英语人>词典>汉英 : 无眼睑的 的英文翻译,例句
无眼睑的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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She believes in perfection of job and for her perfection, she can work for number of hours without batting an eye lid.


objectiveto evaluate the result of using rectangular advacement flaps for repairing the eyelid defects at the edges of palpebra.methodswe have used rectangular or double rectangular advacement flaps to repair the defects of theantieror margin of eyelid in 36 cases.to repair the posterior margin defects ,when the defects of thetarsal plates were shorter than 5mm,the tarsal plates were closed directly , longer than 5mm ,sliding tarsal palpebral conjunctive flaps were to be used.resultsin 36 cases all of the flaps were survived with primary healing, slight scar, no absence of eyelashes, no notch deformity at the edge of palpebra, no trichiasis.


The weak expressions of VEGF were observed in normal retinal and blepharal tissue; while strong expressions were found in ocular malignancies.


The Bith species of humanoid are characterized by their large craniums, huge round, lidless eyes, and tiny mouths under their fleshy face folds.


There is usually little or no progression, the EMG shows non-specific myopathic features and serum CK is normal or only slightly raised.1 The muscle biopsy may show characteristic ultrastructural abnormalities but these can be difficult to detect without specific histochemistry and/or electron microscopy that were not available in 1981 when our patient was biopsied.


更多网络解释与无眼睑的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Irish Setter:尔兰塞特犬

例如爱尔兰塞特犬(Irish Setter)的视杆/视锥细胞发育不良,导致其在8~12月龄失明. 而小型贵妇犬(Miniature Poodle)或可卡犬(Cocker Spaniel)犬的视杆/视锥细胞变性,直到5~6岁前,并无临床症状. 眼睑外翻是一种构造性缺陷,可见眼睑下垂或外翻,

lipoid proteinosis:类脂质蛋白沉积症

类脂质蛋白沉积症(lipoid proteinosis)又称Urbach-Wiethe病、皮肤黏膜透明蛋白变性(hyalinosis cutis et mucosae),是一种罕见的遗传性疾病. 常发生于婴儿,主要在皮肤、黏膜或内脏有无定形嗜伊红透明物质沉积,临床以眼睑增厚、肘膝黄色瘤样斑块伴声音嘶哑为特征.


蜴蜥亚目(Sauria)蛇蜥科(Anguidae)蛇蜥属(Ophisaurus)的爬虫类. 因尾易断而得名. 东方脆蛇蜥(O. ventralis)产于北美洲东南部,体长约105公分(41吋),无足. 与蛇不同的特徵是有耳,眼睑可活动,上、下腭可扩大,背、腹鳞片大小相同;

lidded:有盖的, 加盖的; 有...眼睑的 (形)

lid 盖子; 眼睑; 限制 (名) | lidded 有盖的, 加盖的; 有...眼睑的 (形) | lidless 无盖的; 注视着; 无眼脸的 (形)

lidless:无盖的; 注视着; 无眼脸的 (形)

lidded 有盖的, 加盖的; 有...眼睑的 (形) | lidless 无盖的; 注视着; 无眼脸的 (形) | lido 海滨浴场; 露天游泳池; 海滨游乐场 (名)


爪蟾属(Xenopus)是脊索动物门、脊椎动物亚门、两栖纲、无尾目、负子蟾科的1属. 现有14种. 广泛分布于非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南. 它的形态特征:眼小,位于头背上方,无眼睑,无舌. 咽鼓管孔单个. 成体仍有侧线器官;体肥壮、流线型. 后肢粗壮,