英语人>词典>汉英 : 施影响 的英文翻译,例句
施影响 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impose  ·  imposed  ·  imposes

更多网络例句与施影响相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is increasing effect of hundred-pod weight employed only in legumen forming stage and with the level of 30kg/hm2, and the level of 30kg/hm2 also have increasing effect for hundred-seed weight in acicula forming and legumen forming stage. Foundation fertilizer with 30kg/hm2 level increasing the quantity of per plant; employing silicon has no significant effect on fat concentration, so silicon is applicable to edible species. Employing silicon make significant descend of plant nitrogen, significant increasing of plant phosphorus only with level of 90kg/hm2 applying before planting, decreasing of that only with level of 150kg/hm2 employing in legumen forming period, and no distinct effect with others levels. Comprehensive effect of plant potassium, and that should do better in future.


4DRG was co-culture with sciatic nerve segment in 10鸖 DMEM;the axons were longer and surround the sciatic nerve segment which was regard as anew evidence for chemotropism.


Organic conceptional diagram has been used to explain some questions in basic organic chemistry and fine chemicals.


Underworld organization's usually lasso of ficials became the protection umbrella with money,affection,woman,intimidation.Protection umbrellas protect underworld organization with to indulge,misprision,to disguise,to collude,to connive and to encourage.


The results showed that the grain yield of winter wheat with two-irrigation was higher than that with one-irrigation with the same nitrogen application rate and method. Compared to one-irrigation,the grain number per spike in two-irrigation was higher,the 1000-grain weight was lower, the water wastage was higher, but the WUE was lower. The yield was not affected significantly by nitrogen rates and the methods. Within the nitrogen rate of 157.5-295.5kg/hm2, the lower NUPE and Nitrogen Productivity declined with nitrogen rate increasing. NHI was not lower than the others at the lowest nitrogen rate of 157.5kg/hm2. The accumulation of NO3--N in soil was significantly and positively correlated with the nitrogen application rate. NO3--N in one-irrigation was distributed mainly in the top layer (0-80cm), but it was inverse in two-irrigation.


In order to search after appropriate nitrogen application dosage and proportion of phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizer composition, provide with a reasonable economic principle for scientific fertilization and guidance schemes for the production of quality sun-cured tobacco, an orthogonal design was used with small plot trials in the suitable growing areas to compare the effects on growth and development, yield, output value, and smoking quality of sun-cured tobacco, the results showed that the influences occurred in varying degrees while less or ruleless effects displaying on appearance quality and botanic characters respectively.


Because of nitrogen, the value of IAA/ABA、GA3/ABA、(IAA+GA3+ZR)/ABA in grain promoted at seed filling stage and at the mature stage.6、The adjustment of nitrogen levels on carbon and nitrogen metabolism.Nitrogen reduced the C/N in leaves and stem. When the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2, the effect on stem was obvious. When the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm2, the effect on leaves was obvious. The C/N in roots lower before seed filling stage and the effect was not obvious after seed filling stage.7、Effect of nitrogen levels on yield traitsPlant height, pods per plant and full grain number were increased and bottom-pod height and podded node were decreased by applying nitrogen.

施氮在鼓粒期、成熟期均提高了子粒中IAA/ABA、GA3/ABA、(IAA+GA3+ZR)/ABA的值。6、氮素水平对大豆碳氮代谢的调节施氮降低了叶片和茎秆中C/N的比值,施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,对茎秆作用效果明显,施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,对叶片效果明显;施氮降低了根系鼓粒期前的C/N比值,而鼓粒期后作用效果不明显。7、氮素水平对产量性状的影响施氮增加了大豆的株高、株荚数、饱满粒数,降低大豆的结荚高度、结荚结位。

This paper mainly studies the sizing techniques and mechanism of self-fixed neutral sizing agent WSF- I when used in the bleached baggase pulp0 The combination of crossing design and uniformity design scanning electron microscope observation and organic dissolvent Extraction were used to optimize and analyze in this research. Including three aspects:(1)to search for the optimal sizing techniques;(2)to analyze the factors affecting the sizing;(3)simply studies the sizing mechanism.


The current dissertation has made a comprehensive study of Skinnerian Model with methodology of academic history by recounting Skinners academic career, sorting out Skinnerian Model system, analyzing social and academic backgrounds, and discussing its academic impact from the debates it has aroused in the academic circle and its practice.


Study on the ecological effect of rice rhizosphere microbes under three water regimes and two nitrogen application levels was conducted in 2005 in pot experiment.


更多网络解释与施影响相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如(3) 轨道版混凝土面过高:不论高架、地下段轨道版施做皆有施工高程不易控制的烦恼例如高架段有预拱、潜变、温度变化影响预力梁变位等因素,地下段施做空间狭小,光线昏暗,常一不小心即面临轨道混凝土面高程过高必须切削(chipping)情况,尤其赶工阶段,


"效果"(Effect)表示这个法术并不直接作用于已经在此的事物,而是创造或召唤一些事物. "区域"(Area)表示法术影响一个区域,施法者指定这个区域的起始点(或指向等),但不能决定在这个区域中哪些生物或事物受影响,而哪些不受.


除去内容与形式,施耐德对于人类学、土著文化,以及佛教、环境论 (environmentalism)的兴趣,影响到了他对于诗歌的观点. 施耐德常说,他将诗比作工作室,在其间就是学习生于世间. 马歇尔麦克鲁汉 (Marshall McLuhan)对现代世界重新部落化 (re-tribalization)的预言,


但是,香港总督葛量洪(Grantham)反对此时正在他手下任职的哈蒙与中共接触,担心这会影响香港的安宁. 外交部只得电令驻华大使施缔文(Stevenson )让驻北平和天津的领事向中共转达英国政府的愿望. 施缔文对这一做法是否有效虽持异议,


涂施包会被弦钮槽和弦枕(nut)影响而擦掉漆,所以不要总停留在一个小片. 涂施包要不断覆盖琴头直到你看到虫胶漆开始逐渐均匀地建立厚度. 你可能需要做小一点的涂施包,画小一点的圆来涂装琴头. 你也可以用周全安排的类似擦鞋的方法来涂装.

Mark Spitz:马克.施皮茨

他有机会打破马克 施皮茨(Mark Spitz)创下的在单届奥运会上获得7枚金牌的纪录. 1972年在游泳项目上创下这一纪录的施皮茨说,他认为菲尔普斯能成功. 不过有一个不同寻常的因素会影响今年的比赛:决赛举行的时间.




"接触"(Touch)表示施法者必须接触对象才能产生效果. "近程"(Close)表示法术可以最远影响到离施法者25英尺远的地方,最远距离以5英尺/2施法者等级的方式增加. "中程"(Medium)表示法术可以最远影响到离施法者100英尺远的地方,

Imposes power by the power of his form:以他的外形的影响力施 以影响

And still angelic and still plenteous, 依然天使般、依然丰富... | Imposes power by the power of his form. 以他的外形的影响力施 以影响. | Here, then, is an abstraction given head, 这里,那么,是一个特别头脑...


[8] 豪泽尔1918年在布达佩斯大学获博士学位后,因为政治的原因于1921年离开了匈牙利赴柏林继续学习,在那里接受了德国艺术史家戈尔德施米特(Goldschmidt)艺术学传统的影响以及特勒尔奇(E.Troeltsch)的社会学影响.