英语人>词典>汉英 : 挑剔 的英文翻译,例句
挑剔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
carp  ·  cavil  ·  fault  ·  faultfinding  ·  nagging  ·  quarrel  ·  pettifog  ·  caviling  ·  quarreled  ·  quarreling  ·  carped  ·  carps  ·  caviled  ·  cavilled  ·  cavils  ·  faults  ·  pettifogged  ·  pettifogs  ·  quarrelled  ·  quarrelling  ·  quarrels

find fault · find fault with · pick and choose · be hypercritical · be fastidious · carp at · cavil at
更多网络例句与挑剔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the works of TANG Xiao, we can find somewhat cunning wisdom. Though it seems he belongs to the cold abstractionism, he does not have the objective spirit.


Like a caterpillar that the "monster Harbor," is very critical to the growth environment has a distinctive "aestivation","hibernate" feature.


To be doubtful of to be confident of to be critical of to be desirous of 意群提示 Back This group of young people, desirous of desirous of fame and wealth / take every fame and wealth, took every occasion to occasion / demonstrate oneself demonstrate themselves.

one's road 新视野-短语应用导入预习课文写作 Back 怀疑:怀疑这群年轻人渴望成名确信:确信与财富,与财富,所以抓住每不满,对不满,挑剔不满挑剔:次机会展示自己。次机会展示自己。

One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder.


I am only nitpicking here, but when there are no faults to be found, one has to nitpick!


The policy seemed absurdly『不合理的;无稽的』pernickety『爱挑剔的』, yet it worked: in a better environment, people's behavior improved, and crime dropped.


Caviling pettifoggers and quiggling pleaders-Edmund Burke; her nagging and carping attack; thought her editor unnecessarily nitpicking; a pettifogging lawyer's mind; had no patience with quibbling critics.


Double star tests, while interesting to mention in reviews, are not quite as useful for judging the contrast and quality of optics, since things like secondary obstruction and residual spherical aberration often don't impact the view of double stars as much as they do high power planetary detail.


Caviling pettifoggers and quiggling pleaders-Edmund Burke; her nagging and carping attack; thought her editor unnecessarily nitpicking; a pettifogging lawyer's mind; had no patience with quibbling critics.


Evolutionary psychologists have long believed that women are choosier about men than men are about women.


更多网络解释与挑剔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A carper will cavil at anything:爱挑剔的人对什么都挑剔

A carpenter is known by his chips. 什么样的木匠干什么样的活. | A carper will cavil at anything. 爱挑剔的人对什么都挑剔. | A case well-stated is half-tried. 充分陈述的案件能省去一半的审问.

cavil about:挑剔

cavicorn 有空心角的 | cavil about 挑剔 | cavil at 挑剔

cavil at:挑剔

cavil about 挑剔 | cavil at 挑剔 | cavil 挑剔

cavil at:挑剔, 吹毛求疵

cavil about | 挑剔, 吹毛求疵 | cavil at | 挑剔, 吹毛求疵 | cavil | 挑剔, 找错

cynical a.1:愤世嫉俗的,不信世间有真诚善意的,怀疑的,悲观的 2.挑剔挖苦的

insatiable: a.无法满足的,贪得无厌的 | cynical: a.1.愤世嫉俗的,不信世间有真诚善意的,怀疑的,悲观的 2.挑剔挖苦的 | finicky: a.(吃,穿)过分讲究的,爱挑剔的,难讨好的


faultfinder 喜欢挑剔的人 | faultfinding 喜欢挑剔的 | faultfinding 找岔子


nagging 责备挑剔 | nagging 责备挑剔的 | nagilactone 竹柏内酯


nagg 不断地唠叨恼人 | nagging 责备挑剔 | nagging 责备挑剔

particular about:对...(过分)讲究,挑剔

④ particular adj. 特定的,特别的,显著的,很挑剔的,详细的,精密的 | particular about 对...(过分)讲究,挑剔 | particulars n. 详细的事物


挑剔的女人randy | 挑剔的人precisian | 挑衅provokeaggress