英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽搐 的英文翻译,例句
抽搐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
convulsions  ·  twitch  ·  clonism  ·  twitched  ·  twitches  ·  spasms  ·  hyperspasmia

clonic convulsion
更多网络例句与抽搐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods:47 patients divided into convulsive group and non-convulsive group.


Results Wenshen Kechuan Tablets could significantly prolong the cough latent period and cough times within 3 min and increase phenol red secretion from trachea in cough model induced by ammonia water. Wenshen Kechuan Tablets could significantly prolong the asthma latent period and relieve spasm in guinea pigs with histamine-acetylcholine-induced asthma, prolong spasm latent period and reduce shock attack and lung overfall volume in guinea pigs with ovalbumin-induced asthma.

结果 温肾咳喘片可显著延长氨水致咳小鼠的引咳潜伏期、减少3 min内的咳嗽次数,增加小鼠气管段酚红排泌量,明显延长组胺-乙酰胆碱致敏豚鼠的引喘潜伏期、减少抽搐动物数,延长卵白蛋白致喘豚鼠抽搐潜伏期和减少跌倒休克豚鼠数,减少卵白蛋白致敏麻醉大鼠的肺溢流量。

We have two basic types of muscle fibers, slow twitch and fast twitch.


objective to explore the reasonable utilization of cephalosporins in chronic renal failure patients with cephalosporin encephalopathy.method we retrospectively analyzed the clinical characteristics of 29 crf patients,who developed encephalopathic syndrome and was treated with cephalosporin.results the encepha1opathic syndrome include (1)mental confusion in 4 cases;(2)unconsciousness in 2 cases;(3)seizure in 23 cases.physical examination did not show signs of cerebral focal injury.computed tomography of the brain in 29 patients did not show acute lesions.the state of neurotoxicity was completely recovered after discontinuation of cephalosporins.conclusion cephalosporins used in conventional doses or reduced doses can cause temporary encephalopathy in patients with crfwhich might due to prolongation of drug half life.

目的 通过研究慢性肾功能衰竭患者抗生素脑病的发病机制和临床特点,探讨头孢菌素在crf患者中的合理应用。方法 29例crf患者在使用常规剂量或减量使用头孢菌素后出现神经精神症状,诊断为抗生素脑病,将其临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果神经精神症状表现多样:(1)精神异常4例,表现为胡言乱语、烦躁不安、睡眠倒错;(2)意识障碍2例,表现为嗜睡、昏睡、神志不清;(3)癫痫样抽搐23例,表现为肌阵挛、全身抽搐、癫痫样发作;部分患者同时出现几组症状。所有患者均无神经系统定位体征,行颅脑ct检查无急性病变。

Succinylcholine-inducedneuromuscular block had the following characteristics: 1 twitchaugmentation before twitch depression, which was seen more frequentlyin patients given smaller doses (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg) than inthose given larger doses (0.5–1.0 mg/kg); 2 TOF fadeduring onset and recovery of the block; 3 tetanic fade; and4 and posttetanic potentiation.

琥珀胆碱诱导的神经肌肉阻滞具有以下特点:1)抽搐增强先于抽搐抑制,小剂量(0.1~0.3mg/kg )比大剂量(0.5~1.0mg/kg )更明显;2) TOF 衰减贯穿于阻滞的开始和恢复;3)强直衰减;4)强直后易化。

And experts stre the most important thing for parents of children with tics to keep in mind is the impact on the child's life.


The body is trying to fight off a disease that is spreading, and as it does so, the body convulses, settles for a time and then convulses again.


Objective To explore the effects of propofol and thiopental sodium injection on convulsive seizure in electro-convulsive therapy and to provide evidence to help the selection of intravenous anaesthetics in improved ECT.

目的 探讨丙泊酚与硫喷妥钠对电抽搐治疗时抽搐发作影响特点的差异性,为改良式电抽搐疗法中静脉用麻醉药物的选择提供依据。

And for tics to indicate Tourette's syndrome, both vocal tics (eg, grunting, beeping, throat-clearing) and motor tics (eg, shoulder popping, eye rolling, blinking) must co-exist for longer than a year.


And for tics to indicate Tourette's syndrome, both vocal tics (eg, grunting, beeping, throat-clearing) and motor tics (eg, shoulder po ing, eye rolling, blinking) must co-exist for longer than a year.


更多网络解释与抽搐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

habit chorea:抽搐

habit 习惯 | habit chorea 抽搐 | habit spasm 抽搐

convulsionary:震动的, 抽搐的

convulsion | 震撼, 动乱, 震动, 惊厥, 痉挛 | convulsionary | 震动的, 抽搐的 | convulsions | 抽搐, 哄堂大笑, 社会动乱

tetany, grass:青草抽搐

强直性痉挛,抽搐 tetany | 青草抽搐 tetany,grass | 低血镁性抽搐 tetany,hypomagnesaemic


背部肌肉抽搐(spasm)會引起腰部和大腿酸麻疼痛. 当背部肌肉抽搐时,肌肉会释放出如组织胺(hastimine)等刺激物,继而刺激到肌肉的神经,便造成有肌肉酸痛的感觉,此外,背部肌肉抽搐很多时亦会引起肌组织的肿胀,引起腰部和大腿酸麻疼痛.

spasm:痉挛 抽搐

seizure 癫痫(指发作,抽搐) | spasm 痉挛 抽搐 | coma 昏迷

tetany, lactation:泌乳抽搐

低血镁性抽搐 tetany,hypomagnesaemic | 泌乳抽搐 tetany,lactation | 系绳,系链(拴牲畜用) tether


第二十五节 抽搐与惊厥 抽搐(tic)与惊厥(convulsion)均属于不随意运动. 抽搐是指全身或局部成群骨骼 肌非自主的抽动或强烈收缩,常可引起关节运动和强直. 当肌群收缩表现为强直性和阵挛 性时,称为惊厥.


'Look! She's a twitcher!'|"看!她还在抽搐!" | Twitcher!|抽搐! | Now, that is one cool motherfucker.|那家伙现在倒是粉酷

Look! She's a twitcher:看!她还在抽搐

'Danny! Put another round in that woman!|"丹尼!给那女的补一发!" | 'Look! She's a twitcher!'|"看!她还在抽搐!" | Twitcher!|抽搐!

habit spasm:抽搐

habit chorea 抽搐 | habit spasm 抽搐 | habitual dislocation 习惯性脱位