英语人>词典>汉英 : 摩西的 的英文翻译,例句
摩西的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mosaic  ·  mosaicked  ·  mosaicking  ·  mosaics

更多网络例句与摩西的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Baltimore( bandore巴里的摩美国的一个城市) the Maryland high scores on state graduation text can be worth more than one-hundred dollars .and new Jerseyschool system plans tothe pay students fifty dollars a week to attend after school tutoring programs.


Beginning with the triumph of Sammael over Michael at the expected event, it tells how Moses had entered rather to be changed into a beast or a bird than to die; how Gabriel and Michael had successively refused to bring the soul of Moses; how Moses, knowing that Sammael was coming for the purpose, had armed himself with the Ineffable Name; how Moses had in boastfulness recounted to Sammael all his achievements, real legendary; and how at last Moses had pursued the Enemy with the Ineffable Name, and in his anger taken off one of his horns of glory and blinded Satan in one eye.


And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses.


So Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses.


So Eleazar and Moses did as the Lord had given orders to Moses.

31:31 于是摩西和祭司以利亚撒照耶和华所吩咐摩西的行了。

31 So Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses.

31:31 於是摩西和祭司以利亚撒、照耶和华所吩咐摩西的行了。

Moses, the hero of the Pentateuch, was traditionally assumed to be the work's author.


And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat to judge the people: and

18:13 第二天,摩西坐着审判百姓,百姓从早到晚都站在摩西的左右。

And Moses brought Aaron's sons, and put coats upon them, and girded them with girdles, and put bonnets upon them; as the LORD commanded Moses.

8:13 摩西带了亚伦的儿子来,给他们穿上内袍,束上腰带,包上裹头巾,都是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的

Granting that in the time of Moses there existed certain oral traditions or written records and documents which he was divinely led to make use of in his history, and that his writing was revised by inspired successors, this will fully account for certain peculiarities of expression which critics have called "anachronisms" and "contradictions," but in no way militates against the doctrine that Moses was the original author of the whole of the Pentateuch.


更多网络解释与摩西的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


commanding /指挥的/威风凛凛的/居高临下的/ | commandment /诫命/戒律/圣训/摩西的十诫/诫/ | commando /别动队/突击队/民兵/水陆装备突击队/


decalitre 公斗 | Decalogue 摩西的十诫 | Decameron >

Moses in Horeb:摩西在何烈

466.Moses 摩西 | 467.Moses in Horeb 摩西在何烈 | 468.Moses in the bulrushes 蒲草箱里的摩西


. 八月十五日 牧人摩西 MOSES THE SHEPHERD | . 八月十七日 代祷者摩西 MOSES THE INTERCESSOR | . 八月十八日 失败的摩西 MOSES THE FAILURE

Moses Flees to Midian:摩西逃往米甸

2.The Birth of Moses摩西的出生 | 3.Moses Flees to Midian摩西逃往米甸 | 4.God Calls Moses神呼召摩西


"摩西"(MOSE)是圣经故事中带领犹太人逃出埃及的伟大先知. 巧的是,这个名字与意大利政府为挽救威尼斯而进行的一项工程的意大利语缩写一模一样. 于是,这项工程被人赋予了一个最贴切的名称--"摩西".

Moses in the bulrushes:蒲草箱里的摩西

467.Moses in Horeb 摩西在何烈 | 468.Moses in the bulrushes 蒲草箱里的摩西 | 469.Moses'rod 摩西的


decalitre 公斗 | Decalogue 摩西的十诫 | Decameron <<十日谈>>

Magicians of Egypt in face of Moses'gnats:埃及行法术者在摩西的虱子面前

Made man in the image of God 按照上帝的形象造人11 | Magicians of Egypt in face of Moses'gnats 埃及行法术者在摩西的虱子面前6 | Magnificat 尊主颂 588

the Law of Moses alone is true:摩西的律法,单是真实的

God called Moses and the other Prophets of the Biblical canon;所謂上帝摩西和... | the Law of Moses alone is true;摩西的律法,單是真實的; | to know the language of the Bible is a religious duty;了解語言的...