英语人>词典>汉英 : 拭 的英文翻译,例句
拭 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
mop  ·  mops  ·  mopped  ·  mopping

更多网络例句与拭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Excellent scrape ability This kind of brusher is very perfect in getting rid of raindrops.


Methods: The author chose randomly sixty healthy children as the control group and one hundred and sixty children with asthma in acute period before ICS therapy as the experimental group. The experimental group were treated with ICS therapy and then eighty-nine children of this group were followed up for 3 months ,sixty-eight for 6 months and sixty for 12 months. The ICS in the study was budesonide with the trade name as Pulmicort. We adopted swab from the pharynges respectively, inoculated it in agar plate, isolated the bacteria, and evaluated the distribution and variation of the microbial population in pharyngeal portion.


Sims and Saleh performed pin site care daily beginning 48 hours after the operation. In their study, they applied Orthox monolateral xators (Orthox Srl, Bussolengo–Verona, Italy)(58.4%), circular xators (19.7%), and the Shefeld Hybrid System (21.9%). Massage was used to release skin adhered to the pin. A cotton swab with normal saline or cooled boiled water was used to clean the pin site. Another cotton swab was then used to dry the pin site. Dressings were only applied if there was any exudate. Bathing with the leg submerged in water was discouraged. They found that 29% of the xators had noinfection (grade 0) according to the grading system of Saleh and Scott (Table 5). The remaining 71% of xators had an infection of one or more different grades. There were no grade 6 infections. They concluded that xators located on the femurhad the highest infection rate and that incidence of infection was 2.5 times greater for femoral xators in which corrections were performed (62.3%) than in those without corrections (24.5%). These observations, however, were based on half-pin care. We did not use half-pins or Schanz screws in any of our treatment groups.

Sims and Saleh在手术后48小时开始进行没人针孔护理,在他们的研究中,他们应用Orthox单臂外固定架(Orthox Srl, Bussolengo–Verona, Italy)(58.4%),环形外固定架(19.7%),Shefeld组合式外固定架(21.9%),按摩放松附着于钢针上的皮肤,蘸有生理盐水或凉开水的棉子用于清理针孔,另外一个棉子用于蘸干针孔,只有局部出现渗出是才应用敷料,阻止患者进行将带有外固定架的肢体浸入水中的洗浴方式,他们按照Saleh and Scott的标准发现29%的外固定架没有感染(0级),剩余71%外固定架有1个或者多个级别的感染,他们没有6级感染,他们得出结论:位于股骨的外固定架有最高的感染几率,而且实施矫形患者的感染发生率(62.3%)是不进行矫形患者感染发生率(24.5%)的2.5倍,但是,这些观察是基于半钉护理,在我们的任何一个治疗组中都没有应用半钉和Schanz螺钉。

And then clean hands, polyester, and swab, and heads of the mouth gently with Sclerotium拭擦tea lights.


Seattle still likes to cry, especially this deep in night. Windshield wiper can wipe away the raindrops on the windshield, then what should I use to wipe the teardrops on my face?


This deep in night. Windshield wiper can wipe away the raindrops on thewindshield, then what should I use to wipe the teardrops on my face?


Pathogen detection was performed, including hemoculture, urine culture, sputum culture, nose swabs culture, throat swab culture, checking clinically important cytomegalovirus, EB-DNA and mycoplasma in blood, acid-fast bacilli and eumycete culture in sputum.


Objective To compare the superiority of different collection methods for pharynx nasalis secretion by throat swab and nasal catheter.

目的 比较咽部分泌物咽子取材和负压吸引奔导管取材的优越性。方法采用咽子和负压吸引鼻导管两种方法取咽部分泌物,分别用GICA法、免疫荧光法检测30例急性呼吸道感染患者的咽部分泌物中的流感抗原。

Results Among 15 species of wild animals in Guangxi,the SARS-CoV Ab positive rate are 22.2% for birds,20.0% for reptiles,and 0% in mammals,respectively; no SARS RNA was detected from pharynx and swabs samples of 99 domesticated Paguma larvata.

结果 15种野生动物中鸟类及爬行类动物血清的SARS冠状病毒抗体阳性率分别为22.2%和20.0%,哺乳类动物SARS冠状病毒抗体阳性率为0,人工养殖的果子狸咽子及肛子标本未检出SARS冠状病毒核酸。

Methods Lesions were collected after Shicheng cheek or to squeeze out exudate,cotton swab from exudate as PCR Treponema pallidum specimens,or cotton swab stick into the male urethra 2-3 cm,a female cervica l-1.5 cm as PCR based STD pathogens other specimens while admission serum samples detected as RPR.

分别采集患者皮损净后轻刮或挤压至出渗液,用棉子取渗液作为PCR检测梅毒螺旋体标本,或棉子扦入男性尿道2~3 cm,女性宫颈管1~1.5 cm处取材作为PCR检测其他性病病原体标本,同时取患者血清作为RPR检测标本。

更多网络解释与拭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anal swab:肛门拭子法

(五) 肛门子法(anal swab) 适用于检查肛周产卵的蛲虫或常可在肛门附近发现的带绦虫卵. 2.透明胶纸法(cellophane tape) 用长约6cm,宽约2cm的透明胶纸有胶面,粘贴肛门周围的皮肤,然后将有胶的一面平贴在玻片上,镜检.

anal swab:肛门拭子

anal sphincteroscope 肛门扩约肌镜 | anal swab 肛门子 | analyse 分析,研究

Baby, some tears never dry:宝贝 拭不尽的泪水

I don't want to have to cry cause I know if we're losing 我不想哭泣 因为我知道... | Baby some tears never dry 宝贝 不尽的泪水 | Now what happened to our movie nights? 现在我们的电影之夜怎么了?(movie ...

Baby, some tears never dry:宝贝 拭不尽的泪水(直译:有的眼泪永远不会干;也就是很伤心,哭泣着)

baby some tears never dry宝贝 不尽的泪水(直译:有的眼泪永远不会干;也就是很伤心,哭泣着) | I used to think that we could work it out 我过去常常认... | I used to think that if we had some problems 我以前...


bellicose "把你口撕"-----好战的 | burnish "把你"-----檫亮 | chrysanthemum "库里鲜花满"-----菊花

roughly in his calloused hands:在他起茧的手上摸拭

"Taking the corncockle buds and bee-kissed roses|麦仙翁花枝和蜜... | "roughly in his calloused hands,|在他起茧的手上摸 | "his hot, moist tulip exploded in her river of delights..."|他灼热,湿润的郁金香...

cellophane swab:透明纸拭子,玻璃纸拭子

cellophane paper 玻璃纸,透明纸 | cellophane swab 透明纸子,玻璃纸子 | cellosilk 纤维丝

erasing head:拭除头;消磁磁头

erase, block 区段式除 | erasing head 除头;消磁磁头 | erbium-doped optical fiber amplifier 掺铒光纤放大器

Wipe my broody face:涂拭我谦是血污的脸

Dry my tears 坤泪火 | Wipe my broody face 涂我谦是血污的脸 | I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙中感想我的存在

swab stick:拭子条

swab 子 | swab stick 子条 | swage 铁模