英语人>词典>汉英 : 数据挖掘 的英文翻译,例句
数据挖掘 的英文翻译、例句


data mining
更多网络例句与数据挖掘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using ontology and context knowledge in data mining is one of the effective waies to improve data mining accurateness,which can add general knowledge and certain knowledge in decision factors. How to apply ontology and context knowledge in data mining is discussed in this paper.


Using ontology and context knowledge in data mining is one of the effective waies to improve data mining accurateness,which can add general knowledge and certain knowledge in decision factors.


This paper summarizes the background and advantage of data mining, as well as the significance of data mining in the scientific research management of colleges and universities firstly, and then discusses the theory of data mining, association rules and the ideas of main algorithm, analyzes the classic Apriori algorithm and its existing problems as well as the basic solutions. After that, this paper proposes Multi-Dimensional Apriori algorithm which is designed specially for the mining of this paper; Then describes the structure of scientific research data mining system, defines subject-oriented mining tasks, including: mining the data about research projects, mining the data about papers, mining the data about academic writings. The association mining process is implemented by programing, a number of stimulating association rules are found, interpreted and analyzed.


During the study of the subject, I have an all-around understanding about the theory and application of Data Mining through reading bookmaking and papers in this field.Based on the research on algorithms, we realized one example following the workflow of Data Mining, which helps us understand the application of the technology.KEYWORDS: data mining , association rule , apriori algorithm


Object of data mining is service concepts of service bag, carrier of data mining is history data, and spirit of data mining is mining classification.


The main contents are listed as follows: Analyse and research of the data mining technique. the dissertation summarizes,analyses and studies the current status of the data mining technique in our native country and overseas widely and roundly research . The definiens and orientation of the data mining is reviewed in brief first.


The dissertationsummarizes,analyses and studies the current status of the data mining technique inour native country and overseas widely and roundly and then summarizes anddiscusses its developmental trends and hot research fields. The definiens andorientation of the data mining is reviewed in brief first. Based on the basic conceptsof data mining,this dissertation classifies and summarizes the objects of data miningand the common techniques in detail.


Visualization technology can realize interactive analysis of direct data input, results output and mining, and provide ways of data mining with the participation of people's perception, insight and perspicacity, as well as ways of visualized mining and the visualization of mining results.


Sixthly, it also introduces knowledge management technology to resolve the analysis of custom checking center operating flow, innovation research of Customs Business and consumer relationship management. It is a long-term worthy project to continue this study on the establishment of custom risk management by data mining. There are still many further works to do, such as more effective optimizing arithmetic, text data mining, super-huge data warehouse based on UNIX and Oracle, data mining application on web, building and application of cosmical database, custom knowledge management system, and so on.


The data model is the data source for the integrated mining which is built by using Snow Flake Schema. The integrated mining model consists of local mining and global mining. That is to say, firstly, monitoring cell mining, point mining and monitoring data mining are fulfilled respectively, then global mining model is run to opimize the monitoring process. The paper brings forward how to build up these models and the framework, and what variables should be delivered.


更多网络解释与数据挖掘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Information Active Service:数据挖掘

信息服务:Information Service | 数据挖掘:Information Active Service | 信息咨询:Information consulting service

data information system:数据信息系统

数据挖掘系统:Data Mining System | 数据信息系统:data information system | 流式数据库系统:data steam system

Knowledge Discovery:数据挖掘

知识提取:Knowledge Discovery | 数据挖掘:Knowledge Discovery | 知识发现:Knowledge Discovery

date envelopment analysis:数据包络分析法

数据源划分:date resourse division | 数据包络分析法:date envelopment analysis | 数据挖掘技术:Date Mining Technology

franchise tax:特许税

40万个纳税人每年得特许税(Franchise tax)和营业税征收额都在1亿9千万美圆以上. 采用数据挖掘方法,每年Texas州利用数据挖掘技术从未申报的税收中发现百万计的偷逃税款.


c) 多维(Multidimensional)包:包括表示多维数据资源的元数据的类与关联. (4) 分析(Analysis)包:它由以下五个子包组成:a) 转换(Transformation)包:包括表示数据抽取和转换工具的元数据的类与关联. c) 数据挖掘(Data Mining)包:包括表示数据挖掘工具的元数据的类与关联.


兴趣度测量原语包括:简单性(simplicity);确定性(certainty,比如:可信度);效用(utility,比如:支持度);新颖性(novelty). DMQL正是基于这些原语设计的数据挖掘查询语言. 它允许从关系数据库和数据仓库中多个抽象层次上特殊(ad-hoc)和交互地挖掘多种种类的知识.

Data Warehousing:数据仓库

11.9.8 数据仓库(Data Warehousing)和数据挖掘(Data Mining)数据挖掘(Data Mining)是对数据仓库中的数据进行进一步处理以得到更有用信息的过程. 数据挖掘工具被用来发现数据的联合和相关性来生成元数据(Metadata). 元数据可以单个信息子集中隐含的相关性.

data snooping:数据侦察

data mining 数据挖掘 | data snooping 数据侦察 | consumption beta 消费贝塔

KED7 Data Mining: Display Form:数据挖掘: 显示表格

KED6 Data Mining: Change Form 数据挖掘: 更改格式 | KED7 Data Mining: Display Form 数据挖掘: 显示表格 | KEDA Export Summarization Level 输出汇总层次