英语人>词典>汉英 : 昔年 的英文翻译,例句
昔年 的英文翻译、例句


in former years
更多网络例句与昔年相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These, then, were the provinces, so extensive, so populous, and so warlike, which Caesar Augustus, about fifty years ago, brought to such a condition of peace, that whereas they had never before been free from serious wars, they were now, under the governorship of Gaius Antistius and then of Publius Silius and of their successors, exempt even from brigandage.

大约50年以前,凯撒·奥古斯都元首将这样的行省带进了和平之境,此前他们从未在严重的战祸下享受过和平,如今却在总督盖乌斯·安提斯提乌斯、普布利乌斯·昔利乌斯及其继任者的治下安享和平,甚而至于强盗都销声匿迹了。以上细节参见阿庇安《罗马史》上卷·第六卷 III/XI/XIII/XVI 诸章节

The inscription was found in 1926 at Cyrene, Libya, Africa.


History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides, 1972 [431~424 BC]), the Magna Carta (Danziger and Gillingham, 2004), and The Travels (Marco Polo, 1958 [circa late 13th Century]) provide just three examples of works in which trade, markets, marketing and concerns for societal welfare were themes.

伯罗奔尼撒战争史(修昔底德, 1972年[ 431 ? 424年]),大宪章(齐格和吉林厄姆, 2004年),以及游记(马可波罗, 1958年[大约晚13世纪] )提供公正的三个例子工程其中贸易,市场,营销和关注的社会福利的主题。

Endometrial thickness increased with the duration of tamoxifen use at the rate of 0.51 mm/year in the periodic treatment group, and 0.73 mm/year in consecutive treatment group.

结果 使用他莫昔芬1年以后,周期用药组、连续用药组、对照组平均内膜厚度分别为65±1.4、10.2±2.0和42±1.2。

Emperor Caesar Augustus, pontifex maximus, holding the tribunician power for the seventeenth time, proclaims: If any persons from the province of Cyrene have been honored with Roman citizenship I command that they nonetheless shall discharge their compulsory public services among the body of the Greeks in their proper turn, except those persons to whom by a law or by a decree of the Senate, by my father's or my own decree, the citizenship was granted with exemption from taxation.


Http://bbs.cqzg.cn Emperor Caesar Augustus, pontifex maximus, holding the tribunician power for the seventeenth time, proclaims: If any persons from the province of Cyrene have been honored with Roman citizenship I command that they nonetheless shall discharge their compulsory public services among the body of the Greeks in their proper turn, except those persons to whom by a law or by a decree of the Senate, by my father's or my own decree, the citizenship was granted with exemption from taxation.


Callimachus of Cyrene (305BC-240BC), Chief Librarian of the Alexandria Mouseion, wrote "A Collection of Wonders around the World."


METHODS: Collaborative meta-analyses were undertaken of 194 unconfounded randomised trials of adjuvant chemotherapy or hormonal therapy that began by 1995. Many trials involved CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil), anthracycline-based combinations such as FAC (fluorouracil, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide) or FEC (fluorouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide), tamoxifen, or ovarian suppression: none involved taxanes, trastuzumab, raloxifene, or modern aromatase inhibitors.


Legio III Cyrenaica,(from Cyrenaica, a Roman province), was a Roman legion probably levied by Mark Antony around 36 BC, when he was governor of Cyrenaica.


Children of treatment group were treated by genciclovir with 5 mg/kg i.v.


更多网络解释与昔年相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如在英语中的 "代数"(algebra)一词,是从阿拉伯语中直接引用过来的词汇,一直使用到今天, 可见当时阿拉伯人在数学方面的强盛. 但是,在这近百年来,我们已经远远今不如昔了,正所谓"三十年河东,四十年河西".


其它事项:OCC于公元1909年首次在非洲狮子山(Sierra leone)与自由城(Freetown)海上的Sherboro Island被发现,并被视为SJO的不同地方型;其后陆陆续续在狮子山与昔称为Gold Coast的迦纳(Ghana)均亦有发现,最后则被定名为OCC.


自十三世紀以來,便以Tabla、Dhaolak、Naal手鼓、簧風琴(Harmonium)和著領唱與對位重唱的男聲,引領真主信眾進入恍惚狂喜的忘我境界. 承襲百餘年家學淵源的努斯拉法帖阿里汗,其歌聲如古昔韃靼健駒,狂馳於大漠天際,轉板拔尖迅如電光石火;


[42] 卡斯瓦累夷人原先住在德国西北部哈斯(Hase)附近,公元58年迁至鄂尔登堡(Oldenburg). [43] 弗累昔夷人住在爱姆斯河以西之北海沿岸一带,约相当于令之荷兰东北部. 现在这一带海中的弗累昔安群乌(FrisianIs)即因此而得名.



so his flames must waste away:炽热情怀似等闲

as old time makes these decay,韶华度尽玉容老, | so his flames must waste away.炽热情怀似等闲. | but a smooth and steadfast mind,昔年爱意非转薄,

