英语人>词典>汉英 : 易拉罐 的英文翻译,例句
易拉罐 的英文翻译、例句


zip-top can · pop-top can · ring-pull can
更多网络例句与易拉罐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

40000 Production bottles / hour bottled beer production line and 9000-18000 cans / hour filling cans production line, product quality and service by the users.


At present, Lhasa Beer comes in three types of products: bottled beer, canned beer and Lhasa Golden Beer.


I went canning. My first time in thirty-four years.


But as time went on, I had a lot of time to kill, so I would spend more of it out there canning.


She opens the case and removes a knife and an soda can.


Using developed optimal model for Ring-Pull Can size design,the optimal solution of cylindric can size design and the suboptimal solution of frustum of a cone on cylinder as well as CCB-1A can size design are botained.


Aiming at the current existing problems of study and fabrication of national aluminum sheet used for easy-open can without being pay more attention to the effects of intrinsic metallurgical defects , a new idea to link organically with hot deformation process in the study of the aluminum sheet used for easy-open can has been put forward by author.


With two harvests per year, Kaye said the homegrown fertilizer is sold at the local farmers market.


I would like to this point, regular smoking was a friend to see his home white ceiling will understand. 2 Try not to eat in front of the computer laptop or open cans of fruit.

我想这一点,经常吸烟的朋友看看自己家原本洁白的天花板就会明白的。2 尽量不要在笔记本电脑前吃水果或者是拉开易拉罐

If everyone in the country bought one soft-drink can each day and threw it away,there would soon be a huge mountain of rubbish


更多网络解释与易拉罐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be made from discarded tiles:由被废弃的瓦片制成

57. be made from old glass bottles that are glued together 由粘合在一起的旧玻璃瓶制成 | 58. be made from discarded tiles 由被废弃的瓦片制成 | 59. be built out of used soda cans 用用过的汽水易拉罐建成

pop can:易拉罐

以空间换取时间trade space for time | 易拉罐pop can | 一揽子购买lump-sum purchase; basket purchase

online love affair:网吧 Internet bar 、网恋

92. 脱口秀 talk show | 93. 网吧 Internet bar 、网恋 online love affair | 94. 易拉罐 pop can

hair-thin/ razor-thin profits:蝇头小利

7.乱七八糟 at sixes and sevens | 8.蝇头小利 hair-thin/ razor-thin profits | 9.易拉罐 poptop ~ bottle, container, to pop open

滞销商品 unmarketable goods 众矢之的:target of public criticism

易拉罐 pop can 舆论导向 direction of public opinion | 早恋 puppy love 占便宜 profit at others' expense | 滞销商品 unmarketable goods 众矢之的 target of public criticism

Sean Fields - Fusion Remixed:撕牌还原

扑克预言Peter Duffie - MonuMental | 09撕牌还原Sean Fields - Fusion Remixed | 09颤栗(灵异易拉罐)Shudder by Dee Christopher

self-service shops:自选商店

易拉罐 pop-top; pull-top; flip-top; ring-pull can | 自选商店 self-service shops | 旅游业 tourism; the tourist industry; tourist services

bank outlets:网点

易拉罐 pop can | bank网点 bank outlets | 收入 invisible incoming; off-payroll incoming; side cash


caffe freddo 冰咖啡 | bibite 饮料 | bibite in lattina 易拉罐装饮料

bibite in lattina:易拉罐装饮料

bibite 饮料 | bibite in lattina 易拉罐装饮料 | bibite in bottiglia 瓶装饮料