英语人>词典>汉英 : 敏感症 的英文翻译,例句
敏感症 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
allergy  ·  allergies

更多网络例句与敏感症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Damage to the temporal lobes, which are part of the cerebrum and lie at the sides of the brain, can cause a disorder referred to as Amusia. People may have trouble with rhythms, recognizing melodies, singing, or playing an instrument. Sometimes the damage can cause little or no problems with hearing speech or other sounds; just music.


Damage to the temporal lobes, which are part of the cerebrum lie at the sides of the brain, can cause a disorder referred to as Amusia. People may have trouble with rhythms, recognizing melodies, singing, or playing an instrument. Sometimes the damage can cause little or no problems with hearing speech or other sounds; my.ssbbww.com music.

若损坏了位于大脑旁边的属于大脑的组成部分叶时,会引起我们 sSBbWw 提及到的失歌症,这类人有可能 www.ssBBww.cOm 在对旋律或节奏,乐曲的辨认,唱歌,或弹奏乐器方面 www.sSbbww.com 都会有一些8 tt t8.com 困扰或不敏感,又是这种伤害对于听力或其他声音的辨别有一些8 tt t8.com 影响或者 wwW.ssbbwW.coM 无影响,只是音乐。

In Europe allergy to rice and buckwheat is uncommon.


Objective: To observe the clinical effects of Green Or, Gluma desensitizer and 75% sodium fluoride glycerin on the treatment of root-dentin hypersensitivity after subgingival scaling with ultrasonic instruments and discuss its desensitization mechanism.


Conslusion: Light-cured compound resin plombage is a simple and effective approach for treatment of tooth wear caused hypersensitivity.


Such wind-borne pollen causes misery for allergy sufferers in much of the world, where it falls heavily, as it has for millions of years.


For example, a healthy 18-month-old boy who "had no history of allergy or any prior postvaccinal adverse event" before receiving the chickenpox vaccine, was admitted to the intensive care unit four days later with a low platelet count.


E.g., Allergy to hazelnuts is common in areas with many birch trees, where birch pollen hay lever is frequent


AIM: To compare the definite effective m ethods to handle tooth hypersensitivity caused by attrition.


Key words: Tooth wear; Comounded resin; Tooth hypersensitivity; Plombage


更多网络解释与敏感症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acragnosis 肢体感觉缺失 | acritical 不批评的 | acroaesthesia 肢端敏感症


allergic 过敏的 | allergist 专科医师 | allergy 敏感症

Celiac Disease:脂泻病

但当肠胃症状是持久性不适,可能会是寄生虫导致的例如阿米巴虫或贾第鞭毛虫病,尤其是近期曾经到温热带地区旅游;亦有可能是麸质敏感症(Gluten Sensitivity)或乳糜泻脂泻病(Celiac Disease).

pituitary dwarfism:垂体性侏儒症

垂体性侏儒症(pituitary dwarfism)是指下丘脑-垂体病变引起的生长激素(GH)分泌不足或对GH不敏感所致的生长发育障碍. 发病始于婴儿期或儿童期,可仅有单项GH分泌不足,也可同时伴有其他一种或多种垂体前叶促激素的减少. 是当今儿童生长发育中最为常见的内分泌疾患.

elective mutism:选择性缄默症

[鉴别诊断] (一)选择性缄默症(elective mutism) "缄默"的高度选择性是本症特点. 患儿智力发育正常,韦氏儿童智力测验智商在70或70以上. 起病多在3~7岁,女性多见,多是敏感、羞怯性格. 神经系统检查无异常,亦无其它精神或身体障碍.

dental hyperesthesia:牙敏感症

dental hatchet 牙釉斧 | dental hyperesthesia 牙敏感症 | dental hypoplasia 牙发育不全


hypersarcosinemia 高肌氨酸血症 | hypersecretion 分泌过多 | hypersensitiveness 敏感过度


------缄默症(Mutism):一种多数情况下发生在早期幼儿中的疾病,它是由于恐惧感造成的交际交往障碍,其表现形式为语言障碍. 患者(男女比例几乎一致)感情超常敏感,尽管有讲话的能力,但与外界的交往中却保持沉默. 如果有所交往,

Oh, Shaggy:懊,杂毛

l sure hope my allergies don't start acting up.|我真的希望不要有敏感症 | Oh, Shaggy.|懊,杂毛 | Whoa! Whoa!|哇!哇!


acritical 不批评的 | acroaesthesia 肢端敏感症 | acroagnosia 肢端失知症