英语人>词典>汉英 : 晾晒 的英文翻译,例句
晾晒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Natural dry chicken manure, it is made from the green frash fowl dung with a disinfection and air-cure.


Left peach garden,got "Gan"square,there air-cure some traditional Chinese drug shizandra berry,the village is a nationwide shizandra distributing center


I like doing this by myself, air-dry clothes, when put on is having myself flavor.


The basking shark, estimated to weigh 2,000 pounds, washed ashore on the town beach a few miles east of Jones Beach.


The very good tung oil's system umbrella air-dries, must after grease many times air-dries only then may use


LS具有以下优点:Farms distributed in the world, already gained the massive experiences in the animals wastes collection, air-dries and even the intensive processing domain, our Kaite Group has developed the LS series automatically fermentating and drying machine in the basic of fermentating and drying technology in various countries.


Palm sandals are hand-knitted by the broad masses of local farmers with the special treatment and fumigated palm as the basic raw materials which grow in the hill ground of sichuan in china.


Cigar refers to tobacco product made by machine or by hand with air-cured tobacco as raw material or with air-cured and cured tobacco as raw materials, with tobacco or cigarette paper and reconstituted tobacco as inner cigarette wrapper and then using tobacco as outer cigarette wrapper.


Other air- and sun-cured tobacco items which are not included in the above mentioned catalogue may be sold at rural or urban trade markets.


Key process for drying and frost cover, due to the different varieties, different drying methods: the production of persimmon in the roof or pad space Shop thatch layer structures will be placed on the open-air drying persimmons peeled.


更多网络解释与晾晒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cable TV:有线电视,节目挺多. 偶们只看过一次,还是羽毛球泰国公开赛

★ Hot Water 独立电热水器,水量还可以 | ★ Cable TV 有线电视,节目挺多. 偶们只看过一次,还是羽毛球泰国公开赛 | ★ Laundry Service 偶们就在卫生间洗得,房间衣柜里有衣架(建议带根绳子方便晾晒)


通过特殊工艺将可吸附碱性异味物质的羧基(Carboxyl)融入到了人造纤维中. 按照普通T恤使用的缝纫线(约100m)量计算,可吸收相当于6张榻榻米大小的房屋内的氨臭. 在洗涤或晾晒过程中排放吸附物质,并恢复除臭功能

air cure:晾晒

air-cooling 空气冷却法 | air-cure 晾晒 | air-depot 飞机场

French window:落地橱窗

15.落地橱窗 (French window) 突出外墙面根基落地的橱窗. 16.阳台 (balcony) 供使用者进行活动和晾晒衣物的建筑空间. 17.眺望间 (view room) 设置在建筑物顶层或挑出房间的供人们远眺或观察周围情况的建筑空间.

These two assertions do not hang together:这两种说法互相矛盾

We all should hang together. 我们应该团结一致. | These two assertions do not hang together. 这两种说法互相矛盾. | hung up挂断电话,挂断,晾晒:

hit the hay/hit the sack:就寝

4 play havoc with对...造成严重破坏ten years havoc | 5 hit the hay/hit the sack就寝 | make hay 利用机会去赚钱/把握时机;( 晾晒干草)


这块石头躺在厨房边上,女佣人常常(often)把洗过的炊具放在上面晾晒,孩子们也常在上面玩耍. 其实,那是一个古老的墓碑. 于是,一家人又谈论起别的事情来. 只有这家最小的一个孩子--他长着一双炯炯有神但有些严肃的大眼睛--爬到了窗帘后面的一把椅子(chair)上,


它现在就躺在院子内,女佣人常常(often)把擦过的炊具放在上面晾晒,孩子们也常在上面戏耍. 它其实是一块古老的墓碑,是从已经拆除的老修道院那边搬来的. "这是卜列本和他的妻子玛尔塔的墓石,他们真是一对好人哇!"年迈的祖父回忆道,


通过时空通道的传送,回到现实世界,再回到街道上,在角落附近的厕所里发现僧侣的僧袍(Robe)晾晒在晒衣绳上,将它取走. 来到酒店,向酒保要了点酒. 喝光后,将这个有柄的酒杯(Tankard)收起来. 酒保身后有瓶绿色的酒,


sundry /各式各样/ | sunfast /晾晒也不褪色的/ | sunfish /翻车鱼/淡水产小鱼/