英语人>词典>汉英 : 无处不在地 的英文翻译,例句
无处不在地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Most everyone left the site without raising a tantrum or complaining to the ubiquitous security guards about the absurdness of not showing the gala outside the Bird's Nest.


She sees corruption everywhere in the system but can't help believing that she still belongs inside it to help make it better, as much as Cheyenne feels the need to flee from it.


The fact is that he chose stories from Christianism, and the influence of Taoism pervaded in his compositions and was a basis for the reception of Buddhism.


Then, the focus of the dissertation turns to the phenomenon of retranslation related to the translator's subjectivity. It is pointed out afterwards that the subjectivity can almost be seen everywhere in translated texts and that the translator attempts to put his or her subjectivity into full play to compensate the deficiency of the translation activity itself.


It won't go easily, however, and as it slowly collapses it will be the poor and the young who will suffer the brunt of its struggle to keep going -- desperate and indiscriminate drilling in the oceans and arctic, strip-mining for dirty coal and bitumen sludge, privatization of scarce water, massive incarceration and curtailment of civil freedoms, more cities written off like New Orleans, ghastly famines and floods in struggling nations, the eradication of life savings and pensions, the collapse of health systems, expropriation of property, soaring suicide rates, and unimaginable ubiquitous poverty.


There he sits, his trembling hand everywhere about us, his dim thoughts focused only on his own throbbing pain, while drops of sweat larger than supergroups of galaxies bead up on his apelike brow, rank with self-inflicted poisons.


This is a reasonable approach given the pervasive use of overloading involving bool in C++ and its library.

这是一种合理的做法,因为C++及其函数库中无处不在地使用涉及 bool 的重载。

The social level structure is defined from its basic conception, in-depth meaning and characteristics. The term refers to a functional being and social reality, a unity of physical space and value space as well as connectional and theoretical existence. Viewed from the perspective of political philosophy, the social level structure is a political sovereignty grading or ladder in a state who values the supremacy of sovereignty, penetrating into economic, cultural and social fields, universally forming social relationship. Based on general social structure, social system and political sovereignty, the social level structure is an abstractly summary of social hierarchy which is neither a copy of political structure nor simply addition of economic, cultural and social structure. The social level structure is long hidden but universally existing, deeply affecting and shaping social system, people's life and thinking. Based on the above, the thesis probes the social foundation, evolutional law, fundamental quality, running mechanism, historical function, current significant and the reform necessity.


I saw ripe bilberries gleaming here and there, like jet beads in the heath: I gathered a handful and ate them with the bread.


The business side of it balances me out too, as the realities of the fashion industry (the bitchiness and uglier and often MUCH less glamorous sides of it) shoots you right back down to planet earth. And when you have to run around with two kids and breast milk spilling everywhere, one also has to be creative in finding what to wear to avoid looking "momsy"/frumpy, and still look decent, and most of all, cool.


更多网络解释与无处不在地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

big brother:哥哥

从偶像(Idol)到学徒(Apprentice)再到大哥哥(Big brother),真人秀无处不在. 拿来主义还真管用,当我们渐渐疲劳甚至厌倦于娱乐精英的表演,仔细揣摩了老美的玩法并创造性地引入到超级女声的娱乐后,中国的真人秀在2005年达到了一个顶峰.

Eclat LANVIN:的光韵无处不在如影随形

Eclat LANVIN的光韵无处不在如影随形 | Frustration 挫折存在的意义在于每一个战胜它的瞬间 | Gravity 抵抗地心引力的唯一方法就是不断地作向上运动


释家人皆可以成佛,道教人皆可以为仙,儒家人人可为圣贤,等等,从而形成天、梵、道无处不在而尤与我人之本心、精神以及灵魂相通的"泛神论"(Pantheism)型的宗教及文化. 反之,西方则普遍地尊奉"一神论"(Monotheism)型的宗教及文化.


在马来西亚,宝腾(Proton)是个家喻户晓的名字,也是该国的骄傲. 在吉隆坡,宝腾汽车几乎无处不在. 记者随意问一位吉隆坡百货商店的售货员,知道哪些汽车品牌,她毫不犹豫地说:"我们有宝腾车,它是马来西亚的骄傲. "