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散点图 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

scatter diagram
更多网络例句与散点图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The means and their standard deviation of carboxyhemoglobin contents in the blood from finger and ear were calculated in 5 groups divided according to the earboxyhemoglobin contents in finger blood.

结果与分祈根据62名受检者指血与耳血中COHb%的测定值绘制成散点图,散点从左下方向右_L方分布,表明指血与耳血中CoHb%测值之间存在着正相关,其回归方程为Y=0 。0418+0.9542xr=0.9675

Their geochemical characteristics provide evidence of magma mixing, oxide Harte diagram, bi-element scatter diagram and co-denominator diagram show linear chemical variations between end-member composition for almost all major and trace elements.


Results There was a linear trend between logarithmic X and Y, the equation of logarithmic curve was able to be fitted, There was a linear trend between logarithmic Y and X, the equation of exponential curve was able to be fitted, There was a linear trend between logarithmic X and logarithmic Y, the equation of power curve can be fitted. There is a parabola pattern between X and Y, the equation of parabola was able to be fitted.

结果 X取自然对数与Y作散点图有直线趋势,拟合对数曲线方程;Y取自然对数与X作散点图有直线趋势,拟合指数曲线方程;X取自然对数与Y取自然对数作散点图有直线趋势,拟合幂函数曲线方程;原始数据X和Y成抛物线关系,拟合抛物线方程。

In multi-dimensional information statistical graph expression,several common method is emphasized, includes parallel coordinates, scatter matrix,multi-dimensional scatter etc.


A scatter graph or scatter diagram is a type of display that contains one or more scatter plots each of which use Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data.


Methods At first, the relationship of linear or non-linear between dependent X and independent Y in original data can be distinguished by scatter diagram which can be made through Excel software.


Methods At first, the relationship of linear or non-linear between dependent X and independent Y in original data can be distinguished by scatter diagram which can be made through Excel software. The scatter diagram of log- arithmic transformation between dependent X and / or independent Y decides which curve to be fitted.


RESULTS: Compared with control group, SDNN, SDANN, TP, VLF and scattergram length in organic heart disease group were significantlylow. Results of Lorenz plot showed that most of controls were comet shape (82.22%) as well as organic heart disease patients were complex shape (42.22%), triangularshape (35.56%) and torpedo shape (8.89%). L correlated well with SDNN, SDANN, TP and VLF. Scattergram dispersion correlated well with rMSSD, PNN50 and HF.

结果:与对照组比较,器质性心脏病组的SDNN、SDANN、TP、VLF及Lorenz散点图长度均显著下降,对照组散点图82.22%为彗星状,器质性心脏病组复杂形、扇状及鱼雷状分别占42.22%、35.56%及8.89%; L与SDNN、SDANN、TP、VLF呈显著的正相关,散点图离散度与rMSSD、PNN50、HF呈显著的正相关。

Isogram addition with line, histogram, and Lorenz plot is latterly realized in HBACIS so that the results of the inquiring, calculating and analyzing of the climate information can be visually displayed. The successful exploitation of HBACIS shows that the B/S system adopted JSP can totally satisfy the requirement of the agricultural climate information system. For one thing, JSP with the characteristics of high efficiency and security, multiplatform and expansibility, basing on the object oriented language-JAVA, can be sustained widely, and is easy to exploit and maintain. The JSP tags can be extended and the components are reused. For another, the client side of the B/S system is all applied with the browser as the interface, which is very simple and wieldy.


Based on the survey of the traffic flow in Changchun city arteries, the scatter charts of vehicle speed-low data were plotted, the linear regression equations of scatter plots and their boundaries were derived and compared with the curve of Greenshields speed-flow model and the scatter plot of the freeway data, thus the speed-low characteristics in urban arteries were established, being of help for the traffic managers to determine the traffic signal control strategy.


更多网络解释与散点图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

area chart:面状图

Line chart 折线图 | Area chart 面状图 | Scatter chart 散点图


对于双参数或多参数数据,既可以单独显示每个参数的直方图(histogram),也可以选择二维的散点图(dot plot)、等高线图(contour)或三维立体视图(pseudo 3D每一个细胞单参数的测量数据可以整理成统计分布,以直方图的方式来显示.

Scatter diagram:散点图

6.散点图(scatter diagram) 散点图以直角坐标系中各点的密集程度和趋势来表示两现象间的关系(图12-7). 根据点的散布情况,推测2种事物或现象有无相关,故常在对资料进行相关分析之前使用.

Scatter diagram:点图

设计变革 时间第 1 件产品 采用 QFD 未采用 QFD QFD 可散点图(Scatter Diagram) 散点图用来研究两个变量之间可能的因果关系. 散点图并不能证明一个变量是另一个变量产生的原因,但它可以证明两个变量是否相关联以及相关的强弱.

Schematic plot:示意图/简图

Scatter diagram,散点图 | Schematic plot,示意图/简图 | Score test,计分检验


Silverlight Toolkit提供了绘制柱状图(Column,Bar),饼图(Pie),折线图(Line), 散点图(Scatter)等控件. 我们可以很方便的将已有的数据源绑定到相应图形控件上,设置好相应的X,Y轴显示样式和数据字段之后就大功告成了,

Scatter plot:散点图

[8] 散点图(Scatter plot)又称相关图,它是直观反映变量之间相关关系的统计图,在相关分析中有广泛应用. 在图中横坐标"文化程度"随数字0-7逐渐增加,最低为"小学及以下",最高为"硕士及以上". 纵坐标"收入程度"也是随数字0-8逐渐增加,

scatter plots:散点图

漏斗图(funnel plots)最初是用每个研究的处理效应估计值为X轴,样本含量的大小为Y轴的简单散点图(scatter plots).

l "Error Bar:误差条图

l "Boxplot"箱线图. | l "Error Bar"误差条图 | l "Scatter"散点图.

Eigenvalues Over:按降序绘出因子特征根散点图

Extract 选取因子 | Eigenvalues Over 按降序绘出因子特征根散点图 | Number of Factors 因子数