英语人>词典>汉英 : 映入眼帘 的英文翻译,例句
映入眼帘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
greet  ·  greeted  ·  greets

leap to the eyes · heave in sight
更多网络例句与映入眼帘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Entering the palace courtyard, is the first thing in front of a large carpet of grass and different posture old trees, lawns surrounding some bodhi tree planting and other tropical trees.


The emphasis was helped by the speaker's square wall of a forehead, which had his eyebrows for its base, which his eyes found commodious cellarage in two dark caves, overshadowed by the wall.


Input Www.nbcsxf.com/ningbohua, of greet is page of peaceful wave claver, the website coulds there be besides the introduction wave word origin, still have the project such as phoneticize of peaceful wave word, input method and electronic dictionary, do not need a teacher to be able to learn peaceful wave word easily.


Dry deciduous forests represent early stages in succession and are replaced by moist deciduous forests away from water courses, which, in turn, are succeeded by tropical semi-evergreen climax forest.


Closer, closer, and not far from a familiar figure come into view.


Come into view, first and foremost, is throw in the hall of the 7-year-old grandson schoolbag.


The thought of Paul Smith, come into view is that the classic color colorful stripes.

一想到 Paul Smith ,映入眼帘的就是那色彩斑斓的经典彩色条纹。

I always like to stand in the window to see the scenery, this is because very few come into view is the width of the sky, endless hope.


At the reception area, the highlight is an 8750 Walking Dragline model accompanied by a 49HR Blast Hole Drill which are very impressive and let visitors know immediately what our business is along with our photo displays of underground products too.


After a lapse of four minutes the glimmer of his candle was discernible through the semitransparent semicircular glass fanlight over the halldoor.


更多网络解释与映入眼帘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


正面映入眼帘的是悬挂在西墙上的一个大镜框,里面的挂图上密密麻麻地印满了 KKR参与交易的各个公司的徽标─西芙韦(Safeway)、金霸王(Duracell)、RJR 纳贝斯克(RJR Nabisco)、碧翠丝(Beatrice),挂图正中是一张黄色的存款凭证─这家传奇的公司成立于1976 年 5 月 1 日,

burst upon the view:突然映入眼帘

burst up | 爆炸, 失败, 垮台 | burst upon the view | 突然映入眼帘 | burst upon | 突然来到

Colin Farrell:柯林.法瑞尔

Jackson) 柯林-法瑞尔(Colin Farrell) 米歇尔-罗德里格兹(Miche...一些QQ会员的QQ空间可以说是五彩斑斓、绚丽多姿,只要点击他们的空间,首先映入眼帘的开场白--欢迎动画(OCC)就能给你的视觉带来不一样的冲击与震撼!

come into view:映入眼帘

8、 很快地过去,飞逝:speed by | 9、 映入眼帘:come into view | 10、鸟瞰:in bird's eye


立刻,铜制的诵经台(Lectern)映入眼帘,台上是亨利六世的小雕像,这是1509-1528年间任院长的罗伯特.汉寇本的礼物. 两边都有奢华程度不同的厩(Stall),从普通的到极其华丽的. 国王学院唱诗班在亨利六世建造礼拜堂同时设立,

Maybelline New York:美宝莲纽约

" 2008年12月5日,北京,国际一流 彩妆品牌 美宝莲纽约(MAYBELLINE NEW YORK)隆重宣布其护肤系列全球首发突破上市!打开"种籽之门",步入到一个深邃安静的水世界,通过这个静谧纯净的空间后映入眼帘的是通透明亮、令人心旷神怡的主会场,在

speed by:很快地过去,飞逝

7、 实现愿望:fulfill the dream | 8、 很快地过去,飞逝:speed by | 9、 映入眼帘:come into view

ins Auge fallen:映入眼帘

etwas vor Augen haben 在心目中 | ins Auge fallen 映入眼帘 | etwas zum Ausdruck bringen 使...表达出来

strike the eye:引人注目, 映入眼帘

strain one's eyes 集中视力;因用眼过度而损伤视力 | strike the eye 引人注目, 映入眼帘 | strike one's eye 引人注目, 映入眼帘

be greeted by:映入眼帘的是

步入 step into | 映入眼帘的是 be greeted by | 历代王朝遗留下来的稀世珍品 rare and precious objects left by past dynasties.