英语人>词典>汉英 : 无能 的英文翻译,例句
无能 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disability  ·  impuissance  ·  inability  ·  inefficiency  ·  crippledom  ·  nonability  ·  disabilities  ·  inefficiencies  ·  cripplehood

更多网络例句与无能相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

T cell anergy can be induced in vitro, cytokine profile of anergic T cells deviated to Th2-like phenorype.


Stroud would need to provide reason for thinking that inabilities that we have necessarily can help remove threats in a way that inabilities that we have contingently cannot.


Facing the tremendouschange which the Chinese domestic situation occured, the ChineseCommunist Party gradually formed rushing superiority in the military tothe Kuomintang government; On the contrary, the Kuomintang governmentcorrupt is incompetent in politics, lacks the fighting will, the leaderin the military incompetently degenerates, mutually suspected, cannotlet the person only energy, Stuart started to have the mood whichthoroughly despaired to the Kuomintang government in the though.


A product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered.


Methods: Anergic T cell was induced by combination of B7-1 mAb and cyclosporin A in vitro, cytokine gene of anergic T cells was detected by RT-PCR.


Methods In the present study, we established an in vitro anergy model using superantigen SEA as the anergizing agents and examined CD28 and CTLA-4 expression of anergic T cells in response to SEA rechallenge.


Results: T cell anergy was antigen-specific. The state of T cell anergy can be reversed by PHA, CD3 mAb and PMA plus A23187. IL-2 can prevent the induction of T cell anergy, but it can not reverse the state of un-responsiveness. IL-2 and IFN mRNA can not express in anergic T cells. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA were detectable.

结果:T细胞无能为抗原特异性的,多克隆激活剂PHA、CD3单抗和PMA+A23187可以恢复无能T细胞的活性;IL-2可以阻止T细胞无能的形成,但不能逆转其耐受状态;无能T细胞IL2和IFN mRNA是关闭的,而IL-4和IL-10 mRNA则是开放的。

Some people see parallels: Mr Obama also took his time to head for the Gulf coast, and was conspicuously larking around the previous night, telling jokes at the annual White House correspondents' dinner.


There is a link between Herge, this disappointing man, and his creation Tintin, who fights against despots so bravely. It lies in the rationalisation of impotence: a very European preoccupation.


Total depravity entails total inability, that is, the state of not having it in oneself to respond to God and his Word in a sincere and wholehearted way John 6:44; Rom.


更多网络解释与无能相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



clonal anergy:克隆无能

增加血清IgG水平,减少IgE的生成并抑制Eos的募集.许多研究已深入探讨了SIT机制[4,5],如:IgG封闭性抗体学说;Th2细胞向Th1细胞转换的免疫"偏移"(deviation)学说;T细胞"克隆无能"(clonal anergy)和T细胞的"克隆缺失"(clonal deletion)学说,

Damiana powder:答米阿那粉 增加血流,改善阳痿性无能

Siberian ginseng 西伯利亚蔘 提神健脑 促进脑血管畅通 | Damiana powder 答米阿那粉 增加血流,改善阳痿性无能 | Garlic powder 大蒜粉 降低血脂 胆固醇 增强抵抗力


但他对德性的功能有了新的看法,即德性是人们共同抵御生命的脆弱性和无能(disability)的精神纽带,是扶持人们共同支撑生命存在的社会力量源泉. 这样,不过,我们看到,麦金太尔在本书中提出的这个承认依赖性德性与独立性德性相互关联模式的意义远非如此.

impuissance:无力; 无能 (名)

impugnment 责难; 攻击 (名) | impuissance 无力; 无能 (名) | impuissant 无力的; 无能的 (形)


inept 无能的,不适当的 | ineptitude 无能,不称职 | inequity 不公正,不公平

Joey, omnipotent:乔伊,无所不能,不是无能

If little Joey's dead, then I got no reason to live.|如果小乔依死了 我就没再活下去的理由 | Joey, omnipotent.|乔伊,无所不能,不是无能 | You are?|你是无能?

crippledom:残废, 无能

crippled | 残废的 | crippledom | 残废, 无能 | cripplehood | 残废, 无能

impuissant:无力的; 无能的 (形)

impuissance 无力; 无能 (名) | impuissant 无力的; 无能的 (形) | impulse 冲动, 刺激, 驱使 (名)

ineptly:不适当地; 笨拙地; 无能地 (副)

inept 不适当的, 笨拙的, 无能的 (形) | ineptitude 不适当, 愚昧的言行, 愚笨 (名) | ineptly 不适当地; 笨拙地; 无能地 (副)