英语人>词典>汉英 : 无角的动物 的英文翻译,例句
无角的动物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pollard  ·  pollarded  ·  pollards

更多网络例句与无角的动物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During experiment, LC50 of bleaching powder in 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168 hours were get; LC50 of trichloroisocyanuric acid powder in 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours were also get.


The most primitive hornless deer, mostly small animals, represented by the ancient Java Mouse-deer.


Depending on which account you read, imoogi are immature dragons that must live for 1000 years before becoming a dragon or, alternatively, cursed, hornless beings that are unable to become fully-fledged dragons.


Any of several small, deerlike, hornless ruminants of the genera Hyemoschus and Tragulus native to the tropical rain forests of central Africa, India, and southeast Asia.


Large dosage of shang lixio by oral or inunction can inhibit twisting reaction by acetic acid,but hasn't specific analysict effect,can inhibit inflammation of animal by croton seed.


Biological Activated Carbon Filter could provide ideal habitats for invertebrates, but invertebrates may lead to aesthetic problems and adverse health effects of drinking water. This paper studied the invertebrates in biological activated carbon filters in a water plant of the south of China during Sep. 2006 to Sep. 2007. The results implied that BAC filters were colonized by invertebrates, in which 23 species of invertebrates were found, the dominating organism group was the rotifer, and others included Copepoda, Cladocera, Oligochaeta, Nauplii and Nematoda.

生物活性炭(Biological activated carbon, BAC)滤池能够为无脊椎动物提供理想的生境,但无脊椎动物可能给饮用水带来负面的健康效果和感观问题。2006年9月~2007年9月,对南方某水厂BAC滤池无脊椎动物滋生状况进行了为期13个月的调查研究,共发现无脊椎动物23种,优势类群为轮虫,其他类群还有桡足类、枝角类、寡毛类、无节幼体、线虫等。

The biomass of zooplankton changed relatively intensely, especially Cladocera、Copepoda and Young animal, and the biomass of the zooplankton will gradually increase.


更多网络解释与无角的动物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aceria litchii Keifer; Eriophyes litchii (Keifer):锈蟎\;荔枝毡蟎

\\"无头动物;无头类\\",\\"Acephala\\" | \\"锈蟎\\;荔枝毡蟎\\\\",\\"Aceria litchii Keifer; Eriophyes litchii (Keifer)\\" | \\"无触角的;无角的\\",\\"acerous\\"


中新世的无角犀(Aceratherium)是这个繁荣家族的顶峰. 和新脚犀相比,无角犀的下门牙更加突出,是防御天敌最重要的武器. 无角犀大概是犀类动物中最善于奔跑的一种,速度大概类似于北美野牛. 另一种的犀牛角型是并排双角.


(2)短角亚目(Brachycera)体较粗壮,触角短,具芒状;幼虫头部多退化,不明显. 包括家蝇、麻蝇、牛虹,食蚜蝇、寄生蝇、果蝇及食虫虻等. 16.蚤目(Siphonaptera)刺吸式口器,体小侧扁,无翅,善跳跃,完全变态. 系人体及动物的体外寄生虫,常传播疾病,如各种跳蚤


鹿亚科(Cervinae)鹿科的一个亚科. 是大型的鹿类,雄性有分叉的角,雌性无角,幼鹿身上多有花斑,有些种类花斑在成年后消失,有些种类则终生保留. 鹿亚科包括一些著名的史前动物,其中大角鹿属Megaloceros以角特别巨大而著称,角间距可达3.7米,


相关条目全脐螺 全脐螺 (Euomphalus) 古无脊推动物. 腹足纲,全脐螺科的一属. 螺壳近盘旋,螺塔平凹或略突起. 螺环上侧角具一条沟脊,下侧面圆或角状. 脐孔大. 壳面饰有生长线和细族线,有的种类具瘤粒突起. 以海洋蔬菜为食.


为牛属(Bos)、水牛属(Bubalus)和牦牛属(Poephagus)等牛科动物的通称. 躯体强大. 不仅雄性有角,雌性多数也有角. 前肢和后肢都有4指(趾),第3和第4指(趾)特别发达,指(趾)端具有鞘状蹄. 上颌无门齿,胃分4室(瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃和皱胃),