英语人>词典>汉英 : 肌肉抽搐 的英文翻译,例句
肌肉抽搐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
jerk  ·  jerked

更多网络例句与肌肉抽搐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The woman developed lightheadedness, dyspnoea, tongue numbness , muscle twitching and formication on the legs and back.


The symptoms of inebriation are characterized by muscle twitching, dizziness, visual distortions and altered auditory perception.

症状沉醉的特点是肌肉抽搐,头晕,视觉扭曲( macropsia和micropsia )和蚀变听觉感知。

Slips of the tongue, headaches, backache and other pains, dizziness, light-headedness, numbness, muscle twitches, jerks, cramps, and tremors all occur in totally healthy persons.


The guy sitting next to me saw my face twitch and asked me in Chinese,"You don't want to eat that?"


We have two basic types of muscle fibers, slow twitch and fast twitch.


Succinylcholine-inducedneuromuscular block had the following characteristics: 1 twitchaugmentation before twitch depression, which was seen more frequentlyin patients given smaller doses (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg) than inthose given larger doses (0.5–1.0 mg/kg); 2 TOF fadeduring onset and recovery of the block; 3 tetanic fade; and4 and posttetanic potentiation.

琥珀胆碱诱导的神经肌肉阻滞具有以下特点:1)抽搐增强先于抽搐抑制,小剂量(0.1~0.3mg/kg )比大剂量(0.5~1.0mg/kg )更明显;2) TOF 衰减贯穿于阻滞的开始和恢复;3)强直衰减;4)强直后易化。

Neo's actual body, in the chair on the Nebuchadnezzar, also manifests the effects of Agent Smith's punches: the flinches and jerks of Neo's body, and the blood that collects in his mouth, are the physical manifestations of his experiences as of being battered in the face in the Matrix.


The muscles, not spontaneously moved but moved by a low usurping wilfulness, grow tight about the outline of the face, and make the most disagreeable sensation; a sensation of rebuke and warning which no brave young man will suffer twice.


The muscles, not spontaneously moved but moved by a low usurping wilfulness, grow tight about the outline of the face, and make the most disagreeable sensation; a sensation of rebuke and warning which no brave young man will suffer twice.


Periodic arm and leg movements during sleep causing the muscles to twitch excessively is one underlying cause of this sleep disorder.


更多网络解释与肌肉抽搐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

astasia abasia:立行不能

住院后不久,他又出现了立行不能(astasia abasia)的症状,在站着的时候,躯干抽搐,如喝醉酒般手舞足蹈不成步履,连站都站不稳,更不用说行走了;不过在坐着或躺卧时,其肌肉的协调及紧张度却又都恢复正常.


早期临床症状和症候包括肌肉疼痛、发烧、头痛及疲劳且伴随著有麻痹无感觉(numbness)、感觉过敏(hyperesthesia)、感觉异常(paresthesia)、复视双重影像(diplopia)、共济失调(ataxia)、神智不清(confusion)、尿液潴留(urinary retention)、抽搐、全身痉挛(convulsions)、吞咽困难(dys

fasciculation:(肌肉 神经的)自发性收缩

Why is her leg twitching like that?|为什么她的腿像那样抽搐? | Fasciculation.|(肌肉 神经的)自发性收缩 | Is that serious?|严重么?

muscle fasciculation:肌肉顫抖

抽搐 Twitch | 肌肉顫抖 muscle fasciculation | 血鈣過低 hypocalcemia

Pickwickian syndrome:氏症候群

肌肉抽搐 muscle twitches | Pickwickian氏症候群 Pickwickian syndrome | 多频道睡眠记录仪 Polysomnograph


背部肌肉抽搐(spasm)會引起腰部和大腿酸麻疼痛. 当背部肌肉抽搐时,肌肉会释放出如组织胺(hastimine)等刺激物,继而刺激到肌肉的神经,便造成有肌肉酸痛的感觉,此外,背部肌肉抽搐很多时亦会引起肌组织的肿胀,引起腰部和大腿酸麻疼痛.


(三)破伤风(tetanus)破伤风患者受到外界刺激时,常发生全身强直性或阵挛性的抽搐,历时数秒钟. 意识清醒,在抽搐间歇肌肉并不松弛,扪诊仍可发现坚硬的强直状态,以咀嚼肌最为显著. 外伤病史、痉笑病容,角弓反张等均可提示破伤风的诊断.

muscle twitches:肌肉抽搐

如果使用后有以下症状显现:恶心、呕吐、腹泻、失禁、肌肉抽搐(muscle twitches)等现象,请停止服用或减少剂量,并且谘询医生. 请盖紧,保持储放处乾、冷和黑暗 地方. 注意事项:本品非医用品,无具医疗功效;乃日常生活保健食品.


肾上腺功能衰退使钠质大量流失,造成神经传输的不正常,会引起肌肉抽搐(spasms)和抽筋(twitches)(尤其是晚上或第一次醒来),以及心脏悸动(heart palpitations)等问题.

jazz up:使充满爵士音乐的情调;使活跃, 愉快; 使加速

and all that jazz 诸如此类的东西 | jazz up 使充满爵士音乐的情调;使活跃, 愉快; 使加速 | 447-jerk n.性情古怪的人, 急推, 猛拉, 肌肉抽搐, (生理)反射, 牛肉干