英语人>词典>汉英 : 斯里兰卡 的英文翻译,例句
斯里兰卡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Srilanka  ·  LK

Sri Lanka
更多网络例句与斯里兰卡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nevertheless, by being instrumental in bringing a Bodhi sapling from the sacred Bodhi tree at Buddha Gaya, India and planting it at the Anuradhapura site in Sri Lanka, thus affording the Sri Lankan Buddhist population an object of worship considered to be commensurate with a living Buddha, and by inaugurating the Order of Nuns for the emancipation of womankind, she has rendered to our country a magnificent service that for ever remains in the memory of a grateful people of Sri Lanka who in commemoration of which participate in religious services and processions carrying a statue of Bhikkhuni Sanghamitta on every full moon day of Unduwap, the day she disembarked in the island arrival of Arahant Sanghamitta Theri in Sri Lanka.


Invited by Sri Lanka Investment Bureau, Made-in-China Drawnet Secretary-general Yao Haitao went to Colombo, set up the assembly factory in Sri Lanka and negotiated with Sri Lanka Investment Bureau on exporting to the India and EU depends this factory problems on Jan.


In Sri Lanka in the inter-war years, there were rival sales of yellow Suriya flowers by the Suriya-Mal Movement on Remembrance Day, since funds from poppy sales were not used for Sri Lankan ex-service personnel but were repatriated to Britain.


In this photo taken Wednesday, July 8, 2009, Sri Lankan fishermen, also known locally as stick fishermen, sit perched on stilts fixed into the ocean floor as they fish in Koggala area, south of Galle, Sri Lanka.

在此合影留念星期三, 2009年7月8日,斯里兰卡渔民,也被称为本地坚持渔民,坐在栖高跷固定到洋底因为他们的鱼Koggala地区,南部的加勒,斯里兰卡

Later in the day, here in Kandy, the top U.N. official met President Mahinda Rajapaksa. But Sri Lanka appears not to have made any immediate concessions on Mr.


Of or relating to Sri Lanka or its people or culture.


You told me it came from cooking Sri Lankan food and invited me to have lunch," she said."


Mr Banga pledged that Citi would keep its stake in HDFC, which he described as among India's "best run financial institutions".


Sri Shuka the son of Sri Veda Vyasa was relating Bhagavata Purana – the exploits of Lord Vishnu-Narayana, in his various avatars entered into to save His devotees from Evil and in some cases to bring forth the right behavior of a true devotee for the benefit of lay worshippers.

斯里兰卡Shuka的儿子,斯里兰卡吠陀维亚萨是有关Bhagavata Purana -它讲述的是主毗湿奴,那罗延天,在他的各种化身进入拯救他的信徒从邪恶,在某些情况下,使提出的权利行为的一个真正的信徒,以造福下岗信徒。

Further embarassment and disrepute to the governments by the activities of such non-state actors came during 2001 when the terrorist LTTE led a great attack against srilankan bandaranaike international airport forcing the international community to initiate a complete security audit to enhance trade co-operations with srilanka, the insurer Lloyd's finance of London suggested to srilankan government that they hire the services of trident also owned by Tim Spicer to conduct a security audit of ports and airports.


更多网络解释与斯里兰卡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ceylon ebony:斯里兰卡乌木

Ceylon cedar 斯里兰卡柬木 | Ceylon ebony 斯里兰卡乌木 | chain-belt conveyer veneer 网带式单板干燥机

cinnamon oil:斯里兰卡肉桂油

cinnabar 朱砂 | cinnamon oil 斯里兰卡肉桂油 | cinnamon tree 斯里兰卡肉桂




"144006","科伦坡(斯里兰卡)","Colombo" | "144009","加勒(斯里兰卡)","Galle" | "144012","贾夫纳(斯里兰卡)","Jaffna"


Galati 加拉茨 罗马里亚 欧洲 罗马尼亚 | Galle 加勒 斯里兰卡 亚洲 斯里兰卡 | Gallipoli 加利波利 意大利 欧洲 地中海

Sri Lanka:斯里兰卡

斯里兰卡的旧称,曾名僧伽拉(Singhala),因僧伽罗人(Sinhalese)居住于此地而得名,"僧伽罗"名源自梵语的sinha,意为"狮子",亦即"勇敢的人"之意,1972年改称"斯里兰卡"(Sri Lanka).


"144021","凯茨(斯里兰卡)","Kayts" | "144024","马特勒(斯里兰卡)","Matara" | "144027","尼甘布(斯里兰卡)","Negombo"

Trincomalee:亭可马里 斯里兰卡 斯里兰卡

Trieste 的里雅斯特 意大利 地中海 | Trincomalee 亭可马里 斯里兰卡 斯里兰卡 | Tripoli 的黎波里 比亚 地中海


"144009","加勒(斯里兰卡)","Galle" | "144012","贾夫纳(斯里兰卡)","Jaffna" | "144015","卡卢特勒(斯里兰卡)","Kalutara"

Jaffna:贾夫纳 SRI LANKA 斯里兰卡

144006 COLOMBO 科伦坡 SRI LANKA 斯里兰卡 | 144012 JAFFNA 贾夫纳 SRI LANKA 斯里兰卡 | 144015 KALUTARA 卡卢特勒 SRI LANKA 斯里兰卡