英语人>词典>汉英 : 普通的东西 的英文翻译,例句
普通的东西 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与普通的东西相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But have something, these things between the good friend are information won't overload, if added very much very much good friend in disorder,meet overload, but now won't overload, when so you watch this news, your heavy visual range on the feeling is spent seeing the thing with a common very big information content than you is to want tall, in post of hair of a lot of people in BBS, big forum can send ten note one day, this is the circumstance of an information overload actually, but why a lot of people still are willing is bubble inside?


It's a scissor summer opening for the pulp our life has clumped recently into. Rust is a hindrance we can slice in spite of.* we are in the meadow we are in the garden planted with pottery shards and the principles of palmistry wherever we are there is plenty of unreal fruit on the trees jicama kiwi extra-ordinary things to eat wherever I am * I want to hunch with you where the berries are flush watch the bushes go green and you blood blue.


It shows them that you went out of your way to choose something out of the ordinary especially for her.


But it was always a great song and dance just to do the ordinary stuff."..............."


My memories become worst, it's so hard for me to memorized a little thing.


As is often the case in nature, the commonest things are the complicated.


As is often the case in nature, the commonest things are the complicated.


Coal is one of the commonest things that people see and use daily.

煤是人们在日常生活中看到和用到的最普通的东西之一 10。

But it was always a great song and dance just to do the ordinary stuff."..............."


Science moes forward , they say , not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like imporoed techniques and tools.


更多网络解释与普通的东西相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我认为"可宣言的(declarative)",就是最精致(elegant)的特性之一. 这是我喜欢静态类型语言(statically typed languages)的理由之一. 你可以说:这是一个双精度浮点数矩阵. 于是很多东西都明了了. 你明白这里的乘法是矩阵乘法而不是普通的数值乘法.

Bass Flute:低音长笛

低音长笛(Bass Flute)是长笛家族中关系疏离的一员. 鲜为人知,甚少制造,甚少演奏. 虽然大家常觉得低音长笛是个新奇的东西,言而跟普通长笛一样,它有着流长有趣的历史. Adam Carse,一个著名乐器收集家和音乐史序家,写道,

Latin grammar school:拉丁文法学校

早期的学校只从一种叫拉丁文法学校(Latin Grammar School)的地方选拔人才,就相当于我们以前的私塾,学拉丁文等很不实用的东西,而且学制很长,也很贵,普通老百姓根本上不起.


X位置:吉他 (Guitarist)松本秀人 (HIDETO MATSUMOTO) 出生於曰本神奈川县横须贺市一个普通的小家庭里. 小时候的 hide 是个胖子,小学一年级就有150cm,70kg的身材. hide 对於自己肥胖的外形感到很自卑. hide 的父母强迫他去学习各种东西,


马舍雷在他的>(1966)中,将他称之为"幻觉"(illusion)(主要指意识形态)和称之为"虚构"(ficton)的两个术语作了区分. 幻觉--人们普通的意识形态经验--是作家创作依据的材料,但是,作家在进行创作时,把它改变成某种不同的东西,


虽然语言是极普通的东西,"语言学"(linguistics)在常人眼里却是一门枯燥的学问;至于"语言学史"(history of linguistics),岂非更加乏味?但若能脱出专业技术史,上升至科学史、文化史和社会发达史的层面,视域将大为拓宽,对象将更其丰富,


你真的应该忘记"沉思"(meditation)这个词,因为它已经被滥用了. 这个词的普通意义是深思、思考、考虑,在这个环境中,它已经显得过于苍白无力. 如果你想要理解沉思的本质,你就必须忘记它,因为你不可能用词汇来衡量一个不能衡量的、而且什么工具都不能测量的东西.

fabric softener:柔顺剂

她说,刚刚改用了一个说是含有纤维柔顺剂(Fabric Softener)及加进了香味的洗衣水. 我叫她立即用清水重洗衣服,将来要用最普通的洗衣粉,因为很多所谓「多功能」的洗涤用品中,往往加了酚甲烷(Bisphenol A),这东西很容易引起风疹.

Oh, um:哦,嗯

Lost things? Why are you fiddling with that junk?|丢掉的东西, 你为什么要和没用的垃圾一起? | Oh, um...|哦,嗯... | Well, they were just so unusual.|他们只是很普通而己.


在普通的事件中又可分为洁净(clean) 和不洁净(unclean). 不洁净的东西借着洁净之礼可以成为洁净,但它仍然是普通之物,必须经过成圣之礼才可以成为圣洁. 洁净与不洁净这两个词需要进一步的解释. 不洁净( ),包含的意思乃是不正常(abnormal),