英语人>词典>汉英 : 无能为力的 的英文翻译,例句
无能为力的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
helpless  ·  un.

incapable of action
更多网络例句与无能为力的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But this is much bigger than you and me.


Even the Dowager had not been as incompetent.


It was the most helpless I have ever felt in my life.


Unfortunately, this is true and there's nothing much we can do about it.


They don't feel like there's anything they can't do offensively.


Trident isn't gonna help you with that.


But when controllable rate is bigger than 0.5, conventional PID controller is unfeasible.


Some days it is a feeling of uselessness.


Yet there exist com plex computations in science and engineer-ing which people are unable to make.


Yet tITe exist com plex computations in science and engineer-ing which human are not unable to do.


更多网络解释与无能为力的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mes faux pas mes maladresses:而是爱无能为力

Mes blessures et mes faiblesses我的创伤和我的脆弱 | Mes faux pas mes maladresses而是爱无能为力 | Et de l'amour plus qu'il n'en faut我如此害怕你会离我而去

the god has no power to save the grievously sinful one:上帝对于罪恶深重的人也是无能为力的

7.门要是硬闯才能进还是不要进了 you would better not come in if you... | 8.上帝对于罪恶深重的人也是无能为力的the god has no power to save the grievously sinful one | 9.演员的生死掌握在导演的手中live or ...

helplessly:无力地, 无助地; 无可奈何地 (副)

helpless 无助的, 无依无靠的, 无能为力的 (形) | helplessly 无力地, 无助地; 无可奈何地 (副) | helplessness 无可奈何状态; 无助的状态; 无能为力 (名)

impotently:虚弱地; 阳萎地; 无能为力地 (副)

impotent 无力的; 无效的; 虚弱的 (形) | impotently 虚弱地; 阳萎地; 无能为力地 (副) | impound 关在栏中; 扣押; 拘留 (动)

Total Inability:(完全无能为力)

1.人类的完全无能为力(total inability)或完全的败坏(total depravity). 4.神灵的有效恩召(efficacious grace)或不可抗拒的恩典预知(foreknow)的真义这一课讲到了以神为中心的服事心态(Servanthood)和一般世俗的服务心态(Servitude).


实际上,欧佩克自身对飙升的油价也是爱恨交加,却又无可奈何. "无能为力"(powerless)成为4月24日多哈会议期间频繁出现的词语.

a feeling of uselessness:一种无能为力的感觉

园艺杂志 gardening magazine | 一种无能为力的感觉 a feeling of uselessness | 有气无力挣扎着呼吸 to struggle to breathe feeling half the strength

Tom Peters:无能为力是一种精神状态. 如果你觉得自己无能为力,你就是无能为力

* 没有人打算失败,他们只是没有做好成功的打算 - William A. W... | * 无能为力是一种精神状态. 如果你觉得自己无能为力,你就是无能为力 - Tom Peters | * 投资者必须提防很多事情,但最主要的是提防自己 - Jesse Live...

Cha vuoi farci e la vita:无能为力,这可能就是生活

Qualcosa che assomiglia a ridere nel pianto 但这又是开心的哭泣 | Cha vuoi farci e la vita 无能为力,这可能就是生活 | E' la vita, la mia 这就是生活,我的生活

Che vuoi farci e la vita:无能为力,这可能就是生活

Amarti mi consola mi da' allegril 爱你填补我的心灵,令我开心 | Che vuoi farci e la vita 无能为力,这可能就是生活 | E'la vita, la mia 这就是生活,我的生活