英语人>词典>汉英 : 接受性 的英文翻译,例句
接受性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与接受性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It characterizes in hidden, various, dependent, acceptable, abiding and canty.


The sensory evaluation showed that the jelly could get the highest acceptance as the gumminess was at 25-50gf, the lowest acceptance was at 5-10gf due to incomplete gelatin, if the gelatin is too hard, the non-well spreading will result in lowering the acceptance.

果冻凝胶嗜好性经官能品评的结果,在 25-50 gf 间者凝胶嗜好性最佳, 15-20 gf 者次之, 5-10 gf 者则因凝胶不完全而接受性最差。但若凝胶性太高,则有涂抹不良的现象,亦会使嗜好性降低。

This is because humorous itself has the new and strange irritating quality, vivid lively and is advantageous forcharacteristics and so on injectivity, it can cause the teaching to obtain the power, the attraction and the controlling force, can satisfy the student to know psychological well the need.


Through sensory evaluation, the flavor, texture and juiciness were shown to be no different among the treatments, and overall acceptability was the same with 0.3%, 0.5% treatments and control.


The present study, based on collocational knowledge framework put forward by Nation, investigates the possible developmental patterns in the acquisition of English verb-noun collocational knowledge both receptively and productively by Chinese EFL learners at three different proficiency levels.


Results The score of openness of sexual thought was 3.38±0.71, diversity of sexual behavior was 2.83±1.06, acceptant of sex trade was 2.16±0.61, alterative of sex objects was 1.89±0.65 and abundance of sexual knowledge was 3.11±0.75; Male's scores were ...


ConclusionMTET has good acceptability and practicability, and can enhance positive emotion and reduce negative emotion or anxiety level in customers with emotional aporia.


Only accepting sex first is it possible for subsequent development. The flow of love cannot dash out for strong resistance. On the other hand, sex is always writhing inwardly, so human's consciousness is polluted by a sexual mind.


Peer acceptance is the mediator of the relationship between externalizing problem behaviors and loneliness.


There exists a wide gap between subjects receptive and productive mastery of three types of verb-noun collocational knowledge tested. The wide gap between the two suggests that the development from receptive knowledge to productive knowledge is a slow process.


更多网络解释与接受性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acceptance tolerance limit:可接受的宽限度

acceptance test 接受性测试 | acceptance tolerance limit 可接受的宽限度 | acceptance 接受


如Sierra建议用"3C"的指导思想来选择伙伴,即相容性(Compatibility)、接受力(Capability)和承诺(Commitment). 相容性已被广泛、深入地探讨过了;而接受力,Sierra建立成敏捷性、意愿性和能力三方面来测试候选者;承诺是另一个重要因素,




高频词汇属于产出性(productive)词汇,低频词汇一般属于接受性(receptive)词汇. 因此,我们应该把较多的精力放在高频词汇上. 高中阶段可以把比较常用的1800~2000个单词作为产出性词汇来教学,要求学生不仅会读会拼,记注基本词义,

receptive language:接受性语言

两个比较大的区别是:(1)Lovaas方法强调接受性语言(Receptive language)先于表达性语言(Expressive language);但是VB方法更强调表达性语言的构成,先从孩子感兴趣的东西开始,然后教给孩子认为有价值的"词",然后引导他们自己来使用这个词;

receptiveness:感受性; 接受能力 (名)

receptive 善于接受的; 能容纳的 (形) | receptiveness 感受性; 接受能力 (名) | receptivity 感受性; 接受能力 (名)


面对外界刺激,我们把有机体较强或较弱的接受性(receptivity)称作感受性(sensibility)或者兴奋性(excitability). 我们说一双弱视的眼睛比一双健康的眼睛更易被激发;我们在清醒状态时比在睡眠状态时更为敏感. 但是,我们并不认为这就是在测量兴奋性.

sexual receptivity:性接受程度

sexual reaction 性反应 | sexual receptivity 性接受程度 | sexual reflex 性反射


依康德,感性(sensibility)是接受性,接受外来的东西,由外物给我一个刺激,而我接受一个刺激就有一个呈现. 假如说时间空间就是此接受性的感性所发,这也是讲不通的,在此须再详细予以分析. 对象如山河大地是外在的对象(external object),

accept speaking engagements:接受邀请发表演说

accelerometer;加速度计;; | accept speaking engagements;接受邀请发表演说;; | acceptability;接受性;;