英语人>词典>汉英 : 昏睡状态 的英文翻译,例句
昏睡状态 的英文翻译、例句


in a trance
更多网络例句与昏睡状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be that as it may, I want you to imagine me writing a novel in a state of trance.


This spell turned put all the creatures on the planet in a comatose state.


And if your inner child is comatose from disuse, midlife is a good time to revive him or her.


Hibernation is a physiological adaptation to environmental factors in animals. It also can increase survival during extreme conditions. Lizard, phrynocephalus przewalskii, which is a natural hibernator is endemic to China.


And it's my personal belief, I lapsed into a coma.


Let us now consider the Way of Self-induced Trance, where our starting-point in not from a dream but from waking life.


You must make sure your physical body is in a trance.


Below the circumstance that lacks passion, spirit is in condition of a kind of lethargy, have regular job impossibly, can produce psychogenic disorder even.


Sam and Dean investigate a small town in Wisconsin where children are falling into comas for no apparent reason.


To venture out of our landing craft, we use avatars -- Na'vi lookalikes grown organically and mind-controlled by humans who remain wired up in a trance-like state on the ship.

翻译是:人类使用 avatars 来冒险走出登陆舰艇,而 avatars 是些由仍然待在船上,呈昏睡状态的人类,所有机生长并以心智控制,跟 Na'vi 很像的东西。

更多网络解释与昏睡状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

clouding of consciousness:意识混浊

2、意识混浊(Clouding of consciousness)状态:意识模糊,对外界反应迟钝,强刺激方能引起反应. 常有理解、定向障碍,以致对问题理解与应答常有错误. 吞咽反射、角膜反应与对光反应存在,可出现吸吮、强握、舔唇等原始动作. 3、昏睡(Soper)状态:意识水平降低程度较上述二者深,


意识混浊又可根据清晰度障碍和轻度不同而区别为嗜眠(sopor)、昏睡(coma). 所谓朦胧状态是意识内容的变化. 从生物学角度看来,在机体生存的适应活动中,由发达的中枢神经系统产生的主观性这一侧面,可称为意识. 脑生理学家认为,

I get pretty groggy:我相当糊涂了

The attack of flu left her feeling very groggy .她患流感後非常虚... | I get pretty groggy .我相当糊涂了. | Although she was groggy , she managed to flash me a grin. 尽管她处于半昏睡状态,但仍尽力向我露出...

lethargic stage:昏睡期

letharge 勒 | lethargic stage 昏睡期 | lethargic state 昏睡状态

lethargic state:昏睡状态

lethargic stage 昏睡期 | lethargic state 昏睡状态 | lets of the fourth leaf 第四叶上的小叶


narcoma 麻醉性昏睡 | narcomania 麻醉药癖 | narcose 麻醉状态的

Severed Hand:断手

02. Comatose 昏睡状态 | 03. Severed Hand 断手 | 04. Marker in The Sand 埋在沙堆里的纪念碑


comatose | 昏睡的, 昏睡状态的 | comatula | 放射状海百合,海羊齿 | comatulid | 放射状海百合,海羊齿

dwindling:缩小, 减少

comatose: 昏睡状态的, 昏睡的 | dwindling: 缩小, 减少 | dire: 可怕的


麻醉剂--硫喷妥钠(Sodium thiopental),商品名为喷妥撒 (Pentothal),它使囚犯进入昏睡状态. 这是一种巴比妥酸盐,静脉给药时具有引起一般性麻醉的作用. 根据国际特赦组织的报告,在大脑中这种药品可以在30秒内达到有效临床浓度.