英语人>词典>汉英 : 摄动系统 的英文翻译,例句
摄动系统 的英文翻译、例句


perturbed system
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A kind of one parameter planar singular perturbation equation is studied by the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations, asymptotic analysis methods, implicit function theorem and fixed point methods.


This paper presents the interconnection structure and its linear fractional transformation of a class of parameter perturbed systems.


Linear Fractional Transformation is adopted to translate the control of perturbation to the control of disturbance, then cost index is augmented, and with the min-max method, a robust receding horizon control law is derived. The sufficient conditions for the existence of the control law and closed-loop stability are also presented. The result is extended to time-invariant system with an infinite horizon, and its consistence with the robust control based on the concept of Quadratic Stability is verified.


Firstly, Receding horizon H〓 control based on state feedback with terminal constraints is proposed for systems with disturbance inputs and parameter perturbations. Linear Fractional Transformation and some existed results on Receding horizon H〓 control for systems without perturbations are introduced.


H〓 control for parameter perturbation system is studied and this technique is used to design large envelope augmented stability flight control system.


This paper, using complex function theory,proves the general conclusion that the systemmust be robust stable if its perturbed system is robust diagonal dominance .


This limitingmodel of a singularly perturbed system is of the form of the singular systems ,while nowadays, the theory of singular systems is well developed and thus pavesthe way to develop a possible new synth.


After the completion of DAE with removal of singular points, a DAE system may be transformed into ordinary differential equations on manifolds; it is also possible to transform DAE to a singular perturbed system as ODE.


As a high-order, multivariable, nonlinear system, inverted pendulum's characteristic value distribution and the frequency range characteristic are similar to the singularly perturbed system's characteristic.


PID controllers based on the interval polynomial stabilization theorem;2. Not only the H ∞ norm calculating guestion of the robust stability of the mixed-type perturbation in the interval polynomial family is studied, but also the range which can be done is enlarged to that of the more general linearly dependent cofficients perturbation.


更多网络解释与摄动系统相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

singular cohomology group:奇异上同调群

奇异扰动|singular perturbation | 奇异上同调群|singular cohomology group | 奇异摄动系统|singularly perturbed system


而且认为,一切生命都是层级地组织起来的负反馈系统,一切生命行为(2)对于环境加到q*的干扰与摄动(disturbances & perturbation),系统总是存在着不断的对抗(counteract)和补偿行动,使qi倾向于返回q*,


现在的问题是,一切因素,包括环境的干扰,系统自身的摄动与涨落(fluctuation)都属干扰之列. 或执行器(executor)上,如动物的肌肉,自动机中的马达等,它将指令信号或偏差信号转是受偏差信号导向的,

perturbed system:摄动系统

非奇异摄动 nonsingular perturbation | 摄动系统 perturbed system | 结构摄动法 structure perturbation approach

singularly perturbed system:奇异摄动系统

奇异上同调群|singular cohomology group | 奇异摄动系统|singularly perturbed system | 奇异同调|singular homology


奇异摄动系统:singular perturbed systems | 摄动:perturbed | 扰动势:perturbed potential

singular homology:奇异同调

奇异摄动系统|singularly perturbed system | 奇异同调|singular homology | 奇异同调群|singular homology group


然而,为了使这个实验完全与宇宙其余部份分离,这里仍有某些摄动(perturbations)需要克服,尤其是阳光本身微小却持续不断的压力. 试验在一个真空室内进行,推进系统以电池运作,以确保完全的电气去耦合(decoupling),硬体则置於陶瓷绝缘体上,