英语人>词典>汉英 : 收学生 的英文翻译,例句
收学生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与收学生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To make plans to desegregate the all-white Troy University, and how this meeting developed into a deep friendship.


I shall return to Brocklehurst Hall in the course of a week or two: my good friend, the Archdeacon, will not permit me to leave him sooner.


A young person who works himself up from the cash register to assistant manager in a year or two has far more practical skills and business knowledge than a second-year university student.


A young person who works himself up from the cash register to assistant manager in ayear or two has far more practical skills and business knowledge than asecond-year university student.


A young person who works himself up from the cash register to assistant manager in a year or two has far more practical skills and businessknowledge than a second-year university student.


A young person who works himselfup from the cash register to assistant manager in a year or two hasfar more practical skills and business knowledgethan a second-year university student.


What I am going to do is cc the Business Office as they receive all money for students.


Since our schools accept so many kids from close-by cities, we had almost half of this population.


For this, we must know clearly the types of teachers' personalities,the cause of the influence of teachers' personality on students' nonintelligence quality and how to strengthen the active effect of teachers' persaonality on students' nonintelligence quality.


She preferred her students to start their music lessons at a younger age when their fingers are nimble.


更多网络解释与收学生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bank account:银行账户

考点拓展: 银行账户(bank account)中,存款账户(deposit account)和现金(往来)账户(current account)是最主要的两种类型. 现在越来越多的人不以现金(cash)形式收付款,而是直接入账(direct credit),大到公司客户,小到打工学生.

double bass:低音大提琴

近年香港不少学校都成立了管弦乐团和器乐训练班,但招收弦乐学生时却经常面对一个问题:小提琴的名额供不应求,中提琴 (Viola) 和低音大提琴 (Double Bass) 却出现收生不足的情况.

Ecole des Beaux-Arts:美术学院

(2) Charrette是一个法语词,它的直译是小推车,后来特指在巴黎美术学院(Ecole des Beaux Arts)的设计课程中助教使用来收学生作业图纸的小推车,因此转义为学生紧张地赶图以便能在最后时刻把作业丢入小推车中.

Build success into your class:(让学生感收成功)

Differentiate instruction(多元教学) | Build success into your class(让学生感收成功) | Hold high expectations(对学生给予厚望)

deposit account:存款账户

银行账户(bank account)中,存款账户(deposit account)是主要的类型. 现在越来越多的人不以现金(cash)形式收付款,而是直接入账(direct credit),大到公司客户,小到打工学生. 这时也会需要用到现金帐户账户,它用于管理资金非常的方便(convenient),

Douglass College:道格拉斯学院. 只收女性学生,其课程综合性比较强

Cook College,库克学院. 课程侧重于生命科学,农学及海洋科学... | Douglass College,道格拉斯学院. 只收女性学生,其课程综合性比较强. | Livingston College,李文斯顿学院. 其学院主旨为增进多样性. 课程侧重于社会科...

put away 1:放好,收好;2、储存

*pupil n. 1、学生,小学生;2、瞳孔 | put away 1、放好,收好;2、储存 | put down 1、记下;2、放下

take anti-rejection drugs:服用抗排斥药物

服用过量安眠药 take an overdose of sleeping pills | 服用抗排斥药物 take anti-rejection drugs | 尽收(学生) take as many something as the quota allows

tricing lines:收帆绳

堂上讲些如垫架(cradle)、救生艇吊杆(life boat davit)、小...艇扣带(gripes)、收帆绳(tricing lines)等专业词汇,学生...势必感到茫茫然,不知所云,在脑子里对此不会留下印象,

reduce student intakes:减少收生

报读中大医学院has applied to the medical school at Chinese University | 减少收生reduce student intakes | 超收学生classes were overcrowded/admitting more students than allowed