英语人>词典>汉英 : 换届 的英文翻译,例句
换届 的英文翻译、例句


change the term of office
更多网络例句与换届相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is highly unreasonable that the flood situation at the school can not be solved once for all.


Boulter, a tall, lean, languages teacher with floppy blonde hair tumbling over his beaky nose, seemed taken aback at being asked what he actually did in the great FIFA war of succession.


A year later Burrell noted that elections were due and Jamaican football seemed to be getting tired of him.


February 24, 2009, the club holds the changing ceremony, a senior member of the club Zhang Ying took the Chair.


But the longest deferrable time can not surpass for one year.


However, previous studying has paid more attention to some specific issues of election,and less attention has been paid to an overall and systematic analysis from the aspect of electorates\' participance in regular election of the people\'s congress of county and township levels,and the foresaid problems have hardly been studied on.


Of course, being in the general election, but also changed the situation.


China Resources Hotel, the Chinese Association of Land Valuation General Assembly general election.


Design of the CPA Stable union of base plate and intermediate plates with integral rams inserted centrically into each other Strong and rigid connection of the linear position measuring system with all ram systems Every ram system equipped with main hydraulic ports Every ram system equipped with additional hydraulic ports for movements outside the press Mechanical-hydraulic quick-clamping device Adapter travelling gear for rail-bound transport Complete adapter changing system Advantages Good accessibility for tool changeover Quick and simple adapter change with hydraulic quick-couplers and electric travel gear High compacting forces in both directions Short setup times Automatic centering and clamping of the adapter relative to the machine axis Tool presetting outside the press possible High guiding accuracy


Regular election of the people\'s congress of county and township levels is an important content of Chinese democracy construction,and a key factor for realization of electorates\' right to keep control over national affairs is that representatives of the People\'s Congress of county and township levels are elected directly by electorates,and meanwhile an important standard for measuring democracy degree of regular election of the people\'s congress of county and township levels is extention and deepness of electorates\' participance.


更多网络解释与换届相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

approved by acclamation:鼓掌通过

公开揭发;指控 blow the whistle | 鼓掌通过 approved by acclamation | 换届选举 election at expiration of office terms

general election:换届选举

(2004年第84号法律公告)"提名顾问委员会"(Nominations Advisory Committee) 指根据>(第541章,附属法例C)委出的委员会; (1999年第115号法律公告)"换届选举"(general election) 具有>(第542章)第3(1)条给予该词的涵

environmental greening:环境绿化

换届选举election at expiration of office terms | 环境绿化environmental greening | 环境污染environmental pollution

multiple nominees list:多名获提名人名单

"地方选区点票站"(GC counting station) 指根据第28(9)(a)(i)条就换届选举指定的供进行点算一个地方"多名候选人名单"(multiple candidates list) 指有多於一名候选人的候选人名单;"多名获提名人名单"(multiple nominees list) 指有多於一名获提名人的提名名单;

Im on a diet:我在节食. ,你这懒虫

73. help yourself. 别律协换届. | 74. im on a diet. 我在节食. ,你这懒虫! | b: its still early. 时间还早呢.

Returning Officer:选举主任

并包括获委任在审裁官缺勤"选民"(elector) 指-"选区或选举界别"(constituency) 指―"选举"(election) 指在换届选举 选出议员的选举或选出议员的补选; (由2001年第21号第62条修订)"选举主任"(Returning Officer) 指根据第78条担任选举主任的 ,

Nominations Committee:提名委员会

2007年新春伊始,社省委常委、中大南校区支社主委周永章教授收到国际数学地质协会(IAMG)主席Agterberg教授的来函,祝贺周永章教授当选为该协会2008-2012年换届提名委员会(Nominations Committee)委员.

environment-friendly battery:环保电池

坏帐bad account | 环保电池environment-friendly battery; | 换届change personnel upon completion of a term of office