英语人>词典>汉英 : 最低限度地 的英文翻译,例句
最低限度地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与最低限度地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I told Ismail ambiguously that our actions were the minimum that public opinion would tolerate.


The technology is easy to create and cost of incorporating the IR device into a system is in barest minimum.


Designed to be breathable, it is effective in keeping heat and moisture buildup to a minimum for more comfortable sleep.


Critical limits, preventive measures and control methods were set up, which reduced the hazard factors and improved the safety on the deepfreeze vegetable.


Secondly,the "geometrid effect" in economics also exists in Chinese criminal judicial practice;in respect that the exertion institutions of public right discretionarily interpret the magnitude of the power without a correspondence between power and responsibility.


The burden of their ecumenical testimony has been that genuine unity can be achieved not on the basis of the least common denominator among Christian churches but in agreement upon the totality of the common tradition contained in the ecumenical councils and authentically preserved only by Orthodoxy.


It is a very slow historical process to cleanup corruption root and branch. But at the same time, it is possible to control lowness of the corruption in the special periods of social history.


To our tolerance of such a system there would indeed be some limit; but even if we were convinced that the social danger of the evasion of punishment through false pleas were overwhelming, and were forced to extend the area of strict liability, we would wittingly be choosing between two distinct principles: the utilitarian principle which justifies punishment by its propensity to protect society from harm, and a principle of justice which requires us to confine punishment to those who have broken the law and had at least some minimum capacity to comply with it.


These are topically absorbed insecticides, which require minimal applications for maximum protection for your pet.


This article attempts to shorten the distance between the writer, the hero in the writer's novel and the reader by an analysis of war-weariness with Hemingway's war experiences.


更多网络解释与最低限度地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at length:终于,最后;详细地

at least / / 至少,最低限度 | at length / / 终于,最后;详细地 | at no time / / 从不,决不


minimalist 最低限要求者 | minimally 最低限度地 | minimization 最小限度


minimally 最低限度地 | minimization 最小限度 | minimize button 最小化按钮


然而,用户及市场对经济而稳定地大量生产高质量钢铁材料的要求是无限的: a、冶炼高纯度钢,将钢中夹杂物降至最低度; b、进行高速精炼,将钢中杂质元素降至最低限度;c、提高冶金反应速率,减少精炼及生成渣量;d、耐(火)材(料)的熔损;e、减少粉尘 (dust)和喷溅(spitting).

long arm jurisdiction:长臂管辖权

在理论上,人们习惯地将最低限度联系原则称为"长臂管辖权"(Long Arm Jurisdiction)理论. 到了上世纪80年代,最低限度联系原则又得到进一步发展. 1980年国际大众公司诉伍德森(World-wide Volkswagen Corp.v.Woodson)案中,联邦最高法院完全摒弃了传统规则,