英语人>词典>汉英 : 无臂 的英文翻译,例句
无臂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abrachia  ·  abrachiatism

更多网络例句与无臂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the first part, one of the side-arms of hexakisbenzene was replaced with a 4-pyridinylethynyl group. Comparing with analogous compounds incorporating a 2- or 3-pyridinylethynyl moiety, the compound with a 4-pyridinyl -ethynyl unit shows lowest melting and clearing points.


The proper way to eliminate smallpox is to wash with soap, water and at least one(1) armless hand.


Stop the armless invaders from invading earth.


The armless and legless woman floating on the surface of the pool, whether the reflection of the nondisabled woman or her twin rendered limbless by immersion in water, faces the beholder.


Out of reach, she liked to think; distanced from the cold, unsettling presence of the planet's armless, hovering creatures, the displaced and still discontent Praxian Sisterhood, her own discomforting discoveries...And out of the Regent's reach, his dark schemes and mad plans.


Results: In the group of reservating intercostobrachial nerve, 48 patients have no change in sensation, 11 patients have anesthesia, one has burning sensation, and 9 patients have hypoaesthesia.


Objective To evaluate the frequency of microdeletions in the long arm of Y chromosome of idiopathic infertile males with azoospermia and oligospermia in Xinjiang province in China and to investigate the difference of Y microdeletion frequencies between two nations.


Later, under the untypical parasternal four-chamber view which can thoroughly display the ostium of coronary sinus, the catheter was promoted further to the ostium of coronary venous sinus. Then the echocardiography technician adjusted the transducer of TTE in order to thoroughly confirm the position of the catheter tip. After confirming the position of catheter tip in the coronary venous sinus, the operator inserted the catheter into the coronary venous sinus for 3~4 mm farther. It was noted that if resistance was encountered by operator, the operation must be stopped, which was the same as x-ray fluroscopy as image guiding. TTE guiding His bundle elactric cahteter、high right atrium electric cahteter and right ventricular electric catheter in site: It is difficult using TTE singly since there are too many crossroads in inferior venous.


Main shaft rotary speed: 1-10rpm/m, electromagneticsm or frequency conversion stepless adjust, harrow arm: 2-8 harrows on each drying layer


Rolling tube equipment, goods fork, adjusting-distance fork, pushing and pulling equipment, cardboard box clip, fork clip, side-moving, brick transporting equipment, paper winding clip, non-arm clip, flexible fork, circle-pole clip, bucket clip, dual-functional fork, multi-functional tray fork, carrying-load stabilizing equipment, soft package clip, dumping and reversing fork frame, front-moving fork, revolving fork, multi-functional steel arm clip, revolving fork.


更多网络解释与无臂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


armless 无臂的 | armlet 臂环 | armload 一抱之量


\\"无疣蝎虎\\",\\"Bowring's Gecko; Oriental Leaf-toed Gecko; Hemidactylus bowringii \\" | \\"肱的;腕的;臂的\\",\\"brachial\\" | \\"肱动脉\\",\\"brachial artery\\"


hammerless /无锤的/ | hammerlock /[摔角] 扼臂/ | hammerman /有锤状头的/愚笨的/


这项研究分为三个系列实验,来自德国沃尔夫岗科勒研究中心动物园的七只大猩猩(gorilla)、八只黑猩猩(chimpanzee)、四只倭黑猩猩 (bonobo)和七只长臂无尾巨猴(orangutan)参与其中.

with folded arms:交臂(无所行动),袖手旁观

fold up 折起 | with folded arms 交臂(无所行动),袖手旁观 | as follows 如下


\\"流产;堕胎\\",\\"abortus; abortion\\" | \\"无臂畸型\\",\\"abrachia\\" | \\"擦伤;磨损\\",\\"abrasion\\"


armistice 停战 | armless 无臂的 | armlet 臂环


armless 无臂的 | armless 无扶手的 | armlessweaponless 无武器的

armless:无臂的, 无武器的, 无扶手的

armlak | 电枢用亮漆 | armless | 无臂的, 无武器的, 无扶手的 | armlet | 臂环, 臂章, 小海湾

ne Armless Man in a Bar:酒吧里的无臂男人

93.A Vow 誓言 | 94.0ne Armless Man in a Bar酒吧里的无臂男人 | 95.The First Secret Message一封密信