英语人>词典>汉英 : 指标的 的英文翻译,例句
指标的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与指标的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research of this paper is began with the analysis the geographic spatial character of the UPTN, and designs the UPTN data mode based on GIS. Then, based on the good exhibiting all kinds of topology of the UPTN, and combined with the technology evaluation standards of the UPTN, this paper builds the UPTN planning mathematic model, and puts forward the quantitative calculation of the UPTN evaluation standards based on GIS; brings forward the arithmetic of the optimal path of the UPTN based on the public traffic network storage structure; designs the bus lines grouping management model, and realizes the contradistinctive evaluation of the UPTN planning projects based on GIS.


First, the contributing degree of indices and their mean can be solved by means of the theory of contribution degree; secondly, the deviation of weights from the mean of these weights is determined according to the deviation of contributing degree of indices from the mean of contributing degree. Based on this, the formula of solving weights can be derived.


Article 47 Where a unit or individual, in violation of the provisions of Article 26 of this Law, fails to clearly indicate the norm for energy consumption in its or his product specifications or labels, the administrative department for supervision over product quality of the people's government at or above the county level shall order that it or he make amends within a time limit and may impose a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan.


The contributions of this dissertation are as follows.(1) It firstly applies the fife cycle theory to make typology and research for Chinese market system;(2) It finds the "Six curves constitute the throat" phenomena of Chinese household consumption structure macro-indicator, and thus contribute to structural theory literature;(3) It explanatorily forecasts Chinese household consumption trend by firstly using worst orbit forecasting method of reverse thinking;(4) It firstly proposes the concept of "educational urbanization development", and thus provide new angle to research urbanization in China;(5) It firstly proposes the hypothesis of "Deceleration Effect" of credit consumption on gini coefficient, i.e., income gaps can be filled by credit consumption.


This paper reports on manufacture of industrial gas hydrogen chloride and the fundament of the production and the technical specifications,et


K Line horizon indicators of the direction of the crossing is clearly specified in the shares will accelerate the movement direction.


The first term of performance indices shows that the water surface fluctuation is small during control process, and construction cost is minor; the second term of performance indices shows that the changes of gate opening are small, and the energy consumption is minor.


The behavior of the individual social insect evolved with reference to what it contributes to the community, whereas the genetic fitness of a human being depends on how well it can individually use the society.


The behavior of the inSPANidual social insect evolved with reference to what it conSPANibutes to the community, whereas the genetic fitness of a human being depends on how well it can inSPANidually use the society.


We also cannot turn custom arrays into indicator ones in the initialization block!


更多网络解释与指标的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


三 代位求偿权与委付制度之比较 委付(abandonment),是指在发生保险事故,造成保险标的推定全损时,被保险人明确表示将保险标的的一切权利移转给保险人,而请求保险人赔偿全部保险金额的法律行为.

financial futures:期货

作品简介:勒口: 金融期货(Financial Futures)指以金融工具为标的物的期货合约. 金融期货作为期货交易中的一种,具有期货交易的一般特点,但与商品期货相比较,其合约标的物不是实物商品,而是传统的金融商品,如证券;货币、汇率,利率等. 封底: 所谓金

financial futures:融期货

勒口: 金融期货(Financial Futures)指以金融工具为标的物的期货合约. 金融期货作为期货交易中的一种,具有期货交易的一般特点,但与商品期货相比较,其合约标的物不是实物商品,而是传统的金融商品,如证券;货币、汇率,利率等. 封底: 所谓金

Call option:认购期权

认购期权(call option)又称看涨期权,是指给予持有人在约定时间内以约定价格买入某一标的资产的权利. 如果看涨期权的持有人选择行使权利,卖方有义务向其出售标的资产.

particular average:单独海损

单独海损(Particular Average) 是指保险标的物在海上遭受承保范围内的风险所造成的部分灭失或损害,即指除共同海损以外的部分损失. 这种损失只能由标的物所有人单独负担. 与共同海损相比较,单独海损的特点是:

pirated CD:指的是"盗版光碟","ring tone"则为"手机铃音

"彩信""multimedia message". | "pirated CD"指的是"盗版光碟","ring tone"则为"手机铃音". | 标的物 Subject matter

subject-matter insured:保险标的

保险标的(Subject Matter Insured)是指保险人与被保险人在海上保险合同中约定给予保险的财产、责任或利益. 保险标的的范围很广,主要有船舶、货物以及其它与航海有关的财产和利益. 保险价值(Insured Value)是指保险责任开始时保险标的实际价值和保险费的总和.



Can the primary metric be manipulated? How does it drive the right behavior:以前是怎样测量成败的指标的

Does everyone describe what will be measured in th... | Can the primary metric be manipulated? How does it drive the right behavior? 以前是怎样测量成败的指标的? | What can go worse as a result of the p...

actual total loss:实际全损

(1)实际全损(Actual Total Loss),也称绝对全损(Absolute Total Loss). 是指保险标的发生保险事故后灭失,或者受到严重损坏完全失去原有形体、效用,或者不能再归被保险人所有. 构成实际全损一般有以下几种情况: ①保险标的灭失. 例如保险货物被大火焚烧,