英语人>词典>汉英 : 文联 的英文翻译,例句
文联 的英文翻译、例句


literary federation
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Appellant: Liu Zhen, female, 58 years old, writer of the Literature Association of Hebei Province.


One day early in April, at the Department of Yichang市文联group together, to see the reporter Juan Chen, the Chinese saw her dressed in red wearing a jacket, smiling flowery operculum.


Veranda above Cascade peaks, numerous rock formations, there are a huge, wide crown Yuanwang services such as coronal, round-shouldered old sit-wai, commonly known as "old man rock peak." In 1958,全国文联visit to the Tour, that is, to have赋诗Guo Chang Huai lyric.


Court by the original artist painting in Radio IAS education classes part of the composition of well-known Chinese artists, such as bird-house-dake this expensive,(China International Painting and Calligraphy Institute full-time painter, the country well-known Chinese painter), Wang Fu,(China International Institute of full-time painter painting , a famous Chinese painting and calligraphy at home).


In fact, the situation of Lao Pang is also a good day by day. Qingyang district in 1994 in conjunction, in Xifeng County Museum exhibitions for him, that red paint on the frame of the "preface" says


Performance to take part in Beijing after Yichang, Yichang Chen Juan asked party secretary市文联Shangrong Wong, compatibility with Yichang City Disaster Relief Charity Federation jointly organized the evening performance, at once be黄书记and strong support of other leaders of the party group in the evening of May 26 "bear shake hand "large-scale disaster relief benefit event in the Three Gorges in Yichang City Star Auditorium brilliant, Chen Juan and a popular country singing star of the Arab-Israeli duo David evening performance of the theme song" Making the Most of the hands of "Song of the Green Gold Cup was the original eco-group From "brothers and sisters soil Miller" combination Wang Aimin, WANG Ai-hua, ZHANG Ming-xia, WU Juan and other famous artists also take part in disaster relief in the performance, for this evening has brought a powerful force of love.


更多网络解释与文联相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

literary federation:文联

文科liberal arts | 文联literary federation | 文明礼貌月Ethics and Courtesy Month


一般来说,一叶(folio)是指两页(page),而"页"相当于我们说的"面". 江苏社科院主编的>在记述>的插图时说:"有图像共二十四幅,半叶两幅. 正集六叶十二幅,续集六叶十二幅. "第245页,中国文联出版公司,

continental shelves:大陆棚

"contextual associative method","上下文联想法" | "continental shelves","大陆棚" | "contingencies","偶然性,关联性"

Merriam Websters Medical Desk Dictionary:韦氏案头医学词典

Longman Language Activator:朗文联想活用词典 | Merriam Websters Medical Desk Dictionary:韦氏案头医学词典 | Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary:韦氏大学英语词典

Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim:[英] 康拉德 吉姆爷

Collins, Wilkie. The Moonstone. [英]威尔基.柯林斯 月亮 宝石 中国文联出版公司 | Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. [英] 康拉德 吉姆爷 | Cormier, Robert. The Chocolate War. 巧克力战争