英语人>词典>汉英 : 无能为力 的英文翻译,例句
无能为力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
helplessness  ·  paralyzation  ·  powerlessness

have no idea · incapable of action · can do nothing for sb. · cannot do anything to help
更多网络例句与无能为力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is nothing we can do about it. It's a lost cause.


This, alas, I can not do.


However,the alcalde refused to close the beach because of the high income from tourism and he asked the sergeant to keep silent for this event outrage himself's conscience.The sergeant saw people playing around the coast,who knew nothing about the coming dangerous,worrying a lot but helplessly.

中文在此尽量类同 5天内加分翻倍一条罕见的大白鲨来到了度假海滩的海湾吃人,一位女士、一个小男孩为此已经丧命,但是为了小镇1年中难能可贵的旅游收入,镇长拒绝关闭浴场,要求警长闭嘴,昧着良心隐瞒真相,人们依然忘乎所以地在海水中嬉戏,却不知道危险就在身边,警长对此痛心疾首,却无能为力

Algebraic curve is commonly used in CAGD. Traditional curve interpolation is in various forms of spline fuction. Although better result can be obtained by spline curve, the former two of elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic shapes can not be represented by spline curve. An exploring research in this aspect is made in this thesis.


Giuliano Amato, Italy's interior minister, said that the EU's rules on free movement were inadequate in the face of the arrival of 500,000 Romanians.

意大利内政部长 Giuliano Amato 说欧盟关于国家间人员自由流动的政策在50万的罗马尼亚人面前是无能为力的。

We are helpless to co-operate in our regeneration as we are to co-operate in the work of Calvary.


Seeing that he could do little, he left the emergency ward.


If you think you are powerless, you are.


In American culture shrugging the shoulders can indicate either a feeling of helplessness or of unconcern :"Don't ask me, I don't know what to say," or,"I couldn't help it."


In American culture shrugging the shoulders can indicate either a feeling of helplessness or of unconcern:"Don't ask me, I don't know what to say,"or,"Icouldn't help it."


更多网络解释与无能为力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's a bad break. There's nothing we can do:不太妙,我们对此无能为力

All officers with line experience. Neither of the women have chi... | That's a bad break. There's nothing we can do.|不太妙,我们对此无能为力 | My father always said a jury trial is not just about the l...

at the mercy of sb:任...处置;无能为力

43 take away from从...拿走,从...拿开 | 44 at the mercy of sb.任...处置;无能为力 | 45 go down on your knees跪下

Mes faux pas mes maladresses:而是爱无能为力

Mes blessures et mes faiblesses我的创伤和我的脆弱 | Mes faux pas mes maladresses而是爱无能为力 | Et de l'amour plus qu'il n'en faut我如此害怕你会离我而去

the god has no power to save the grievously sinful one:上帝对于罪恶深重的人也是无能为力的

7.门要是硬闯才能进还是不要进了 you would better not come in if you... | 8.上帝对于罪恶深重的人也是无能为力的the god has no power to save the grievously sinful one | 9.演员的生死掌握在导演的手中live or ...

helped:(无能为力. )

helped.(无能为力. ) | 126. Sorry to bother you.(抱歉打扰你. [事前]) | Sorry to have bothered you.(抱歉打扰你. [事后])


helpless 无助的 | helplessly 无能为力地 | helpmate 助手


15. 强硬路线 Hard Line | 16. 无能为力 Helplessness | 17. 商定仲裁 Negotiating Arbitration

I can't help it, sir:我也无能为力,先生

The dinner was superb. Who cooked it? 菜太棒了!谁做的?你吗? | I can't help it, sir. 我也无能为力,先生. | You've got no ID card, boy! 你是小孩吧,怎么没带身份证呀.

impotently:虚弱地; 阳萎地; 无能为力地 (副)

impotent 无力的; 无效的; 虚弱的 (形) | impotently 虚弱地; 阳萎地; 无能为力地 (副) | impound 关在栏中; 扣押; 拘留 (动)

Tom Peters:无能为力是一种精神状态. 如果你觉得自己无能为力,你就是无能为力

* 没有人打算失败,他们只是没有做好成功的打算 - William A. W... | * 无能为力是一种精神状态. 如果你觉得自己无能为力,你就是无能为力 - Tom Peters | * 投资者必须提防很多事情,但最主要的是提防自己 - Jesse Live...