英语人>词典>汉英 : 文艺协会 的英文翻译,例句
文艺协会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与文艺协会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Domestically, the cultural network founded by CETA is connected closely with the central and local artistic performance groups at all levels, performance stadiums and gymnasiums, cultural and artistic colleges and universities, artistic research institutes and cultural activity centers.


Companies have more than two decades of specializing in the production of lighting history, remarkable achievements of the Chinese Association theatrical performance materials, the Chinese Research Association of television lights, China Illuminating Engineering Society Member, Association of Guangzhou City, photoelectric, and Illuminating Engineering Society of China Television Professional Certification Committee.


Of award of pediment of Chinese folk literary " is Chinese literature art the omnibus folk literary award that association of literary home of group union and Chinese folk sponsors jointly, it is the literary top prize between complete countryman."


Vinal Audio Corp., which was founded in 1989, is the permanent member of a council of China Theatrical Equipment Association.


After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, a former National School of Management lecturer at Peking Railway, was in the early 50 Aurora University, part-time professor of Fudan University, Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House the new editor-in-chief, the Director of the Shanghai Committee of literature, by 1955, Hu Feng was implicated to 1981 rehabilitates years later, the State Council Academic Degrees Committee was the first and second subjects评议组成员, Minister of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department.


The Consulate General of China, Chairman of the chinese consolidated benevolent association, The Assembly State of New York senator, The City of New York office of President Borough of Manhattan, Office of the Brooklyn Borough President, The Council of The City of New York, The Vice President New York Area of Ritz-Carlton , joining to our Association 1st Anniversary Celebration.

曾代表我酒店协会在庆奥运活动表演陈氏太极双环的胡老师是明门高徒,为了发扬光大现订于每星期日在布碌仑亲自教授传技,凡有兴趣参加者请与Steve Chung 347-423-1430联络。繁荣华埠总会会长田士锐公布今年中秋节於九月十四日在华埠举办儿童花灯文艺节,届时有多项节目让孩子们娱乐,兴趣者留意新消息。

更多网络解释与文艺协会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


athenaeum 庙宇 | athenaeum 文艺协会 | athermancy 不透热性

Emily Dickinson:艾米莉 迪金森

"艾米莉有包括艾米莉-迪金森(Emily Dickinson)与艾米莉-布郎特(Emily Bronte) 等的文艺协会. 伊凡斯说:"艾米莉的形象让你很容易地联想到既美丽又聪明的女人. "伊莎贝拉(Isabella)和威廉(William)都是从第十一名上升至前十名的新名字.

Julian Schnabel:祖利安斯納貝爾

香港法国文化协会文艺节目统筹Alice Chiappero介绍说,新片速递除了>之外,还有祖利安.斯纳贝尔(Julian Schnabel)执导的>,故事由真人真事改编,描述时装杂志>总编辑在中风后全身瘫痪,从而反思生活的意义,

atheneum:雅典庙宇,文艺协会, 图书馆

Athene || 雅典娜(智慧与技艺的女神) | atheneum || 雅典庙宇,文艺协会, 图书馆 | Athenian || 雅典人 雅典的, 雅典人的


athenaeum /庙宇/文艺协会/图书馆/ | atheneum /图书馆/ | athermancy /不透热/不透热性/

Julian Schnabel:祖利安斯納貝爾

香港法国文化协会文艺节目统筹Alice Chiappero介绍说,新片速递除了<<给康城的情书>>之外,还有祖利安.斯纳贝尔(Julian Schnabel)执导的<<潜水钟与蝴蝶>>,故事由真人真事改编,描述时装杂志<<Elle>>总编辑在中风后全身瘫痪,从而反思生活的意义,