英语人>词典>汉英 : 指标 的英文翻译,例句
指标 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
guideline  ·  index  ·  indicatrix  ·  indices  ·  indexes  ·  indicators  ·  quotas

index arm
更多网络例句与指标相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main work and the originality points of this dissertation could be concluded as the following parts:(1) To analyze systematically the mathematical model of LES of air flow in great space, under the case of isothermal and non-isothermal, as well as the combined action of buoyancy and strain. Some basic problems are studied about the LES application into airflow simulation of great space, such as boundary conditions, spatial difference scheme and time advancing scheme, time step etc., which creates the basis for the LES application to indoor airflow simulation.(2) Both the instantaneous and time averaged flow field of great space with multiple jets under isothermal and non-isothermal cases are explored with large eddy simulation method, and also discussed the dynamic characteristics and the law of fluidflow in the great space.(3) Based on the results of LES of the great space and the Fanger thermal comfort indexes, it is brought forward the concept of the series of dynamic thermal comfort evaluating indexes, which could be divided into thermal comfort index with time averaged properties PD, PPD, PMV, thermal comfort index with instantaneous properties IPD, IPPD, IPMV, and time averaged thermal comfort indexes TAPD, TAPPD, TAPMV, and transient situations time averaged thermal comfort indexes TTAPD, TTAPPD, TTAPMV. The differences among them and the calculation methods are discussed, and the four kinds of indexes are calculated with the thermal comfort index PD as an example.(4) Based on the LES results it is discussed the hot air stratification phenomena in air-conditioned buildings in the case with air supply and return registers on the ceiling and the case on the sidewall. The fundamentals of the hot air stratification are studied and the relations of estimating hot air stratification are brought forward.(5) With the advanced apparatus such as hot wire film anemometer IFA300 and laser particle field anemoscope, corresponding model test and site measurements have been done, which are compared with the simulation results and LES is proved a very promising method in air flow simulation indoor.


First of all, confirm the overall evaluating indicators and the base indicators of public transport network in Chinese large cities through repetitive comparison, discussion and consultation to relevant experts; among the base indicators in the overall evaluating indicators, composite the basic probability assignment of evaluation indicators with Dempster-Shafer Theory composition rule upon different experts' experiences and preferences of the expert group, and amalgamate the evaluations of different experts to further obtain the evaluation value of base indicators.


According to the principle for selecting indicators, there are four steps to set up indicator system. Firstly, choosing a mass of indicators. Secondly, analyzing and excluding some indicators. Thirdly, expert epagoge. Finally, confirming the final indicators. The indicator system emphasizes social economy, land use, the degree of investment and management.


An index system was set up in this paper,including six eco-hydrological characteristic indexes,that is,long-term variables,high-flow variables,low-flow variables,moving-average variables,variables related to the rise and fall of the hydrograph and mo...


37 SAC-36 Icterus index 01363 黄疸指标 Definition: This field is the index identifier that is being used to describe the Icterus Index of the specimen.


35 SAC-34 Lipemia index 01361 血脂指标 Definition: This field is the index identifier that is being used to describe the Lipemia Index of the specimen.

定义: 这一字段说明了用于描述标本血脂指标指标标示符。

To the problem that the isotropy and the technological efficiency of the parallel kinematic machine based on Stewart platform are not satisfactory, a novel architecture of 6-DOF 3-dimensional platform parallel kinematic machine (6-DOF 3-D PPKM) based on the 2-2-2-SPS 3-D PPR is presented. The technological efficiency of design of the parallel kinematic machine is analyzed. Its workspace and the effect of design parameters to the workspace volume are studied. By using the submatrices of Jacobian matrix and force Jacobian matrix, the kinematics/mechanics transmission isotropic indices, kinematics transmission indices, load-bearing capacity indices at any configuration of the parallel kinematic machine are proposed, respectively.


