英语人>词典>汉英 : 文坛 的英文翻译,例句
文坛 的英文翻译、例句


republic of letters · the literary world · the literary arena · the literary circles · the world of letters · literary world
更多网络例句与文坛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the extension and popularity of internet a new literature style—internet literature made an afflux to the literary world, which not only breaks the structure in which literature printing on papers monopolize literary world, but also shows us that literature, after entering the digital era, will inevitably take a series of changes in its form and characteristics as well.


In terms of art,Chili' novels,noted for their unique angle of vision and narrative mode,have drawn much attenti...


The boom of angle of vision of children on literary world in the New Period is based on the development of Chinese children view since Wusi.


This paper mainly reviews Apollinaire as a spiritual leader of the poets of the new generation in France in the 20th century and a peak in French new poetic form. It also affirms him as a historic character in international literary circles in the 20th century who intented the past and ushered in the future. Through the reform of artistic form and content initiated by him in his cubist and futurist art-creating program, it expounds Apollinaire's important position and active contribution to the 20th contury...


The writer who named Yan Lianke comes from HeNan, He was not luck when he treaded into literary arena in the 80'.Almost each of his works arouse great interest and controversy.


Giving birth to Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, Italy is undoubtedly an influential country in literature in Europe and the world at large.


In the world literature history, Chinese and Japanese schools of new sensation are earlier modernist in their country.


From the beginning of 1980's, Wang an yi has engaged in the fictions for more than twenty years. The quantity and the quality of her works are unparallel in the modern literature domain.


Before May 4~ new culture movement in Chinese literature world, the fact that Flaubert, a master in literature, was introduced in China, not only bridged the gap of lack of realism directly, but found "scientific spirit","true and aesthetic" in the period of May 4~ new literature. Whats more important, his appearance corrected the weaknesses of some Chinese, that is, thinking of literature as a way to amuse and observing the world unpractically, resulting in Chinese contemporary literature to develop and advance healthily and saving it in turn.


During May 4~ period, since some Chinese had the disadvantages of regarding literature a game to amuse and observing the realistic world impractically, Mao Dun attributed the case to the main reason why Chinese literature was unable to grow. To correct the limitations and save Chinese literature, Mao Dun learned Flauberts scientific spirit, which Mao Dun made every effort to seek for the sake of Chinese literature. In his works, Mao Dun also produced a group of women in the new era.


更多网络解释与文坛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angle of repose:安息角

1972年,他以>(Angle of Repose)获得普立兹奖,这部作品透过一位女性叙事者的个性及旧西部记录者的角色,反映了该地区的精神. 处於文学创作黄金时期的史达格纳在1993年意外死於车祸,让美国文坛失去一位重量级人物.

a biographic dictionary:人名词典

维持生命的必需品 the biogenic needs of the organism | 人名词典 a biographic dictionary | 文坛人物 a literary gent

By the Sea:海边

与>相隔一本书的是阿布拉扎克.古纳(Abdulrazak Gurnah)的>(By the Sea). 古纳是近年在英国颇有影响的"移民作家"中的一位,曾于1994年获得英国文坛最具权威影响的"布克奖"提名.


在美国,两位最佳的书评家爱德门.威尔逊与西瑞尔.康诺莱(CyrilConnolly)都不愿自称书评家(re-viewer),而要被人目为文学评论家(critic). 文坛自有它的势利姿态:文学评论家是文学研究者,而书评家有如报道新书的记者,


二十世纪的文坛是现实主义一统天下的时代,这样架空时代、描写"剑和魔法"又不是童话书的作品,很容易被贴上"逃避现实"(escapism)的标签. 是以一面世立刻引起了两种十分极端的评价,大诗人奥登(W.H.Auden)、作家弗勒(EdmundFuller)等对其推崇备至,

George Gordon Byron:乔治.戈登.拜伦

乔治.戈登.拜伦(George Gordon Byron)是十九世纪上半叶的伟大诗人,英国浪漫主义的卓越代表. 他那热情奔放的诗歌,曾经震动整个欧洲文坛. 他那为弱小民族自由解放献身的革命精神,激励了当时南欧各国人民反对外族压迫的斗争. 今天,

golden fleece:金毛羊

1990年,罗伯特以>(Golden Fleece)震惊文坛,成为"硬科幻"经典. 此后,奇思妙想不断,几乎每年都有重量级的新作问世. 他的科幻小说一向以科技背景强,推论严密而又奇思妙想不断著称,不但屡屡挤上畅销榜,在评论界也备受推崇.

Air and water are indispensable to life:空气和水是生命所必需的 东西. Xhz中国英语学习网

in today's literature. ;在当今文坛 | Air and water are indispensable to life. ;空气和水是生命所必需的 东西. Xhz中国英语学习网 | It is well known ;众所周知, Xhz中国英语学习网


1972年以长篇小说>(Tim)正式步入文坛. 但真正奠定她的文坛地位并使她获得世界性影响的,是1977年出版的>(The Thorn Birds)一书. 该书一经出版,便引起轰动,不但拍成电影广为流传而且翻译成二十多种文字在世界各地出版,

Writing Is Retreative in Nature:<南方文坛>

Writing Is Retreative in Nature]. <<南方文坛>>2001 # 3: 28-33. | A Cheng 阿城 | Bei Dao 北岛