overall structural arrangement of the scherzos.


Then the intellectual control technology of vacuum circuit breaker is discussed particularly. As a control object, the bi-stable permanent magnetic actuator is separated into basic principle so as to determine the nature of the whole. The direct-coupled models of magnetic fields for analysis and for calculation are presented. The static and dynamic characteristics of the models and dynamic behavior analysis and matching analysis for the vacuum circuit breaker with bi-stable permanent magnetic actuator are also discussed. For a further study, fuzzy neural network control technology based on synchronized-closing operation of vacuum circuit breaker is analyzed and the research conclusion is used for realizing the synchronized-closing of vacuum circuit breaker in the future.


更多网络解释与最后分析相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Critical Path Analysis:关键路径分析

采用生产工程常用的"关键路径分析"(Critical Path Analysis)去优化工作流的结构,从而制定一条以人手为主要生产力量的流水作业线进行大批量的生产. 最后,经过大量人手、有条不紊、分工精细和按部就班的将纸张切割、折叠、粘贴等流水作业工序,

Posterior distribution:事后分配

"最后分析","post mortal analysis" | "事后分配","posterior distribution" | "事后(后验)机率","posterior probability"

Prynne'sFinalReturn:白兰的最后回归 文学

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Prynne's Final Return:白兰的最后回回

On Jane Eyre's Contradictory Characteristics 对简.爱辩论格的分析 | Prynne's Final Return 白兰的最后回回 | Tess: A Pure Woman -An Analysis of Tess'Tragic Fate 苔 丝:一个干净的女人-对苔丝悲剧命运的分析

ultimate analysis:最后分析

ultimata 根本的原理 | ultimate analysis 最后分析 | Ultimate Reality 上帝

ultimate analysis:元素(化学,最后)分析

UHMW polyethylene-liner material 超高分子量聚乙烯内衬材料 | ultimate analysis 元素(化学,最后)分析 | ultimate expansion 远景扩建

ultimate reality:上帝

ultimate analysis 最后分析 | Ultimate Reality 上帝 | ultimate 最后的

contrastive analysis:对比分析法

"教师"主要运用"对比分析法"(contrastive analysis)进行教学. 系统地分拆和比较任何两种语言结构上和句型上的区别叫做"对比分析法". 对比分析的重点是两种语言在语音、词法、句法和词汇方面的相异之处. 最后,谈一谈教学法问题.


ultimacy 终极性 | ultimata 根本的原理 | ultimate analysis 最后分析


最后,分析了工件在加工后,利用已知温度的方法,模拟出温度造成工件体积膨胀之热弹塑性变形,以及雷射平板热作(hot work)加工成型过程其热弹塑性分析,并与可取得之相关文献之数据相比较.