英语人>词典>汉英 : 收复的 的英文翻译,例句
收复的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The thesis holds that the administration system was based on the System of Military Feoff.


For many years, the Chinese people for have regained Hong Kong to wage heroically tenacious, the indomitable struggle.


The meeting is disrupted by Albanian irredentist.


According to Chinese media at the time, the Chinese army received orders not only to abandon the whole of the recovered lost land and retreat to the MacMahon Line, but also to retreat to twenty kilometers behind it and break off contact with the Indian forces.


To fight back, RCA and GE came outin 1961 with a re-designed 12AX7 called the 12AX7A that had lower noiseand microphonics.


And when, after the Cold War, the sovereignty disputes over the islands in the South China Sea have become one of the dominating problems that threaten the peace and security of the Asia-Pacific area and the relations between the countries around the South China Sea have been in such tensions many times due to the issue that there is evidence that force may be resorted to, US has been dead set on one point though its strategy for the Asia-Pacific area is still shaping: it urges that the issue should be settled through negotiation rather than by force.


The resulting campaigns to stop the rebellion distract the Imperium from its attempts to reconquer the Free Marches and allow the south to gather its strength.

镇压叛乱延缓了帝国试图收复Free Marches的计划,为南部诸国扩充实力争取了时间。

He then made some good suggestions to rehabilitate the state and recover the lost land.


But Israel said it was not the start of a total reoccupation of Gaza.


On the occasion of the tercentenary of the recovery of Taiwan held in 1961 in Xiamen, the poet Guo Moruo composed the following poem as a tribute to Zheng Chenggong


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Cretan Bull:克里特公牛

另一个说法则是指宙斯与伊俄(Io)偷情时,被赫拉发现. 宙斯於是将伊俄变成白色的母牛,欺瞒赫拉(Hera)的故事. 也有一个说法是指金牛座的牛是赫立克勒斯(Heracles)十二件苦差中的第七件,收复的 克里特公牛(Cretan Bull).

Irredentist:主张收复国土者 (名)

irredentism 民族统一主义 (名) | irredentist 主张收复国土者 (名) | irreducible 不能复归的; 不可约分的; 不能削减的 (形)


revendication 收复失地的正式要求 | revengeful 深藏仇恨的 | revengefully 燃起复仇念头地

skeleton key:骷髅钥匙:立即打开该关卡的门

Gallus Magic鸡妖术:将棋盘上的雠敌形成小鸡. | Skeleton Key骷髅钥匙:立即打开该关卡的门. | Restoration Crystal收复水晶:增加最大HP10%.

Take back juno:收复朱诺塔

32 Let truth be told--让真实说话 | 33 Heros are born this way--英雄是这样产生的 | 34 Take back juno--收复朱诺塔

unremitting efforts:不懈的努力

in addition to high-profile constitutional cases 除了倍受注目的宪制性的个案以外 | unremitting efforts 不懈的努力 | recover their lost territories 收复失地


revenant 归来的浪子 | revendication 收复失地的正式要求 | revengeful 深藏仇恨的

revendication:收复失地的正式要求; 收复失地 (名)

revelry 寻欢作乐, 狂欢; 欢宴 (名) | revendication 收复失地的正式要求; 收复失地 (名) | revenge 替...报仇, 复仇 (动)

Recaptured Love:收复的爱情

1930 勇气 Courage | 1930 收复的爱情 Recaptured Love | 1931 大腕 The Big Shot


西突厥帝国主要由西突厥斯坦、准噶尔 (Dzungaria) 和塔里木盆地构成,从更远处形成威胁. 中国对塔里木盆地进行争夺,收复的战斗从公元 640 年持续到 648 年. 在斗志昂扬的武则天的坚持下,中国军队于公元 656 年入侵西突厥斯坦,