英语人>词典>汉英 : 教唆犯 的英文翻译,例句
教唆犯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fagin  ·  Fagin

更多网络例句与教唆犯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism and abetment to terrorism are also recognized as separate criminal offences.


The abettor has the following characteristic:...


She was drawn in to the commission of the crime by an abettor.


Meanwhile, some fresh changes have taken place in the act of abettor and auxiliary accomplice, due to the ...


The abettor is in the common perpetrator a most complex variety, the social hazardous nature is big.


As the most controversial and noted issue in the criminal law theories, abettor theory, which refers to how to determine and penalize an abettor in practice, has been a difficulty often encountered in the criminal judicial practice.


In the judicial practice of China, the inattentive statutory stipulation and the different views of abettor theory by judges and procurator likely leads to divergent verdicts, even a difference between life and death. Therefore, how to determine and penalize an abettor has been an important but practical issue which the judicial authorities and the academia are facing and can not withdraw from.


On the basic of the theories of subordinateness of accomplices and the independence of accomplices, my thesis put forward new viewpoint in the satisfaction and extension of instigation.


When the offender abets others to make false witness for him, he will be treated as a criminal abettor. But in the circumstance of abetting others to help to do acts of obstacle criminal justice, he ought not to be treated as an abettor.


Based on the analysis of autonomous attributes of abettors, this paper analyses the inherent unification of special attributes of abettors: joint crime, inchoate crime and quantity of crime.


更多网络解释与教唆犯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


共同犯罪 complicity; joint offence | 教唆犯 abettor | 主犯 principal

abettor,abetter:教唆犯; 造意犯; 煽动犯

abet sb. in a crime教唆某人犯罪 | abettor,abetter教唆犯; 造意犯; 煽动犯 | abettor of another solicitant教唆教唆犯

abettor; instigator:教唆犯

ABESAMIS, Teresita Y.;特雷西塔.阿韦萨米斯;; | abettor; instigator;教唆犯;; | area between the limits of the forward defended localities indicating the cease-fire lines;前防界限间地区;ABFDLs;

aider and abettor:帮助教唆犯,教唆帮助犯

aid and abet 教唆 | aider and abettor 帮助教唆犯,教唆帮助犯 | aide-memoire 外交备忘录

abettor of another solicitant:教唆教唆犯

abettor,abetter教唆犯; 造意犯; 煽动犯 | abettor of another solicitant教唆教唆犯 | abeyance产权未定


barrater 诉讼教唆犯 | barrator 诉讼教唆犯 | barratrous 教唆诉讼的


faggy 女性化的 | Fagin 教唆犯 | fagot 柴把


instigation 教唆 | instigator 教唆犯 | instil 逐渐灌输

psychology of abetting offender:教唆犯心理

psychology model of mobility 变动的心理模型 | psychology of abetting offender 教唆犯心理 | psychology of adolescence 青少年心理学 青年心理学


缴获 seize | 教唆犯 instigators | 教唆者 instigators