英语人>词典>汉英 : 易懂 的英文翻译,例句
易懂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与易懂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stay clear of the price of the product and other things that would be out of context such as slogans or jingles. The idea of advertorial is its editorial nature, meaning contact information such as a website discreetly noted at the end of the story has more appeal.


Remember to explain complex product details within the storyline. Although an advertorial entertains as it informs, complicated products may require more attention on the latter.


At the heart of this book there is a man, him, who has to learn everything of what he experiences among the peoples of Amazonia.


Wang Zhichun knew that these details were difficult to comprehend, and said,"Not exactly. But they're like bacteria. Under the right conditions, amitosis proceeds at an amazing speed."


It has certain reference value in drawing animated cartoon software controlled by automation programe, the scientific research, the simulated imitation of producing process and applications of CAI .


I'm buying several copies of The Laws of Simplicity and giving them to friends for Christmas. Its approachability and brevity make it a great gift for the busy entrepreneur.


Is it take as idiom , one characteristic of proverb to signify, language in article can appear their subject meaning directly among the structure, But it can through some apt thing, phenomenon having three-dimensional janitoring and showing idioming, meaning of proverb vivid that understand, so as to make people apter to understand the idiom , proverb.


Characters and arithmetic expression evaluates, with a simple C language, ideas simple and understandable.


In this design characteristic is simple, easy to understand, the basic block, is the beginner good choice.


Writes in a limpid style; lucid directions; a luculent oration- Robert Burton; pellucid prose; a crystal clear explanation; a perspicuous argument.


更多网络解释与易懂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


浅显易懂(Conspicuous) 确保别人收到和弄懂你想告诉他们的东西. 不要拐弯抹角. 人们每天得到大量信息,不想只读你的东西. 你的工作就是千方百计让人们收到并理解你的信息. 可信(Credible) 除了你自己要诚实,信息也要可信. 员工都知道,

Her speech was a double Dutch:不易懂

I don't have a red cent.--身无分文. | Her speech was a double Dutch--不易懂. | After listening to his speech, I was boiling with rage.--怒不可遏.

Easily Understood:易懂

简化招募说明书包括基金的关键和重要信息,如投资目标、风险特征、目标投资者、费用情况等,并要求以清楚(clear)、简洁(concise)、通俗易懂(easily understood)的文字表述.

Easily Understood:清晰易懂的, 明了的

Fascinating 迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的 | Easily understood 清晰易懂的, 明了的 | Incorrect 不正确的

Easily Understood:清楚易懂的, 明了的

Fascinating 迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的 | Easily understood 清楚易懂的, 明了的 | Incorrect 不正确的

Easily Understood:清晰易懂的

Expected 期待的, 盼望的 | Fascinating 迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的 | Easily understood 清晰易懂的,


分辨出identify;recognize | 不易懂的elusive;hardtounderstand | 展开unfold


lucent 透明,明亮的 | lucid 明亮的;清晰,易懂的 | luculent 明晰的

lucidness:清楚易懂, 明晰; 神志清醒 (名)

lucidly 清透地; 透明地 (副) | lucidness 清楚易懂, 明晰; 神志清醒 (名) | Lucifer 晓星, 金星; 黄磷火柴; 魔王, 撒旦 (名)

pellucidly:透明地; 明晰地; 易懂地 (副)

pellucid 透明的, 明了的, 澄清的 (形) | pellucidly 透明地; 明晰地; 易懂地 (副) | pen computer 手写输入计算机