英语人>词典>汉英 : 无法防御的 的英文翻译,例句
无法防御的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无法防御的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Alma it states,"Yea, he had been strengthening the armies of the Nephites, and erecting small forts, or places of resort: throwing up banks of earth round about to enclose his armies…the Nephites were taught…never to raise the sword except it were against an enemy… they had cast up dirtround to shield them from the arrows…the chief captains of the Lamanites were astonished exceedingly, because of the wisdom of the Nephites in preparing their places of security…they knew not that Moroni had fortified, or had built forts of security in all the land roundabout …the Lamanites could not get into their forts of security…because of the highness of the bank which had been thrown up, and the depth of the ditch which had been dug round about…they began to dig down their banks of earth…that they might have an equalchance to fight…instead of filling up their ditches by pulling down banks of earth, they were filled up in a measure with their dead…And caused them to erect fortifications that they should commence laboring in digging a ditch round about the land…And he caused that they should build a breastwork of timbers upon the inner bank of the ditch: and they did cast up dirt out of the ditch against the breastwork of timbers".


Direct cannon fire couldn't do it and protruding grillwork made it impossible to put TNT charges against the doors themselves.


The building is set in a spiraling pattern of two small meadows and a pond that have as much to do with defensive fortification as with pastoral serenity: an eye-opening expression of the irresolvable tensions involved in trying to design an emblem of American values when you know it may become the next terrorist target.


Even if it is phoney in parts, the missile-defence row cannot be shrugged off easily.


Enhanced defense offers promotion on robusticity and survivability of information system. It prevents attacker from damaging system even he already has broken through one or several but not all layers of the system.


Having been at war with the Aztecs for over a hundred years, the Tarascans have fortified their common border, preventing the Aztecs from moving into Tarascan lands.


Because defends external national the invasion, must need the quite firm fortification or the castle, therefore the ancient babylonian can not but use crops' as well as bushes and so on plant's the straw stalk makes the fuel, makes certain shape the soil to burn the quite solid brick bat to do for the main building material, uses for the building big city wall and the fortress, and displayed the acme, therefore only then north two river basin edge mountainous area, only then appeared certain scale stone system construction, but compared the ancient Egypt's stone system creation on "big Wu Jianxiao" Wu, because the soil burn brick or at that time burns the technical limit, basicIs unable to compare with the hard rock, although the brick uses, extremely nimble and may the rapid construction broad in scale building or the urban cluster, but radically is unable to achieve actually Shi Zhi constructs that kind of altitude as well as in time eternal degree, therefore is called by the historian the world ancient times one of seven wonders of the world "the airborne garden" has become on the ruins historical miracle, now only then also in continues in the decency the remnant brick to break the tile to relate once magnificently with glory, long-time, all vestiges could even more be not much left.


In addition it assumes grace of air, blessing of kings, 30 stam food, elixir of major defense and elixir of major agil ity (but NOT a flask of foritfication since thes e don't stack with elixirs on PTR).


The Norwegian commander decided to surrender the airport, as it seemed hopless to fire on the planes with rifles and machineguns.


The Edinburgh team would doubtless argue that Mr Brown was handed the grumpy gene at birth, that this dour and introspective character, so cautious in his dealings with others, so ready to take offence, obsessed by detail and unable to relax in company, was one of nature's pessimists, a man for whom no silver lining comes without a cloud, the epitome of P.G.


更多网络解释与无法防御的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


武器:橡树之心(hoo)或眼球(occy)切换:战争召唤(cta)或带降低抵抗的男巫法杖,或者能开能量盾的女巫杖偷取生命(ll),防御(def),高伤害武器(dam),物免(dr),抗性(res),无法冰冻(cnf)冰系掌握(Cold Mastery) 好象不加冰系魔法的攻击力''我加完后看数值不变''好象不管用


力/每等级 护胸甲(Cuirass) 增加#点的防御力/每等级 资料片新增 防御力强化160% 增加所有抗性20点 需求等级:41 增加15点力量 斗剑士克星(The Gladiator's Bane) 无法毁坏 线状毛皮(Wire Fleece) 无法被冰冻 资料片新增 减少中毒时间40%岩石制动器(Rockstopper) 最快打击回复 长罩盔(Sallet)[xkp] 防御力强化110% 资料片

fire wall:火牆術

然而,攻击是最佳的防御,任何不需瞄准的区域效应法术像是新星术(Nova)与火墙术(Fire Wall)就可以增加攻击者的优势. 在危急之际,就使用传送术逃往他处-因为大多数怪物都无法穿越坚实的墙壁,这将可以为你争取恢复的时间.

high command:统帅部

尽管如此,最高统帅部(High Command)还是担心它的防御力无法抵挡在可预见的将来出现在东线战场的武器. 1942年6月4日,希特勒提出将坦克前装甲加厚至l00毫米. 然而,试验显示,在原有装甲上增加插销式(bolt-on)装甲板(在三号和四号坦克上曾这样做过)将会造成诸多技术问题,


战斗前,身上只留下陨石(Meteor)魔法和一些不会发动的魔法,进入战斗后,两个同伴一个以熔化(Meltdown)魔法攻击敌人,使敌人进入体力0状态,无法防御,另一个对Rinoa施以敏捷(Haste)魔法,然后Rinoa发动Angel Wing(天使之翼),


作为战斗中加血的主力,生存能力最为重要. 就算无法保护队友不死,那么也要最后一个倒下,并且用尽最后一点魔力. 结合魔力2内的人物情况,传教士一定要有生命(HP)、闪躲(AVD)以及魔法防御力(MGD).

Nullify Aerial Control:浮空后对手无法连击超过三次

Knock Down:将对手击倒的能力上升 | Nullify Aerial Control:浮空后对手无法连击超过三次 | Guard Breaker:魂量满时按下A+B+K发动,上段攻击将使对手迅速防御崩坏


通灵术能让你和死者说话,它同时能让你多了解与鬼火(Wisp)之间的谈话内容. 虽然你永远无法真正了解它们的语言......箭术是一项高尚的艺术且它对防御和获得食物都非常有用. 而使用弓箭必须要具备一双锐利的眼睛才行.

Spired Helm:(螺旋头盔)

无法毁坏 螺旋头盔(Spired Helm) 可视范围增加4格 资料片新增 防御力强化150% 增加所有抗性35点 增加30点防御力 需求等级:73 增加15点力量 灰色之服(Greyform) 每次攻击吸取5%的生命力 布甲(Quilted Armor) 减少3点魔法伤害 资料片新增 增加冰系抗性20% 增加火系抗性20% 增加10点敏捷度 需求等级:7 增加20点防御力 闪蝠之甲

undefendable:无法防御的, 不能保卫的, 不可辩解的

gasket factor 密封系数 | undefendable 无法防御的, 不能保卫的, 不可辩解的 | crown skirt 王冠盖齿边