英语人>词典>汉英 : 明证 的英文翻译,例句
明证 的英文翻译、例句


clear proof
更多网络例句与明证相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was no evidence for a strong association between moderate alcohol consumption and HF without antecedent coronary artery disease.


That is true for entire civilisations and also for individual states in their era of most rapid ascendance, as attested by the history of Venice, Portugal, the UK, Germany and the US, among others.


If ye backslide after the clear have come to you, then know that Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.


The level of interest rates paid by the biggest CEE banks to governments as part of the bail-out package of 8-10 per cent is proof of the scale of the problems.


Spanish clothier Zara, which is challenging haute couture by taking upscale apparel mass market, is a case in point.


Everything that is certain, in his natural experiencing and thinking life, he therefore subjects to methodical criticism with respect to the conceivability of a doubt about it; and, by excluding everything that leaves open any possibility of doubt, he seeks to obtain a stock of things that are absolutely evident.


They believe therein; but those of the Sects that reject it,- the Fire will be their promised meeting-place.


In accordance with what has already been said, we now formulate, as an initial definite question of beginning philosophy, the question whether it is possible for us to bring out evidences that, on the one hand, carry with them - as we now must say: apodictically——the insight that, as ''first in themselves, they precede all other imaginable evidences and, on the other hand, can be seen to be themselves apodictic.


Husserl later in his career distinguished two d ifferent k inds o f "absolute" evidence, namely, adequate evidence and apodictic evidence.


N Adequacy is a property of evidence, and one of the types of absolute evidence that Husserl identifies.


更多网络解释与明证相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

attest to:作为或提供某事物的明证

1. cool one's heels等下去 | 2. attest to作为或提供某事物的明证 | 3. apocalyptic天启的;预告未来灾祸的

But Calvary:除了耶稣受难的那片髑髅地

Nothing to show 无以明证 | But Calvary. 除了耶稣受难的那片髑髅地. | AS if some little Arctic flower, 仿若北极的一朵小花,

cool one's heels:等下去

20. sip啜 | 1. cool one's heels等下去 | 2. attest to作为或提供某事物的明证


到了1965年,再度如法炮制,把"执行秘书"改作 "总干事" (Director General). 这次更巧用程序规则,连条文都不需修改. 对此,杰克森教授风趣地说,"[只要]缔约方全体想抬高他们首脑的官衔与威望,就可换'三顶帽子'戴,此乃奉行求实方法的明证. " (二)关贸总协定解决争端的非司法性


我在田野里遇到(meet)与我灵魂沟通的那个目标,也就是找到我存在的其中一个意义. 古人说,人以文传,以及文以人传. 文章是让别人认识自己的工具,是用来见证自己作为存在的明证. 当我们的存在受到威胁,我们无法考虑实现存在意义的方法;

Morgan Stanley:摩根斯坦利

新浪科技讯 美国东部时间11月5日晚上(北京时间11月6日早上)消息,摩根-斯坦利(Morgan Stanley)分析师玛丽-米克(Mary Meeker)发布预测称,新一轮互联网发展热潮正在到来,Google、雅虎、eBay、亚马逊等网络龙头市值不断增长就是明证.

nonaggression pact:不侵犯条约

或者是左派政党为了支持古旧的民族国家,而遗忘它一向坚持的反战主义;而毋宁是这两种运动均能估量其成员的忠贞心意,这种忠贞心意不会因政策的突然转变而受干扰,以致背叛,这可以从德俄两国缔结互不侵犯条约(nonaggression pact)中得到明证.

nonaggression pact:互不侵犯條約

或者是左派政党为了支持古旧的民族国家,而遗忘它一向坚持的反战主义;而毋宁是这两种运动均能估量其成员的忠贞心意,这种忠贞心意不会因政策的突然转变而受干扰,以致背叛,这可以从德俄两国缔结互不侵犯条约(nonaggression pact)中得到明证.


②确信是如此的甜美和宝贵,并且是值得等待的;它的价值远胜过红宝石,俄斐(Ophir)的黄金不能与之相比. 神爱的确信是祂拣选我们的明证,这是天使的喜宴;除此之外他们还有其余的喜乐吗?就像米迦说的:我还有所剩的吗(士十八24)?照样,


...2008年9月21日 关于伊斯兰教的斋月: 斋月(Ramadan)是伊斯兰教历九月. 系阿拉伯语"莱麦丹"的意译. 因教义规定,穆斯林在该月履行五大天命之一的斋戒功课,故名. >'云:"莱麦丹月中开始降示>,指导世人,昭示明证,