英语人>词典>汉英 : 拭目以待 的英文翻译,例句
拭目以待 的英文翻译、例句


rub one's eyes and wait · adopt a wait-and-see attitude · be waiting to see
更多网络例句与拭目以待相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But I will dash into the great venture with all that pride and spirit an ancient race has given me … Education, the belief in literature as a vehicle for moral improvement, boredom and the knowledge that a ready audience was waiting in Blighty just a letter away, all combined to ensure that the written word was not the preserve of an upper-class officer corps, but embraced by men of all ranks.


Whether they will like Mr Bondy's English "Sweet Nothings" as well as the audience at the Young Vic remains to be seen.

他们是否会像Young Vic剧院的观众一样喜欢Bondy的英语剧"Sweet Nothings",我们拭目以待

We shall see what your bountiful heart will bring forth.


Is Brumby's Government more efficient than Bracks' Government? Or is this an opportunity for Liberal Party to steal power? We do not have answers at the moment.


For a budding company that has innovative products, we are hopeful of its future and eager to find out.


Her authority in this new group was brittle and, like the fear of a bugbear by all of the young bees, all of the worker bees were watching to see if she would lead well.


Caracal plans to release their debut album in May 2010, let's look forward to it


Caracal plans to release their debut album in May 2010, let's look forward to it!


I imagine that Caron could get on the court and test himself Sunday and then see what's up for Monday's game but we'll see.


A telescoping wand with a camera mounted at one end, the Quick Pod adds about 18in to your reach and carries a diminutive curved mirror showing you roughly what the camera will see.


更多网络解释与拭目以待相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在市选的最后关头,"贷款案"铸成的"大错"(blunder),显然超过了罗品信所遭遇的"逃票案",使选举出现戏剧性转折,罗品信成为冬奥会的市长. 这是否是一个正确的选择?人们有必要拭目以待. 投书英文报章的斯帕格勒尔(Tim Spangler)认为,

Josh Smith foxhound:小鹰王掉到这里很赚啊

11. Rashard Lewis at.fiend 有人说他今年会飚. 拭目以待吧 | 12. Josh Smith foxhound 小鹰王掉到这里很赚啊~~~~~ | 13. Jason Richardson Stevie Franc...在山猫,他才是数据王者

Freaky Flyers:捍卫战士

>(Freaky Flyers)将会推出PS2,Xbox和GC三种版本,它的发行时间是2003年8月. ,玩家不妨就拭目以待吧.


冈政伟说:"海顿(Hayden)与她地室友接吻了,接着就没有下文了. 我地意思是,是浪漫关系吗?还是一般地朋友关系?或者仅仅是一次意外之吻?大家拭目以待吧. "(龙龙/文)

to flee ignominiously:抱头鼠蹿

德才兼备to have both talent and virtue. | 抱头鼠蹿to flee ignominiously. | 拭目以待to wipe the eyes and take a good look at what is going to happen.


我们只能拭目以待,希望北京在面对一些非常敏感的事务时,在保证北京人民和参赛运动员的健康和安全的前提下,明智地(judiciously)、耐心地和用最大可能的灵活度处理,"中国问题观察家柯白(Robert Kapp)对>周刊说.

make a strong argument for change:提出充足的理由要求改变

brick-and-mortar tranditional mordel 传统模式 | make a strong argument for change 提出充足的理由要求改变 | whether...remains to be seen 情况究竟会怎样,我们拭目以待


游泳的第一个决赛神童就以打破世界记录的成绩获得男子400 米个人混合泳(Medley)的金牌. 全世界都在拭目以待他能不能创造八金的奇迹. 另外还有一个有趣的传说,一名死囚看见从前的恋人在桥的另一端与新欢亲热,不禁深深叹息,

Phoenix Suns:凤凰城太阳队

图中所示这双Nike Air Force 1 low低帮战鞋堪称简约冼练的典范之作,其鞋面整体系以白色漆皮打造,在外底、鞋舌和鞋根标签上还点缀了电绿色. 不知这双新品与前述所言"凤凰城太阳队"(Phoenix Suns)配色版相比,哪一双更能赢尽天下女性鞋迷的欢心,且让我们拭目以待.

It remains to be seen whether his project will fly:他的计划能否成功尚需拭目以待

to be successful 成功 V Ameriacan English | It remains to be seen whether his project will fly. 他的計劃能否成功尚需拭目以待. | to hit a ball high into the air 擊(球)騰空 VN