英语人>词典>汉英 : 描绘...的肖像 的英文翻译,例句
描绘...的肖像 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
portray  ·  portrayed  ·  portraying  ·  portrays

更多网络例句与描绘...的肖像相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Indeed, the constellations common in the sky from about 4000 BC to 2000 BC were Taurus the Bull, Canis Minor the Dog, Hydra the Snake, Corvus the Raven, and Scorpio the Scorpion, all of which may be identified in the fresco from Dura-Europos, a standard Hellenistic iconography.


In this portrait rendered by Nora Corbett, she has traded her golden crown for a jeweled circlet of full-blown roses.

在这幅Nora Corbett描绘的肖像中,她把她金色的王冠换成了一顶有着盛开的玫瑰的饰有宝石的花冠。

GUSTAV KLIMT was a great portrait painter whose subjects were the prosperous Viennese bourgeoisie at the start of the 20th century.


It is commonly believed that the cave in Mithraism imagery represents the cosmos, and the rock is the cosmos seen from the outside; hence the description of this god as 'rising from the dead'.


No trace of anger or misogyny can be found in Picasso's portraits of his curvaceous, nubile lover, Marie-Thérèse Walter, who entered his life aged 17 in 1927 and "saved him from the psychic stress of his marriage and the bourgeois restraints it imposed."

毕加索有一位情人叫玛丽亚·泰蕾丝·沃尔特(Marie-Thérèse Walter),她性感美丽,风韵十足,然而在毕加索描绘她的肖像中却看不到丝毫的愤怒与对这个女人的厌恶。

I'm painting you a portrait of young...


At the scene, the immense portraits, the monochrome tonality and the non-genre depiction create a modern mode. And the non-use of the contemporary portraiture style has here translated solemnness into a heroic poem.


Josie指着这几张钱背面解释说:on the back side of 5 pound note depicts elizabeth fry'sface,she was a philanthropist in 19th century britain,the left side picture showing a scene with her reading in a charity campaign;the 10 pound note depicts mr.charles darwin who was an aturalist in 19 th century britain;the 50 pound note depicts sir.john houblon who was the first governor of the bank of england;the back side of his face is his house;as for the back side of 20 pounds,it depicting sir.edward elgar's face with aview of worcester cathedral,elgar was a famous composer in the world.


This 10th-century image shows Abgarus of Edessa displaying the Image of Edessa.


Edward Elgar's face with aview of Worcester Cathedral,Elgar was a famous composer in the world.


更多网络解释与描绘...的肖像相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Astronomer:天文学家

>(The Astronomer)跟>(The Geographer)是维梅尔唯二描绘男子的肖像,图中的男子均为同一人,应该是他的好朋友,所以他开例为他画肖像吧.


画面调子更加柔和且富于立体效果;而"明暗法"(chiaroscuro)则使得描绘对象仿佛具有真切的错觉效果[1]. 这在他笔下的圣母肖像中得到深刻的体现. ...

portray vt.1:描写,描绘 2.扮演,饰演

portrait n.1.肖像,画像 2.生动的文字绘画 | portray vt.1.描写,描绘 2.扮演,饰演 | *apportion v.分配,分担,分派

The Tinderbox:打火匣

第一款纪念手表在K 金表盘上雕刻出安徒生的肖像,周围还装饰以精美的花纹图案;另一款则在表盘上描绘了安徒生笔下的故事>(The Tinderbox)的情节.