英语人>词典>汉英 : 排印 的英文翻译,例句
排印 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

set up type and print · typesetting and printing
更多网络例句与排印相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was an old Greek Testament and the Eton Latin Grammar: a French pamphlet on the cavalry sword exercise; an odd volume of Tom Jones, with one half of its stiff leather cover hanging to it by a thread; Byron's Don Juan, printed in a murderous type, which must have been invented for the special advantage of oculists and opticians; and a fat book in a faded gilt and crimson cover.


This sentence is printed in italic type.


The example sentences in this dictionary are printed in italic type.


The above definition is set in roman; this example is in italics.


In contrast, legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typ eset text can be read.


He found old meerschaum pipes, and soiled, crumpled gloves that had once been fresh from the Parisian maker; old play bills, whose biggest letters spelled the names of actors who were dead and gone; old perfume bottles, fragrant with essences, whose fashion had passed away; neat little parcels of letters, each carefully labeled with the name of the writer; fragments of old newspapers; and a little heap of shabby, dilapidated books, each of which tumbled into as many pieces as a pack of cards in Robert's incautious hand.


Unfortunately, some twenty years plus into the desktop publishing revolution, few typographers with metal foundry type experience are still working (and fewer still peruse Wikipedia) so the misuse of the term "display typeface" as a synonym for "ornamental type" has become widespread.


What? Oh, I'm just correcting this typo from the Wall Street Journal.


Only typographical errors can be corrected at this stage.


Information on this web site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.


更多网络解释与排印相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cornering machine:切角機文化排印製版裝訂

10011切肉餐食烹飪carve | 10012切角機文化排印製版裝訂cornering machine | 10013切肺術醫藥手術pneumotomy

crossline screen:交叉網文化排印製版裝訂

16112交叉路口弗阻車道交通號誌規則do not block intersection | 16113交叉網文化排印製版裝訂crossline screen | 16114交叉踢運動橄欖球cross kick

crossline setting:橫排文化排印製版裝訂

60426橫送跳釦文化辦公機器horizontal space-bar | 60427橫排文化排印製版裝訂crossline setting | 60428橫桿短鏈工業鐘錶Albert chain


56095製圖員文化書畫雕刻金石draftsman | 56096製銅版者文化排印製版裝訂electrotyper | 56097製餅牛油餐食作料pastry butter

indented:锯齿状的; 受契约约束的; 缩进排印的 (形)

indemonstrable 不能证明的 (形) | indentation 呈锯齿状, 缺口, 缩排 (名) | indented 锯齿状的; 受契约约束的; 缩进排印的 (形)

lithograph press:石印機文化排印製版裝訂

15882石印術文化書名書類lithography | 15883石印機文化排印製版裝訂lithograph press | 15884石灰工業建築材料lime

Typography for instructional media:针对教学媒体的排印

? Typography 凸版印刷术 | ? Typography for instructional media 针对教学媒体的排印 | ? Typography: What you should know 有关排印你应该知道什么


11455木刻版文化排印製版裝訂woodcut | 11456木刻師文化排印製版裝訂xylographer | 11457木拐杖人類人體缺陷cane

xylography printing:木版印文化排印製版裝訂

11458木板地板;木材地板工業營造,修建wood floor | 11459木版印文化排印製版裝訂xylography printing | 11460木版字文化排印製版裝訂block letter


54387摺梳美容化folding comb | 54388摺紋機文化排印製版裝訂creasing machine | 54389摺紙文化排印製版裝訂fold paper