Based on the example of shahe reservoir, the text makes an analysis on circulation, management and environment and social economy development condition of the surrounding ecosystem. Then, the author carries on inquisition, data analysis and summary and makes calculation and demonstration of the safe stability of the dam ,and discusses the risking obviation and reinforcing technique. Finally, based on the existing research of sustainable development, experts" opinions and Mathematical Statistics analysis, the author brought forward an indication system suitable for reservoirs" sustainable development This system is made up of 4 first class indexes, 13 second class indexes, 38 foundational indexes. The 4 first class indexes are the dam safety evaluating index, the management index of reservoirs, the water ecosystem system stability index, the reservoirs construction effect index. The 13 second class indexes are the construction quality evaluating index, the dam running and management evaluating index, the flood control standard recheck index, the structure safety evaluating index, the anti- earthquake evaluating index, seepage safety evaluation index sign, the metal structure safety evaluating index, the engineering facility index, the management index, the water ecosystem system stability index, engineering effect index, the economic development index, the society development index.


Univariate indices are not adequate for assessing the capability of processes with multiple characteristics. Among all developed multivariate process capabilities, index has the most accurate estimation of Cpm. takes into account both the ratio of the tolerance region to the process region and the probability of nonconforming product. However, the exact probability distribution of is too complicated to be derived. Consequently, the related hypothesis testing and confidence interval cannot be developed.


Sensatory indexes, physicochemistry indexes, hygeian indexes, safty indexes, nutrition indexes, quality control indexes, efficacy indexes and other specific indexes have made up the quality standards of health wine.


更多网络解释与指标相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


绝对广量指标(ABI)原理:上涨家数减去下跌家数的绝对值. 本指标由Norman G.Fosback所创,并且发表在>一书中,属于大势型的动量指标. 本指标不以价格趋势为目标,主要的设计目的,是为了侦测市场潜在的活跃度.


(EMV)揭秘16.4 当日均数指标(EXPMA)揭秘16.5 动力指标(MTM)揭秘16.6 变动速率(ROC)揭秘16.7 三重线指标(TRIX)揭秘16.8 宝塔线(TWR)揭秘16.10 成交量加权指标(WVAD)揭秘16.11 均线差指标(DMA)揭秘16.12 趋向指标(DMI)揭秘


阳烛 大阴烛 综合实例分析第二部分 辅助指标 辅助指标功能 移动平均线 单一平均线 综合平均线 移动平均线通道 保历加通道 相对强弱指数(RSI) 随机指数(STC) 移动平均线汇聚背驰指标(MACD) 动向指标(DMI) 成交量平衡指数(

index error of vertical circle:垂直度盘指标差(指标差,竖盘指标差)

垂直度 perpendicularity | 垂直度盘指标差(指标差,竖盘指标差) index error of vertical circle | 垂直升船机 vertical ship lift


平均线的期数选择 用一条移动平均线进行交易 利用双均线进行交易第3章 运用震荡指标 震荡指标 震荡指标的意义 震荡指标的一般交易规则 超买与超卖 背离 移动平均收敛发散指标(MACD) 随机指标(KD)第4章 提高胜算--三重滤

lagging indicator:落后指标

指标称之「驱动因素」以显示落后指标(lagging indicator)可否如期达成之讯号. 企业定义出相关的绩效衡量指标(KPI)的项目后,内部各相关单位的成员就必须思考如何去运用资源来达成这些绩效指标. 由于这些指标的呈现通常需要等营运周期结束,

lagging indicator:滞后经济指标,落后指标,拉后指标

lagging half axle 横半轴 | lagging indicator 滞后经济指标,落后指标,拉后指标 | lagging jack 拱架,拱鹰架


例如,相对 强弱指标(RSI)、随机指标(KD)、趋向指标(DMI)、平滑异同移动平均线(MACD)、能量潮(OBV)、心理线(PSY)、乖离率(BIAS)等. 这些都是很著名的技术指标,在证券市场应用中长盛不衰. 而且,随着时间的推移,新的技术指标还在不断涌 现.


5.1.1 移动平均线(MA)和指数平滑移动平均线(MACD)5.1.2 动向指数(DMI)和均线差指标(DMA)5.1.5 相对强弱指标(RSI)和威廉指标(WR)5.1.6 振荡量指标(OSC)与地量指标

pointer trails:指针轨迹 指标轨迹

pointer to member 成员指标 成员指标 | pointer trails 指针轨迹 指标轨迹 | pointer type 指标类型 指标类型