英语人>词典>汉英 : 搬迁 的英文翻译,例句
搬迁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与搬迁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Photograph taken during the transportation of the temple of Abu Simbel to its present site.


Traditionally, when a radio network site is moved, it is necessary to interrupt existing services and perform a step-by-step serial cutover, which involves complex arrangements and huge resource investments. Therefore, there is an urgent need to discuss a low-risk and fast solution to site moving and cutover.


Traditionally, when a radio network site is moved, it is necessary to interrupt existing services and perform a step-by-step serial cutover , which involves complex arrangements and huge resource investments.


The concrete procedures implemented by PengYang County,belonged to success model,which has important introductive significance and extended value.


The same year with the Institute of Fine Chemicalto develop fine chemical products - o-aminobenzoic acid, and 1.4 million yuan of funds into an annual output of 200 tons built anthranilic acid production line, by the province for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Convention to fulfill the work of leadership Office approval in April 2002 with an annual output of 200 tons of the scale of operation, product quality compared with similar products in the domestic leading level, in October 2002 to carry out technical transformation again, the scale of production from 200 tons; years expanded to 500 tons; in size, and product performance, production capacity of plant expansion requirements, in 2003 officially put into operation. The end of 2004 our company moved to Sequoia small city are on the 1st, covering over 20,000 square meters, anthranilic acid after the removal of the production line expanded to 1200 tons; in size, at the same time developed a 2,2 - Dithio Benzophenone acid, benzo-iso thiazoline -3 - one, dichloro-acetonitrile, thiophene tons of ketones, a series of inter-amino benzoic acid, etc. Fine Chemical Products.


Whether The Resettlement of Three Gorges project is success or not decide the success or failure of Three Gorges project, and the construct of residental quarter is the most basal material of The Resettlement,is also a realization to immigration one of the important foundations of"settle steadily".


She will earn $ 435 a night for temporally relocating.


Taking the integral remove of a 2 000 m3 standing cylindrical storage tank with a dome at Xinjiang Kelamayi Petrochemical Company for example, this paper discusses the characteristics of two integral remove methods of large scale storage tank which are to use heavy catepillar and use rolling bars with jacks aided.


But, the government says, there will be no relocation for families like Hanso Devi's because they do not meet relocation requirements.


Nationally, temporary relocations for lead contamination and other environmental problems are not infrequent, although having to move so large a portion of a small town is rare, particularly when, as in Herculaneum, the danger was so long suspected.


更多网络解释与搬迁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

relocated families:搬迁

拜年 pay New Year call | 搬迁??relocated families | 半拉子工??uncompleted project

rig mover:钻机搬迁

rig manager 海上钻机操作监督;井队长 | rig mover 钻机搬迁 | rig operating cost 钻机操作费用

occupancy rate:占用率

对机构方面来说,为了要随时满足老年院友因搬迁而带来的床位需要,通常需要空置一些床位以应急需,减低床位的正常占用率(occupancy rate). 对机构方面来说,为了要随时满足老年院友因搬迁而带来的床位需要,通常需要空置一些床位以应急需,

power line:(电源线)

许多办公室搬迁之时,最大的困扰莫过于各种缆线的施工,其办公室所需布线包括:电源线(Power Line)、网线(Cable Line)及电话线(Phone Line)等种类繁多且杂乱,特别是当办公室跨越不同楼层或建筑物时,还需有额外的中继线,更加大其搬迁及施工难度.

change residence:搬迁,迁移

change of residence 住所的改变 | change residence 搬迁,迁移 | child n. 子女,幼年子女

moving from hotel to rooming house:在酒店和家庭旅馆间不停搬迁

Eluding capture by my wits,|靠着机智,我躲避着追捕 | moving from hotel to rooming house,|在酒店和家庭旅馆间不停搬迁 | always working on my book.|但仍在写我的书


越南政府要求台湾钢企搬迁计划中的合资钢厂: 据台湾经济日报报道,台湾最大的钢铁生产商"中钢集团"收到越南(Vietnamese)政府的通知,要求搬迁计划在该国南部建立的一座冷轧合资工厂到越南中部地区.

When a poet relocates to a remote island:当诗人搬迁到一个偏远的岛屿

It is a magnificent achievement这是一个宏伟的成就 | When a poet relocates to a remote island当诗人搬迁到一个偏远的岛屿 | It is a magnificent achievement这是一个宏伟的成就

non-removable property:无法搬迁的财产

Imagine Coexistence;设想共存;; | non-removable property;无法搬迁的财产;; | physically challenged person;残疾人;;

Adjusts with allen wrench:调整与李鹏飞扳手

Quick and easy installation; removal and relocation of camera快速简易的安装;搬迁搬迁相机 | Adjusts with allen wrench调整与李鹏飞扳手 | Editorial Review: 编辑审查: