英语人>词典>汉英 : 暴富 的英文翻译,例句
暴富 的英文翻译、例句


sudden wealth · suddenly rich
更多网络例句与暴富相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Goes, state of affairs of stage economy progress is by global boast all the time from beggarly jump for upstart leap.


This phenomenon can be called 'Boomtown effect' and these cities 'Boomtowns'.


Mike Kwatinetz of Azure Capital Partners, a VC firm, reckons that many of what he calls "carpetbagger entrepreneurs"—inexperienced youngsters who turned up in Silicon Valley in recent years with a view to getting rich quick—will come a cropper in the downturn because they do not have the foggiest idea of how to turn a profit.

风投公司Azure Capital Partners的麦克。科瓦提内兹估计,许多他所说的"皮包公司创业者",大多数是年轻人,带着一种暴富心理在近年来在硅谷涌现出来,他们将在经济衰退时栽跟头,因为他们没有哪怕是最模糊的盈利概念。

In fact, most people would like to hit upon something that makes them fabulously rich!


Sitting on the ground with her mother and grandmother next to the fetid pool used for one of the scenes in the movie, she said her neighborhood needs schools and jobs, not rags-to-riches dreams.


She indeed lives in a fool's paradise as she always dreams about making a huge fortune overnight.


Arguing that the country's businessmen had got rich improbably quickly, he said they now had to help out.


We later learned that there were no WMD's and that Bin Ladin was far from Iraq and that basically we spent and are still spending billions of our own tax dollars to basically assassinate Sadam Hussein and control oil so that Bush and all of his friends could get rich.


If you are in the money, what will be the first thing that you mostly want to do?


By '76 their popularity and new-found riches caused them to split up.


更多网络解释与暴富相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ponderous 笨重的--胖的要死->笨重 | boff 狂笑--暴富->狂喜 | quaff 痛饮--夸父,追日极渴->痛饮


>(Snow Dogs) 泰德在迈阿密做牙医正做得好好的,突然接到一份遗嘱,让他去阿拉斯加领取一份巨额遗产,这可是飞来横财啊. 带着一夜暴富的美梦,泰德从温暖的迈阿密来到了冰天雪地的阿拉斯加. 但是他的美梦很快破灭了:他想破了头也想不到阿拉斯加的巨额遗产竟然就是这样一队雪橇狗......


概率研究的发展推动了赌博业的发展,世界上不少国家推行一种累积赌注(Jackpot)的彩票. 获奖的机会就像从一迭几百米高的彩票中任意抽出一张来,几率比卡西洛赌场还小,没有人可以预测谁可以获奖,对于那些暴富的人也感到"公平".

Never try to make a quick buck:别想一夜暴富

Can we eat it fresh ? 我们能生吃吗? | Never try to make a quick buck! 别想一夜暴富 | A fussy eater 对吃很挑剔的人

Never try to make a quick buck:别想着一夜暴富

I'm there 我很感兴趣 | Never try to make a quick buck别想着一夜暴富 | I'm a fussy eater我是个对事物挑剔的人

instant riches:一夜暴富

insanity n .精神错乱,疯狂 | instant riches 一夜暴富 | insurance fraud 保险诈骗罪

strike oil:发现油矿; 暴富; 飞黄腾达

smell of oil (作品等)有煞费苦心的迹象 | strike oil 发现油矿; 暴富; 飞黄腾达 | oil and vinegar 截然不同的[水火不容的]东西


upstand /竖柱/ | upstanding /正直/直立的/姿势笔直的/良好的/ | upstart /暴富者/暴发户/傲慢自负之人/暴富的/

He's not going to make a killing that way:他那样是无法一夜暴富的

他坐卧不安. He's on pins and needles. | 他那样是无法一夜暴富的. He's not going to make a killing that way. | 我拼命做两份工. I'm breaking my neck at two jobs.

strike it rich:一夜暴富

mob汇集 | strike it rich 一夜暴富 | frenzy疯狂,狂热