英语人>词典>汉英 : 政理 的英文翻译,例句
政理 的英文翻译、例句


political affairs
更多网络例句与政理相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To Join: Please mail your information to King's Road Post Office PO Box no. 34983 with the title "Applying for Introductory Workshop, August 2009". Successful applicants would be confirmed by email. Application is processed on a first-come-first-serve basis. If the number of applicants exceeds 15, we would consider unsuccessful applicants first at the next introductory workshop.

報名: 請填妥個人資料表格,寄回郵英皇道郵政信箱 34983號,信封頁面請寫上"飛躍道 Parkour認知工作坊 2009年8月申請人",被接受參加工作坊的朋友將會收到電郵以作確認,名額有限,先到先得,如超過15人,我們會在下一次的工作坊時作優先處理。

Today, the Forum serves as an important platform andeffective mechanism for conducting collective dialogue, exchangingexperience in governance and enhancing mutual trust and cooperation inpractical terms between China and African countries.


Duke Richard of the York was claimed to be the Prince Regent.


In 1783 the Prince of Wales, later the Prince Regent and then King George IV, made the first of his many visits to Brighton. His powerful patronage of the locality extended almost continuously to 1827 and stamped the town with the distinguished character still reflected in its Regency squares and terraces.


Be in office in aggrandizement below recognizant premise, improve and perfect the thought construction of the party, deepen manage state affairs ceaselessly the relevant consciousness of manage politics, be raise a party be in office the serious thought of ability assures.


Firstly,Mao Zedong's theory of contradictions is the philosophic gist to bring forward the two strategies;Secondly,Mao Zedong's theory of making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration and correctly dealing with people's internal contradictions,is the political theoretic gist to bring forward the two strategies;Thirdly,the Great Leap and the Culture Revolution is the historic lessoning gist.


King Edward IV died in 1483.He had two sons, Edward and Richard, and the elder of these, Edward, became king on his father's death.

2由于他仅仅12 岁,他的叔叔格洛斯特公爵理查就成为他的摄政王,直到他加冕时为止。

更多网络解释与政理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Admin Assistant:止政帮理

HI Supervisor 我事督导 | Admin Assistant 止政帮理 | Information Technology 疑息技巧部分

certified mail:掛號郵件

4. registered mail: 有價掛號郵件(即遺失有理賠金,依美國郵政服務是理賠上限二萬五千元美金. ) | 5. certified mail: 掛號郵件 | 6. certified mail with return receipt:雙掛號郵件

give birth to:生

注意,老外通常强调"拥有(have)孩子",而不是"生(give birth to)孩子". 通常情况下,我把我们的人口基数告诉客人,我们的生 育政 策,是为缓 解人 口增 长所带来的各种压力,大多数客人表示理...

money order:邮政汇票

您可郵寄個人美金支票、美金本票 (Cashier Check)或郵政匯票 (Money Order)到:當您電匯資金至美國時,不僅當地的承辦銀行會收取手續費,環球通匯系統(SWIFT)以及受款銀行也會酌收費用,美國這邊的處理機構及銀行所收取的匯款總費用約$15~20美元.

US Postal Service:美国邮政管理局

US Nutrition Labelling & Education Act美 国 营 养 标 签 及 教 育 法 案 | US Postal Service美 国 邮 政 管 理 局 | US Senate Foreign Relations Committee美 国 参 议 院 外 交 关 系 委 员 会

self determination:自决

1973 年,新当选的工党政府改变了对土著人 的"同化政 策",采取让土著 人"自 决"(self determination) 的政 策. 1975 年,自由党也开始采取让土著 人"自我管 理"(self management) 的政 策. 1971 年,


1975 年,自由党也开始采取让土著 人"自我管 理"(self management) 的政 策. 1971 年,第一次一名土著人内维尔.邦尼 特(Neville Bonnet)作为自由党代表当选为联邦参议院议 员. 土著人在体育上的出色表现也使许多白人刮目相 看.


:吉田仁美 碧洋琪(Bianchi)声优:田中理恵 一平(I-Pin)声优:陈里美(丰原里美) 迪诺(Dino)声优:镰苅健太(前期)/KENN (后期) 风太(Futa)声优:三瓶由布子 dnf天神官网1.35种(Kakimoto Chikusa)声优:丰永利行 城岛犬(Joushima Ken)声优:内藤玲 沢田家光(Sawada Iemitsu)声优:岩崎征实 XANXUS 声优:池田政典 斯贝尔比.斯夸罗(Supe


官政行,者理治;主店国英recnepS | 场牧,原草国英natS | 泊津的岩多自来国英drofnatS